The long term goal of multiculturalism is the genocide of White Nations to be replaced by a 99% coffee coloured, dumbed down, debt-slave race to serve a 1% jewish master race.
Bearing this in mind, would the British Royal Family really go along with the multicultural genocide of their own People if they aren’t jewish themselves? If the Royal Family aren’t jewish what role will they have in the multicultural rainbow Utopia of the future?
There have been widespread rumours since George 1 ( coronation 1714 ) that the British Royal Family are secretly jewish.
In 1694 the Bank of England was created giving control of the British money supply to several jewish banking families.
Seven years later in 1701 the Bevis Marks Synagogue was established in the City of London by the Bank of England.
In 1714 the Hanoverian Royal Family were invited by the City of London to be the British Royal Family , the Hanoverian Royal Family later changed their family name to Windsor.
The Hanoverian Royal Family were originally a jewish family that claimed to have converted to Christianity in the 15th Century.
The Sovereign Bible that all British Kings and Queens use at their Coronation has been in Hebrew since 1714.
All British Monarchs have to attend secret ceremonies at the Bevis Marks Synagogue (established 1701) in the City of London the night before their Coronation , these ceremonies are always attended by Britains’ senior jews and bankers.
Queen Victoria always claimed to be a direct descendent of jewish King David. Several items in the Crown Jewels are engraved with the Star of David.
In all Royal Palaces and other premises both Saturday and Sunday are treated equally as the Sabbath Day.
The Prince of Wales, Charles, was circumcised by Rabbi Jacob Snowman M.D, at the time the leading mohel in London and the circumciser to the Royal Family. This has long been a source of pride within the British jewish community.Rabbi Jacob Snowman M.D has only ever circumcised jewish patients.
All British Kings have been circumcised by jewish Doctors since 1714.
Prince Charles has his own blue velvet kippa with a royal crest on it in silver to wear at jewish weddings , he also has other jewish regalia the exact purpose of which is not known.
At ALL synagogues in the UK two daily prayers are always held, one for the Royal Family and one for the State of Israel.
Princess Diana’s mother, Frances Shand Kydd, was jewish — born Frances Ruth Burke Roche, a Rothschild.
That is sufficient for Princess Diana to be certified as jewish, as well as her son, Prince William, the future King of England. This also makes Prince Harry jewish , it is believed his appearance in a Nazi uniform at a party in January 2005 was his confused reaction to realising he was jewish.
Princess Kate’s mother, Carole Goldsmith (maiden name ) is the daughter of Ronald Goldsmith and Dorothy Harrison who were both jewish. That makes Carole Goldsmith jewish and, according to jewish law, her daughter Princess Kate Middleton would also be jewish.
Bearing this in mind that would make Prince William and Princess Kate’s baby boy Prince George born on 23rd July 2013 jewish as well.
Articles on the British Royal Family being secretly jewish:
The New Fascist Green Royalty And Its Plans To Impoverish, Enslave and Genocide the World
Having read the orginal Dope, Inc. and the updates are very revealing how corruption prevails in our World. The British Empire has to be brought down for their criminals actions. This book and other similar books are a boon to the education of the masses, which are being lead as sheep to their …
- The Mary Moss Elm Guest House VIP Paedophile Party List
The Mary Moss Elm Guest House VIP Paedophile Party List
The Mary Moss Elm Guest House VIP Paedophile Party ListSpecial Report by CigpapersThe Elm Guest House was on Rocks Lane, Barnes , South West London – now converted in to flats. Between 1979 and 1982 it was owned and run by Carole Kasir and her husband Haroon, who were both bisexual jews. Carole Kasir had been paid by the Spartacus Club ( ostensibly a gay club but really for paedophiles with up to 25,000 members ) to become a venue for their “parties” after being approached by leading Spartacus Club member Peter Glencross. The Spartacus Club is exposed in this article in 1983:
The Spartacus Club was run by Catholic Priest John Stamford from Amsterdam. Stamford masqueraded as a gay rights champion but was secretly a leading member of the Paedophile Information Exchange. The venue was advertised in the Press including Capital Gay magazine and Conservative Party literature.
Advert in Conservative Party and Capital Gay literature – the “10% discount” is code for “young boys available” to Spartacus Club Members.
A large number of rich and powerful VIPs would attend these parties where mostly White Working Class Boys were trafficked from local Care Homes to be sexually abused and raped during perverted “parties”. Several Boys have reported that they were forced to dress up as girls and/or fairies for these sordid “parties”. The Boys were also plied with alcohol and drugs.
One of the Councils providing the Boys was Richmond , whose jewish Social Services boss Louis Minster also seems to have attended these parties according to Mary Moss. It is believed that the Spartacus Club was getting boys taken in to Richmond Council Care to order after choosing them from photographs in School records. It was later found Louis Minster was unqualified for the job and he was given a large golden handshake to leave. A number of these abused Boys have since taken their own lives or died suspiciously.
