News From


January 29 2025

As I predicted, Trump will not deport “useful” illegals

Trump just signed the Laken Riley act which states that illegals that are thieves, murderers, – CRIMINALS – will be deported. That also means that the useful ones who can behave themselves will not be deported. Only enough will be deported to make camera food, which means, as I said before, that the total number of people deported and fired from the federal government put together, will not exceed 1/4th the total number of people who died from the Pfizer shot, or approximately 125,000

Let’s be real here. When there are 37.2 million Mexicans in the US who are still eligible to vote in Mexico, you can’t deport them all, it will crash the country. Much better to just get rid of the bad ones.

The Inspector General for the USDA was forcibly removed from office


Trump launches rapid response team to combat fake news in real time

Chinese robots once again beat Boston Dynamics

In This video they do a traditional chinese dance. Though physically (as far as jumping goes) Boston Dynamics is more impressive, these robots keep spinning cloths rotating, and catch them after throwing them. China is obviously a force to be reckoned with, one of the comments below the video says “China stole American tech that America does not have!”. Common core had it’s consequences. 

Gaza death toll likely more than 1.5 million

Here is how to know: Prior to Israeli actions, 3.2 million people lived there. Now Trump is proposing to clear out the entire Gaza strip and relocate 1.5 million people. 3.2 minus 1.5 is 1.7 that means 1.7 million died, since they were all contained and could not flee. You’ll never get the truth in the headlines, but a little math can reveal it easily.

I was worried the death toll might be that high but settled for 800,000 yesterday. But seriously, when you look at the aftermath, you know at least half are dead.

Trump did NOT order the NIH to take down PubMed

Trump’s order was for the NIH itself to not release any more reports or do any more studies until further notice. However, PubMed is for people outside the government to post medical studies and discoveries. The NIH embarked on a bit of malicious compliance and temporarily shut down PubMed but that did not last long, I am sure someone’s head rolled.

A little history, my report “Tainted Nightmare”, which outlined squalene’s horrific effects when used as an adjuvant in vaccines was posted to PubMed by several licensed doctors and PubMed is what everyone quoted and where it took off from, my web site did not exist for that yet and right off Pub Med it went viral.

That was long before the Corona scam. That was before the Fukushima report by a couple years also. It shut out google for the first 30 pages of search results but now, predictably, has been censored and is nowhere to be found.

“Flood the zone”

Something I did not know is that Bannon advised Trump to totally frustrate the left by issuing so many executive orders that they would have to do too much work to bring lawsuits against them all, and in frustration the left would give up. Trump is doing exactly that. So many executive orders that the left is going to run out of courts and lawyers to prosecute them, while more executive orders get penned and bury the left even more.

It is working.

FACT: MANY countries are deporting migrants now, it is not only Trump.

Something else is up. Poland — Japan – – – Germany – – – FRANCE – – – – Britain – – – – Australia – – – – Canada IT IS NOT TRUMP, if all of these countries are cracking down now, someone at the globalist level made the decision to. Why?

I find it interesting that Trump opened up Gitmo to illegals. Hopefully only the criminals will go there. If they escape Gitmo, then what? Cuba? Good reason to just stay in Gitmo.

Trump to selectively deport “ANTI SEMITES”.

Not kidding. Simply stating Israel completely wiped out Gaza will get you deported. Gee. I wonder why.

January 28 2025

Something sinister I noticed

If you want something to fail, don’t give it attention. In other words, when TikTok was facing imminent shutdown in the U.S. to get people to “move away from China”, the LAST THING you should do is promote a Chinese alternative – RedNote. The first thing the American media did was start mentioning Rednote, and that “everyone was going there.

Now that Trump has announced a massive AI program in the United states, the media is at it again, promoting and boosting a Chinese AI called DeepSeek. They are claiming it is vastly superior to OpenAI and that it’s the cat’s meow and it sends Santa Clause to your home once a week and the dog will suddenly learn LOTS of stupid pet tricks you can post and get attention for if you just use common sense and start using DeepSeek, from China, of course.

No mention of Elon Musk’s GROK AI, which stomps the living sh#t out of chat GPT also, just an announcement that DeepSeek crashed Nvidia.

Why would the MSM send people to Chinese AI and crash American companies? EASY ANSWER: Because ANYTHING, ANYTHING AT ALL is better to leftists than anything American, I’d bet that in reality China’s DeepSeek can’t hold a candle to GROK.

I have not used ANY AI platforms other than AI assisted TOGODA search, so I am not the one to ask about what is actually better. All I know is that a good friend has used GROK more than once on the phone with me for relatively complicated totally abstract stuff, and GROK has a perfect answer, complete with all instructions step by step, EVERY TIME. I know ChatGPT can’t be explicit the way GROK can be. But to the inexperienced, ChatGPT looks like the cat’s meow.

How much better is the Chinese alternative when put up against a real American AI such as GROK? I’d bet that’s a negative answer. OBVIOUS: The Leftist media would rather have China than Trump, so China it is, – better or not, here the promotion comes.

And on that note . . . .

RUMOR: 800,000 killed in Gaza over the fake hostage crisis

Yes, Hamas returned the girls well over a year after Israel started destroying Gaza and they all looked like they returned from a luxury retreat. So we know what really went on – “five swimming pools and a lake”, that’s what.

When I looked at what was going on in Gaza, I was galled by the 250,000 unofficial death toll and a little over 50,000 that Israel admitted to, because those numbers were far too low for what I was seeing. I did not report on it much because I was sticking to American issues mostly, but when I did mention the 250,000 number I called it suspiciously low. Now the rumor is, now that actual inspections are taking place, that it had to have been 800,000 dead.

How many actually died? I know for a fact Israel reduced the number of dead in Jenin by a factor of 1,000. Since Gaza had a lot more people and is totally obliterated Israel can’t get away with lying by more than a factor of let’s say 10 or so, perhaps a factor of 15 and I find the 800,000 dead number fairly realistic.

I’d go with 800,000 dead, an equal number severely injured or disabled, and a very low percentage unscathed. By unscathed, I don’t mean I think they kept their homes, “unscathed” in this case means perhaps a scar or two but they at least have two hands and two eyes.

Israel did the big dirty this time around, Like Jenin, Gaza will soon be an “Israeli settlement” built on “A land without people, for a people without land”.

Don’t be fooled by all the deportations, I just saw proof today that Trump is deporting literally no one.

What proof? Easy:


All Ice did is go to the jails, grab a few killers, car thieves and stick-em-ups and that ends their actual deportation activities. Trump is leaving the non criminal workers alone. If Trump went after the actual workers who are not criminals, the economy would crash. McDonalds would close. If you think Trump could actually deport people who have value as workers without crashing the country, WAKE UP, 37.2 MILLION MEXICANS? Not US citizens, the US has 37.2 MILLION MEXICANS THAT ARE STILL ELIGIBLE TO VOTE IN MEXICO. Deport that? AINT HAPPENEN.

Watch out, if there is an Ice raid near you ICE is after CRIMINALS. “shelter in place”.

I gotta say, some of the “window dressing” sure looks nice:

January 27 2025

Ok everybody, here is where we are at.

Trump just announced he wants to use a super AI to create custom MRNA vaxxes for everyone. So as I predicted, all the cute little tricks he’s been pulling lately that look good on paper, even implying directed energy weapons did LA, the whole package – ALL THE CUTE TRICKS ARE JUST A SPOON FULL OF SUGAR TO MAKE THE MEDICINE GO DOWN.

What medicine? Why, your own customized just for you MRNA shot.

The AI BASED MRNA SHOT GOT CENSORED. All the links were dead and I searched for a half hour to find THIS LINK that did not end in a dead page. I screen capped a google search result that had enough data that went to a dead link also which I’ll post if this link goes dead. Clearly this caused such an uproar that the “elite” pulled back. No, Trump can’t sell me that!!!

Ok, since I know my readers don’t need a lecture on the MRNA topic, let me skip to another. I for some reason have not been able to google it for whatever reason for at least the last 5 years, (the covid vax probably triggered censorship) but it is in either the Koran, the Mormon scriptures or the New Testament – in one of those there is a reference to this time we are in where mankind gets the power to corrupt the fabric of life itself, and God had to fix it all. Quite literally, God had to restore all life from backup copies of the DNA (though the scriptures don’t say it that way, that’s just techie thinking). Anyway,

WE ARE THERE. It is in prophecy somewhere and I cannot track it down and I don’t have time to read all those scriptures to find out where it is, but it is in one of them (I think it is new testament) that we corrupted everything so badly that it all had to be restored. And with Trump’s announcement, quite literally WE ARE THERE.

