How the United Nations Forces It’s Members To Indoctrinate Their Children Into Communism & A HIVE Mind

Charlotte T. Iserbyt  1930 – February 8th 2022

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and colleague Charlotte Iserbyt who died on the 8th February. Charlotte was one of the world’s greatest heroines, a legend in her lifetime, a woman whose life’s work touched so many. As a consummate whistle blower, vilified, sacrificing her future when she revealed that which she discovered when she took office during the 1970’s, five decades ago, when many of us were still at school being dumbed down and the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM was just being formed. As Senior Education Policy Advisor Charlotte served in the Reagan administration during  which time  she discovered in documents left behind by her predecessor, the plan by those behind United Nations to deliberately dumb down the world using the education system. The COVID PLANDEMIC was made possible USING THIS SAME PROCESS.

Charlotte was a leading light and gained great respect in the truth movement over many years, she was an example of a true heroine with courage, loved by all those who knew and worked closely with her.

Charlotte was a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Gum, Japan during the Korean War, the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa. Charlotte was a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America’s Latest Education Fad which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. Charlotte was a freelance writer, had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News and included in the record of Congressional hearings.

We met Charlotte in 2011, having been introduced by a mutual good friend Debbie Lewis, who along with her late husband, Award-Winning filmmaker Director William E. Lewis, made amongst other films, the documentary, One Nation Under Siege  released in 2007. The film featured several authors including the late great Joan Veon also a friend of Charlotte’s. Charlotte gave a blow by blow account of her own factual research from the United Nations official documents now archived forever in her famous book (out of print) Deliberate Dumbing Down. and her son’s website

We know Charlotte would approve of us mentioning in this tribute to her William’s important film “One Nation Under Siege” which was ahead of its time, an expose on the role of the main stream media in shaping the official White House narrative.  Also featuring Radio Host Dave von Kleist who exposed the problems of a profit-driven, corporate news.  It has been 15 years since the release of One Nation Under Siege, how ironic that over past two years since 2019, the world has witnessed the continuous unrelenting narrative of a so-called virus, pushed and inflated by the corporate media, exercising mind control over the world’s population with staggering power who have been deliberately and effectively dumbed down.

Please read:

Charlotte Iserbyt


We have lived many lives and we will be forever grateful to have crossed paths once again with Charlotte. We immediately recognised her noble spirit and were deeply inspired by the depth and vast array of her knowledge. Over the past 12 years, even though we met her only once, she having stayed with us in England for a week with the late and also great Dr Judith Riesman, Charlotte held a special place in our hearts.  Charlotte was a beautiful, humble soul and although her time on Earth has now come to an end,  the seeds of her wisdom planted in the lives of her family, friends and all who read her work, will forever live on. We feel privileged to have known her; she touched us deeply, inspiring us with her courageous spirit, an example of what it means to stand for truth, to be fearless, selfless and always in the pursuit of the truth for the greater good of all.

Our heartfelt thoughts and sympathy go to her family, in particular her son Sam who was such a great ally, always by her side.

Farewell dear Charlotte may your spirit soar to ever greater adventures and new heights, we trust, in the journey of our souls our paths will meet up somewhere along the lines of time and we shall see you again. Will miss you greatly.

With love and gratitude for all your work and friendship, your friends in the UK at Namaste Publishing.

We have lite a candle in honour of Charlotte’s Life for she gave so much to the awaking humanity.


Charlotte was generous with her time as she guided so many in their endeavors to seek truth and educate themselves and their children. Her support for true education was tireless. Charlotte was a force to be reckoned with in her pursuit to expose the corruption within the government education system.

My husband had scheduled an interview with Charlotte for a documentary when I first met her. My younger daughter and I accompanied him to the airport to collect her. After our introductions, her first conversation on the short drive back was with our daughter. Charlotte was proud that we had decided to homeschool our children. She told me later how bright my daughters were and how proud she was that their little minds would not be exposed to the corrupt public education system. Charlotte was a delight, both personally and professionally.

Charlotte was never too busy to speak with anyone who contacted her about her thoughts on educating children. She went where she was needed and gave information tirelessly. Charlotte will always hold a special place in the hearts of all who met her. She will be greatly missed.

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