Israeli Agendas and Sold Out ZIONIST Shill Trump

US/Israel Discussing Strike on Iran’s Oil Infrastructure

Trump is a card carrying Int’l Crime Syndicate member so he promotes committing crimes against other nations:

Trump Says Israel Should Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites


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Speaking at a campaign event in North Carolina on Friday, Trump, known for his hawkish stance on Iran, disagreed with US President Joe Biden, who had earlier refused to support an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Comment:  I am actually Glad Biden refused to support an attack on IRAN which would propel us all into WW3!  Trump, like the rest of his Satanic cabal, is for the genocide of all Americans.  Too bad they can’t see this!

I don’t even see how Israel can do a successful attack on these sites. Many of them are in the mountains and underground making them impossible to attack from the air. They’re also spread out across a very large mass of land. Israeli fighter jets would also have to fly a significant distance to strike them.

In addition, an attempted attack on these facilities would open up the possibility of Iran striking Israel’s nuclear facilities which can be much more easily struck with their hypersonic missile capabilities.

Trump’s endorsement of this insane plan just further illustrates how his entire presidential campaign is first and foremost an Israel First campaign. He’s clearly the preferred candidate of the more hardcore Zionist Jews.

Comment:  If this would hasten Israel’s defeat I am all for it!

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