How long do we have before the mark of the beast runs itself out, the battle of armageddon happens, Israel is destroyed and on to judgement day? Rationally, logically, I’d say fewer than 20 years and best guess right around 15. And this is also supported by other prophecies everyone is aware of, like “the generation that can see everything happen on the other side of the world in real time shall not pass away before the day of judgement.

Everyone says this is live streaming, but I say that the proper generation that could see from the other side of the world in real time is the Boomer generation, when Telstar 1 was launched in 1962. Telstar 1 allowed the Beatles to be viewed in real time from Great Britain. Telstar 1 would have allowed Russia to see live American broadcasts.

REAL ANSWER for what generation will not pass away before the end? I say possibly Boomer and DEFINITELY Generation X. If you are GenX or younger, you’re going to see it, and if you are boomer, you might see it.

No matter where it appears in scripture that we corrupt the fabric of life so much that God has to fix it – WHERE it appears is irrelevant when the Bible is very clear about the generation that first sees live from the other side of the world will not pass away before the end. Both the corruption of life itself AND “the generation that sees live from the other side of the world” are lining up perfect with Trump’s statement that AI is going to be used for custom shots for everyone.

No sugar for me, everything Trump has done is totally irrelevant in light of the magnitude of super AI and custom MRNA shots for everyone.

NOT ME. I’ll eat pigeons while their fancy designer cordyceps musrhooms eat my hands and toes before I EVER submit to such a shot.

After how completely we got conned with Covid plus the shots, I’ll never in a million years trust the next government narrative, their trust is shot, their dietribe OVER. Even if they AI up a new horrible disease as a PROBLEM that causes a huge REACTION that needs a shot as a SOLUTION, I’ll just accept the disease and be done with it.

I can see it already, like something out of the X-files – Oh No, all those chinese herbal cordyceps supplements FINALLY resulted in a breakthrough infection where a mutated Cordyceps fungus now infects people and is spreading RAPIDLY.” BLAME CHINA. BLAME CHINA. BLAME CHINA and GO GET YOUR SHOT, it was CHINA, not Fort Detrik or some hell hole lab within sight of Dimona. Cordyceps would fit the bill, people can see that and they WOULD freak out. No more questions about real or not.

Elon Musk on AI only last October:

“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with the artificial intelligence. Increasingly scientists think there should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.”

Just because there are people who can control themselves ethically with what they do with AI does not mean everyone can, You know – 


Evidently suckerberg is having difficulty planting permanet spy apps on Linux platforms the way Facebook destroyed my latest phone (I ceremonially disposed of it last night) and because he can’t put his spyware on Linux, he declared Linux to be malware and banned all discussion of Linux on Facebook. Distrowatch is not a hack and slash site, it is part and parcel with Linux, this announcement is legit folks, HEY EVERYONE, LINUX REALLY DOES CAUSE PROBLEMS FOR CHARLAITANS AND DEMONS.


I guess Kikedom is on to the next phase or something like that.

ABSOLUTELY STUNNING: Chinese robo dog and drone have a real accurately executed firefight

They accurately track each other and shoot each other with fireworks so the fight does not end. Either the drone or the dog would absolutely obliterate YOU and they are both Chinese. The report says the origin of the video is unknown but I think maybe China wanted to post a deterrent other than nukes. The Chinese robo dog is clearly more capable than ones from Boston Dynamics. I am surprised, actually.

We are clearly at the dawn of the terminators, this is not anything other than that. Good luck people. A relatively cheap drone can now wipe out a gathering while a robot dog can hide and wait for you in a hedge.

Jan25 2025

No time to post today, a few quick items.

The CIA suddenly supports the lab leak theory for covid

You know, what I reported in 2020. They knew the whole time, they know Trump knows and they gave up on the lie. If I knew, they definitely knew and now, rather than forgive because they FINALLY said something real about COVID, Trump needs to ask them why they lied the whole time and then send them the way of FEMA. The CIA is a useless entity, as is the FBI, rotten and corrupt as FEMA. Same deal, same treatment.