There are allegations linking Sir Jimmy Savile to Elm Guest House, but his name doesn’t appear on any lists released yet. However some guests did use fake names.
A party at the Elm Guest House was raided by Police in 1982, following which 12 boys gave evidence that they had been sexually abused by men.German born jew Carole Kasir was convicted for running a disorderly house but no charges of Child sex abuse were brought against anyone.
Haroon Kasir in 2013 – he is trying to emigrate to USA. On 16th July 2013 Haroon Kasir was arrested on Child porn offences, he was bailed until September 2013.
Following Carole Kasir’s suspicious death from an insulin overdose in 1990 at the age of 47 two Social Worker friends of hers gave disturbing evidence at her inquest. Mary Moss and Christopher Fay made serious allegations of Child sex abuse by rich, powerful People at Elm Guest House. There are also two local Boys still missing from that time who are believed to be linked to Elm Guest House.
Mary Moss was raided by the Metropolitan Police Special Branch and other unknown Police Units looking to seize and destroy any evidence, however she managed to photograph and upload the alleged VIP guest list and other evidence before the Police could get to it.A complete set of the 130 Mary Moss original documents can be found at the bottom of this article.
Here are some of the highlights of the alleged VIP guest list released by Mary Moss:
Anthony Blunt, Royal Connections, MI5, traitor, Russian spy deceased.Harvey Proctor, Monday Club, well known convicted paedophile.Sir Peter Bottomley. Worthing MP and Monday ClubCharles IrvingLeon Britton, Lord, ex Thatcher MinisterPeter Brooke, Life PeerJohn Rowe, MI5, former MPCyril Smith, deceased, ex Rochdale MPRon BrownColin Jordan, Politician and authorGeorge Tremlett, Former GLC LeaderPeter Campbell, Monday ClubGary Walker, Sinn FeinCliff Richard,aged Pop Star, known at Elm Guest House as ‘Kitty’Jess Conrad, aged ex Pop Star.Ron Wells, aged Musician, aka ‘Gladys’ at Elm Guest House.Richard Miles, Monday ClubChris Denning, ex BBC DJ, convicted paedophile.R Langley, Buckingham Palace EquerryTerry DwyerPatrick PuddlesLouis Minster, Head of Richmond Social ServicesColin Peters, QC – a convicted paedophile sentenced to 8 years in 1989Steve Everett, Senior Westminster Social workerRay Wire, so called expert on Paedophile therapyPeter Glencross, editor of Monday Club newsletterGuy Hamilton Blackwell, son of Westland Helicopters ChairmanThe following Police Officers and an alleged informant also appear on Mary Moss’s list for some reason:Colin Peters QC, Police informant and convicted paedophile.D. Naismith, Chief Constable WandsworthDC Chris Carter, CID RichmondDC David Lines, CID BarnesDC Ron Thornton, CID RichmondPC Roderick SmeatonWPC Sheila McInnesPC Chris WicksWPC Elizabeth MeredithPC Alan JonesAllegedly Sir Cliff Richard presently has a super injunction from the High Court preventing anyone naming him in connection with Elm Guest House – don’t worry Kitty your secret is safe on the internet!It was first reported in 2010 that Sir Cliff Richard had surrended his British citizenship and become a National of Barbados known as a “Bajan”.On 14th August British Police raided Cliff Richard’s mansion in Berkshire looking for evidence of Child sex abuse. Later on 14th August 2014 Sir Cliff Richard released this statement from Portugal:Here is Sir Cliff Richard’s statement of 14th August 2014 in full after police started searching his Berkshire home:
“For many months I have been aware of allegations against me of historic impropriety which have been circulating online.
“The allegations are completely false. Up until now I have chosen not to dignify the false allegations with a response, as it would just give them more oxygen.
“However, the police attended my apartment in Berkshire today without notice, except it would appear to the press.
“I am not presently in the UK but it goes without saying that I will cooperate fully should the police wish to speak to me.
“Beyond stating that today’s allegation is completely false it would not be appropriate to say anything further until the police investigation has concluded.”
A diagram of a paedophile network – get the picture yet?Louis Minster is now 81 and retired to Malta on a large Government Pension, however the investigative website Exaro tracked him down and telephoned him. In the telephone conversation he denies who he is initially before making some strange excuses. The telephone conversation can be heard here:Following the Police raid in 1982, the main stream media were full of the Elm Guest House story between 7th August and 23rd August 1982. However, perhaps due to a D-Notice, from 24th August 1982 until 2013 no mention was made in the main stream media. Here are some of the stories from the MSM between 7th and 23rd August 1982:Keith Vaz ( now a Labour MP ) was the solicitor of Richmond Council at the time. He has refused to answer a number of questions about the matter and an investigation in to him has begun on this website:Here are the complete set of documents uploaded by Mary Moss: