Time to Make a Choice: BRICS (Winning) vs G7 (Losing)

Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State and self-admitted British agent of influence over American foreign policy, had once declared that history “is not made in the South.” That imperial outlook has now been exploded. Russian President Vladimir Putin told a BRICS Business Forum yesterday, merely four days away from the opening of the BRICS+ Summit in Kazan, Russia:

“The [BRICS] association’s total GDP exceeds $60 trillion, and its overall share in global GDP easily surpasses that of the so-called G7, and it continues to grow. … In 2023, our group of countries accounted for 37.4% while the G7 [accounted] for 29.3%. The gap is increasing and will continue to grow; this is inevitable. This trend is absolutely logical.”

The Global South, now being spearheaded by the BRICS+, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Eurasian Economic Union, represent a greater potential in terms of physical economist Lyndon LaRouche’s metric of potential relative population density, than any other sector of the world at this point, especially the so-called “garden” of the West, as EU Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell erroneously called it. To the contrary, social disintegration, collapsing industry, useless “green” policies, and costly endless wars are turning the trans-Atlantic sector into a scrap heap of its former self, and is now being led to fight a global thermonuclear war with Russia, China, and the BRICS+ nations out of desperation.

A fundamental reversal of the axioms which have doomed the trans-Atlantic sector for at least the past 50+ years, as LaRouche identified in 1971 with the decoupling of the dollar from the gold-reserve standard—a policy which he identified would lead to fascism, depression, and war—is, sadly, not in the minds of ruling forces. The onus is therefore on us then to choose to make good history—and we can do that this week.

The independent candidacies of U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare in New York, U.S. Congressional candidate Jose Vega in the Bronx (CD15), and a few other national independent races are now working to end the threat of thermonuclear war. That work will culminate in a meeting on Oct. 26, hosted by both candidates, “Build a Chorus of Peace Against the Ghouls of War.”

Join us today, 2pm EST, on the Manhattan Project with Harley Schlanger and Cliff Kiracofe, as we discuss how we can make good history in the upcoming days and weeks.



a LaRouchePAC digital report

Add your name to the list of prominent signers who are calling for the U.S. to Join the BRICS

This report serves as an outline for what is, perhaps, the best opportunity the United States has been given in decades to regain its founding identity, by joining the new international order being created at this moment by a group of leading nations to move civilization forward into a new paradigm for mankind. The planet is truly at an existential crossroads, and without a dramatic change of policy from within the United States, away from the last fourteen years of the Bush/Obama presidencies typified by Wall Street bailouts and interventionist, Cold War-style warfare, the world could very well erupt into a Third World War.

Outlined here is a mapping of the new paradigm emerging around the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa), how the United States can join this revolutionary new dynamic, the intellectual and political leadership provided by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche over the last forty years to make this vision a reality, and an epistomological overview of where mankind, as a species, is headed were this new paradigm to envelop the entire planet.



You, the reader, have a responsibility to help bring the U.S. into this bright future. The first and easiest step, back us up: contribute to LaRouchePAC. Become a member, we are the force spearheading this fight in the United States today. Contribute $25, $50 or $100 today, work through this material, visit our events page to find an event near you, and come back regularly for updates on the BRICS and associated developments.


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