Alberta is banning Covid shots

Probably because they can’t uphold the scam anymore and might have been afraid after Trump shut down the FDA, CDC, NIH and withdrew from the WHO. All the dominoes will fall after that, not only in the US, watch them NOT scatter like roaches, instead they’ll sit there and deny deny deny and say they never knew the shots were a disaster.

New York wants to pass a law requiring a background check to buy a 3d printer.

That probably won’t fly under Trump. And it’s a lot more efficient to just use scrap steel to make a gun, it’s not rocket science. If guns could be done in China AD 1000, 1000 years later guns can be done by Hillbilly joe, scrap pipe and DUCK tape. DUCK. I read about DUCK TAPE for the first time in Ranger Rick, a new invention then, waterproof.

Tim Allen was wrong, it was DUCK TAPE because it is designed to stick under water. It is based on the Army’s 100 mile an hour tape. If you use it for taping ducts, it turns to powder in six months flat, DUCT TAPE is solid aluminum. But everyone caved to Tim, he was too much of an influence.

Just try taping your furnace ducts with that crap and see what happens in a few months, and definitely less than a year, actual DUCT TAPE lasts the life of the home. After Tim they changed the name of DUCT TAPE to Aluminum tape. /time wasting rant.

Trump is holding his first rally today (saturday)

Trump fired 17 useless attorney generals friday night. Just on time for a nice shabbat.

Time is up.
Ha ha, the cyber cafe attendant fell asleep. So wait, there’s more.

Trump found an enormous pile of “undiscoverable missing kids” in the first 4 days of the presidency. Probably refugees of the LA fire, someone went into the tunnels no doubt probably around the time Trump implied directed energy weapons were used.

Background: there are 550,000 missing immigrant children who were documented crossing the border and then vanished into thin air. Suddenly, in only 4 days, team Trump found 80,000. Probably under LA, I thought that and then checked, yes, that is the consensus but no one knows for sure.

A very stupid Missourri AG wants to sue China $25 billion for Covid damages.

My comment: FORT DETRIK, NOT WUHAN IDIOT THE e-CIGARETTE SCAM PRECEEDED covid, had the same symptoms and originated near FORT DETRIK. Then the spew machine started spewing crap and blaming China to cover it up, while there were 7 variants in the US and 3 in China. NOT POSSIBLE IF CHINA WAS THE SOURCE.

Covid came from Fort Detrik and the e-cigarrete scam was the first phase, after which Gates said this could be useful and came up with event 201

Jan 24 2025


I think I’ll keep this top posted for SIX DAYS after Zukerberg’s META/FACEBOOK banned me without me posting or friending or liking ANYTHING AT ALL and then destroyed my phone with a permanent spy app. (scroll down to yesterday if you did not see that)



Totally obvious: They were in a retreat somewhere super well cared for and super well fed and not abused AT ALL, and are only happy because their job is finally done and they are going to now get an enormous pay bonus while they return to society and meet friends they have been kept away from.

Want to know what corruption is? That video is it, the entire nation of Israel has to be totally rotten to the core to keep this work buried while they totally obliterated over 3 million people under the cover of this fraud.

I think Israel is encouraging the world to play a game after seeing that video

Take your Nazi bullshit and STICK IT after that, ISRAEL.

The Holocaust is as bullshit as this:

Sad to have a day where Israeli corruption trumps FEMA being disbanded.


Trump called FEMA a disaster that harasses the states and then said I think FEMA can go away.


Here it is, it is for real, the END OF FEMA. Twitter mutes the volume by default to prevent office mishaps, you have to hit the speaker icon.

Look at Melania, she’s so happy about the death of FEMA.

Helene victims to get solid gold treatment now.

This is proof Biden hated the American people, and there really was a need for help. “No permiting, just get it done”



“Has anything bigger than that happened in the whole country EVER? It looks like, I don’t want to say what it looks like, but you know what I am going to say, it looks like something hit it. And we won’t talk about what hit it but it is a bad bad situation.”

Trump was pretty blatant with that. And it probably means he knows directed energy weapons were used.


Trump is pulling the security for all of the fraudsters, this time it is Fauci.

No Wal Mart for Fauci the perv. May justice be in the streets.

TRUE: Putin really did say that if the election was not stolen in 2020, the Ukraine war would not have happened.

CNN predictably defended the election theft by declaring it false, and then posted what they HAD TO post to be on top of the news:

Well, at least we all know Russia knows and Russia was only playing politics by skirting the issue this whole time.

Trump has declared that native Americans are not necessarily citizens


Native Americans NEVER WERE American citizens, that is what the reserves were for. They are isolated remnants of the old indian nations. Therefore, they are not subject to any American laws. They still get tons of American help in the form of “foreign aid” and as their own nations, they get to run casinos in states where casinos are not legal, they get to import fireworks that in the surrounding state are not legal, they get to do ALL KINDS OF STUFF that for regular Americans is not legal,

Don’t fall for the click bait bullshit with regard to not being citizens, considering all the bullshit Americans have to tolerate now, why would they want to be?

Their reserves are wild for a reason, don’t be stupid enough to fall for the current crop of “poor indians abused by Trump” BULLSHIT.

January 23 2025



I set up a facebook account for the sole purpose of finding a place to rent. I added minimal data, because that’s all I wanted it for. I used a brand new cell phone that I kept without a sim for about a week then added a sim, used it a little on Youtube, set up Gmail, called no one, used it for NOTHING AND FACTORY RESET THE PHONE REPEATEDLY TO CONFIRM NO SPYWARE. When you have NO SPYWARE you can do a factory reset and then go through the setup with no cell connection and no wifi. IF YOU HAVE SPYWARE, THE PHONE WON’T LET YOU DO THAT AFTER A FACTORY RESET BECAUSE IT’S FIRST PRIORITY BEFORE ANYTHING HAPPENS IS TO REINSTALL THE SPYWARE, AND IT NEEDS A CONNECTION FOR THAT. So I set up Facebook, got banned nearly instantly for not posting a photo and messaging people who rented apartments. Only a few messages, all hand typed to boot. After getting banned, I factory reset the phone And then a connection was required to set up the phone.

Proof positive: Facebook installs PERMANENT spyware on your phone, go elsewhere ffs.

The phone was used to hit 4 web sites in it’s entire life. 1. Google. 2. Gmail, and NO CALLS WERE EVER MADE, NO ONE EVER GOT THE NUMBER EITHER, NO MAIL WAS EVER RECIEVED OR SENT, OTHER THAN FACEBOOK AND GMAIL WELCOME. Site 3. Youtube. and DEATH for security reasons: Facebook. Absolutely nothing else was ever done with the phone AT ALL.


Suckerberg hides behind plausible deniability, after all spyware can come from anywhere, including people you call, anyone you give your number to, or any web site you hit that’s a POS. NONE OF THAT HAPPENED WITH THIS, I DID THIS LIKE A SURGICAL OPERATION AND NAILED FACEBOOK LIKE A SNIPER.



All touch screens now identify the user via fingerprint. There is no way to avoid it.

Even if the touch screen lacks the resolution needed to actually read a fingerprint, it can still be done by image stacking and extracting detail that way. Many cameras now are able to stack multiple exposures and then combine them to extract detail a single shot will not have, this is extremely useful in astrophotography, (it is most well known for that) – telescopes are mostly light amplifiers that enable you to see things simply because they are brighter and cameras that take a thousand stacked photos and compare them against sensor noise, keeping only the differences in each photo can effectively amplify light and gather detail, accomplishing the same job as a telescope. Even though your cell phone’s capacitive touch screen usually lacks single touch resolution sufficient for taking fingerprints, long term sampling of multiple touches increases resolution exponentially and in only a relatively short while your fingerprints are perfectly recorded.

Trump revoked Mike Pompeo’s security team

So Mike, who was a traitor to Trump is now screaming about how Iran will kill him. B.S., but whatever. I think this is a symptom of getting security clearances revoked.

Argentina’s DAVOS representative stated LGBT indoctrination is child abuse and pedophelia live, at the podium, at DAVOS.

It is not only America that is sick of it, this is very revealing.

Trump is failing to purge “dual citizens” from the halls of government. Therefore the root of the problem will not be pulled out.

Get my drift? Until the root is pulled it is all window dressing. How about a little five man van dance . . . . . MEXICO’S PROBLEM WITH DUAL CITIZENS IN GOVERNMENT IS WORSE.

This is a NICE REFRESHER about Ashkenazi Jews that really lays out our problems now.

After those bastards stopped me from getting off the streets by killing my facebook which is the ONLY place Mexicans can find a place to rent, there are literally no alternatives, and ruining an android phone that now has to be replaced before I can do anything, WHILE I AM HOMELESS TO BOOT, I am on a warpath, kikedom can absolutely stick it.


Even though this is on X, it is SO DAMNING it will probably get censored, this is O’Keefe’s best bust EVER, Trump has GOT TO SEE THIS.

THE O’KEEFE VIDEO ABOVE CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM THIS SITE HERE. RIGHT CLICK AND DOWNLOAD and then post this wherever you can. If you only want to watch it, use the twitter link above.

Interesting soft news: Skiier saves snowboarder who is trapped in a tree well

Snowboarders have to be super careful when snowboarding off the official slope because pine trees slough off the snow to the sides, leaving a totally open area under their branches. Since snowboard bindings don’t release, if a snowboarder hits one of these tree wells they usually flip upside down and the board then catches on the tree branches and hangs the snowboarder upside down until death. Lucky save.

Russia is using North Korean made military equipment

Surprisingly it is actually OK stuff.

The WEF might be finished.

Hopefully this is not due to a game of switcharoo, where something more sinister takes it’s place, you know, like a 500 billion dollar AI platform.

First promise – to disband corrupt intelligence agencies FIRMLY BROKEN

So far only in-depth window dressing for cheers. When an entire agency is gone, I’ll start believing. This is NOT a good start with that.

Raspberry PI AI breakthrough

An AI so efficient that it can beat the internet version of Open AI while running offline on a processor weaker than an average cell phone.

Port THAT into your AMD EPYC 9965P. Hal 9000 at least.

Trump promoted crypto while banning a central digital bank

Crypto will be independent for the next 4 years, now Trump needs to get rid of the ID requirement for exchanges like coinbase.

Trump has concluded the situation in Ukraine.

Trump talked to Putin and got the real story right from the horses mouth, about how Ukraine was doing missile and mortar attacks on Russians and killing Russians for YEARS before Putin went in and stopped it. Once Trump heard that, GAME OVER for Zelensky, Ukraine has not surrendered yet but they will be forced to and Russia will get the blue ribbon. Has not happened yet, part prediction and part preliminary rumor. Russian astronauts WILL be riding SpaceX to the moon along with Americans.

What a difference it makes when worthless advisors get replaced by face to face.

January 22 2025

Well, at least you ought to know by now I am not a simp for Trump, if anything is positive here it is not personal bias.

Some big news:

1. Trump has officially shut down all DEI departments in the federal government as of noon today.

2. Trump hard balled Putin, telling Putin to end the war in Ukraine. I don’t know how well that will work out though, because putin is the master of hardball and what would effectively be a surrender is simply not on the table.

3. Trump has ordered a complete blackout at the CDC, FDA, and NIH. They are not allowed to update their web sites or do anything at all with paperwork, including issue advisories or even publish anything. Seems to me a big sting is underway, hopefully for the Corona shot. They knew damn well what they were doing with the pfizer shots and hopefully heads will roll. There has to be a reason why Biden pardoned Fauci and this is probably it, PROBLEM: You can’t pardon unless the specifics are given, so the pardon might be irrelevant.

4. Musk called BS on Trump’s $500 billion AI project, saying the money for that simply does not exist. Meanwhile the WEF/ J crew is applauding Trump which means, YOU KNOW WHAT.

5. EV mandate ended. Weeping, wailing, and knashing of teeth has begun.

6. 75 percent of illegal workers did not show up for work in the San Joaquin valley today. Some people are saying it is winter time so it does not matter. It does matter, because an enormous pile of things – lettuce, carrots, grapes, spinach, brocolli, celery, oranges, lemons, are harvested at this time, it is never “winter” there. So there is something to the story and there might be shortages while the food rots.

Sympathy? NONE FOR THIS, the farmers set themselves up for this, My sympathy for the farmers is over the Delta smelt BS which Trump has already shut down. You can no longer cut off water to farmers over a fake fish issue, the “Delta smelt” are an invasive species anyway. So the farmers are going to have to accept a bit of give and take here.

THIS IS ACTUALLY HUGE NEWS: DAVOS PANEL – “Trump has won and we have lost”

Let’s all hope this is for real, the WEF might be happy about the AI announcement but they are not entirely happy

Trump got us out of the World Health Organization

I think he is doing ALL OF THIS over the corona shot. The WHO, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, the ENTIRE CHARADE IS NOW SHUT DOWN PENDING FURTHER NOTICE.

I am still skeptical, but let’s see where all of this goes. Trump cannot fix it all in one day. Vivek is out of Doge to boot because he angered Elon Musk with the H1-B issue, Musk has backed down and will not push for H1-B anymore.

Trump has officially banned the BLM flag from flying on federal property

Trump ended subsidies to Elon Musk’s Tesla. This means no federal help with charging stations anymore. States can still do what they want.

Well, Elon can’t really complain if he’s the head of DOGE and I don’t think it matters anyway, Elon has already successfully made the Tesla plug the standard for all EV’s and new charging stations are going to be automatic now because the balance has been tipped in favor of them, and Musk can afford them.

January 21 2025

Trump just announced a 500 billion budget for AI

MMMMMMkay . . . . just the type of thing I was worried about. How about that budget and department of reduced spending?? This is probably one key reason why he was allowed to be president

500 billion into AI. That’s 1,500 dollars for every man woman and child in the US. For AI. For AI. Probably on quantum chips. Can you say MONITORED??? Heck, I doubt China spent that much when AI cost a lot more and look at where China is at with that social credit score . . . . . go ahead and celebrate the window dressing below, THIS IS WHERE IT IS AT, you are not stupid enough to believe an AI on that level would be run by good people, are you?? Mark of the beast, here. we. go. the ALL SEEING EYE.

This is exactly the type of thing I was worried about with THIS RANT.

Best executive orders

1. Trump revoked the security clearances of all people who said the Hunter Biden laptop story was false. These people include:

(1) James R. Clapper Jr. (2) Michael V. Hayden (3) Leon E. Panetta (4) John O. Brennan (5) C. Thomas Fingar (6) Richard H. Ledgett Jr. (7) John E. McLaughlin (8) Michael J. Morell (9) Michael G. Vickers (10) Douglas H. Wise (11) Nicholas J. Rasmussen (12) Russell E. Travers (13) Andrew Liepman (14) John H. Moseman (15) Larry Pfeiffer (16) Jeremy B. Bash (17) Rodney Snyder (18) Glenn S. Gerstell (19) David B. Buckley (20) Nada G. Bakos (21) James B. Bruce (22) David S. Cariens (23) Janice Cariens (24) Paul R. Kolbe (25) Peter L. Corsell (26) Roger Z. George (27) Steven L. Hall (28) Kent Harrington (29) Don Hepburn (30) Timothy D. Kilbourn (31) Ronald A. Marks (32) Jonna H. Mendez (33) Emile Nakhleh (34) Gerald A. O’Shea (35) David Priess (36) Pamela Purcilly (37) Marc Polymeropoulos (38) Chris Savos (39) Nick Shapiro (40) John Sipher (41) Stephen B. Slick (42) Cynthia Strand (43) Greg Tarbell (44) David Terry (45) Gregory F. Treverton (46) John D. Tullius (47) David A. Vanell (48) Winston P. Wiley (49) Kristin Wood (50) John R. Bolton

Revocation of security clearances for these individuals automatically means they are all fired, because their jobs require clearance. So this was a great way to clear the worst scum in one easy court case free swipe, bypassing the corrupted judicial system.

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Comment:  According to Fritz Springmeier Donald Trump is part of the illuminati.  I agree.  That being said he seems to be way better than the rest.  He t least gives Americans many crumbs they like.  The illuminati want us to have no crumbs at all and want us to be their Slaves!

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