CIA Imported 10,000 (Approximately) Nazi’s Into America and THEY Control Media & Gov’t; The Nazi’s Won the War But the German People LOST the War! Nazi’s Are the Cabal’s Creation. (Synagogue of Satan)

Comment: Cabal controlled both sides of fighting. German Christians were annihilated, raped, murdered and their POWs were starved to death after WW2 by our criminal Cabal Promoted War “Hero” Eisenhower. Nazi’s were sent to America by the Thousands to do their Evil, Brutal, Nuremburg Violating Torture Research on American Children right after America tried and hung German Patriots in a Kangaroo court. The cabal took over Germany, Japan & Italy installing American military bases in all 3 countries. American Christians lost many lives fighting for our Luciferian Cabal. Japanese were bombed, starved, raped and murdered in a war that America actually started with their Embargoes & Sanctions-policies; unvaxxed are now seeing Sanctions applied against them. The bombing of Pearl Harbor happened only after America’s embargoing of Japan which would have shut down the entire Japanese economy. The hate the American people have had will prevent them from getting into Heaven is the belief of some Christians. The most Christian cities in Japan: Hiroshima & Nagasaki were chosen for Bombing as was the Christian city Dresden in Germany. Russians were FORCED to fight the war under penalty of Death by their Secret Society criminal Stalin who was a very sadistic, evil man. Before the Rockefellers & Rothschild’s controlled Russia with their created Communism Using Brooklyn Bolsheviks Russia was a Great Christian Nation. Russia has largely returned to her Christian roots.
Comment: The occult symbolism on the U.S. Federal Reserve Dollar shows the Cabal Satanists control us. The Rothschild’s and Illuminati Satanist Cabal control the Federal Reserve.
Manifestation of Cabal’s Kill Agenda:
‘Six Body Bags Later, Prosecutors Finally Concede That Bond Was Too Low’: Trey Gowdy Hammers Leftists On Bail Reform
ByHank Berrien•Nov 29, 2021•FacebookTwitterMail
On Sunday night, in the wake of the Waukesha murder of six people at a Christmas parade, Fox News host Trey Gowdy blistered the leftist DA’s and prosecutors who have made it easier for criminals to post bail and be released, snapping, “We don’t need prosecutors to react after there are six bodies laying on a parade route; we need prosecutors and politicians who prioritize public safety beforehand. And there are still those on the Left calling for lower bonds,” adding, “If you think $1,000 was the right bond amount for a career offender who ran over someone in early November so he could be out of jail in time to run over dozens of people at a Christmas parade, then say so. Just make sure you say it loud enough where we can all hear you.”
Gowdy began, “No matter how old we are, no matter how old we get, we remember the excitement of seeing Sant Claus as a child. And because we remember, we do everything in our power to make sure that magic is preserved for the children of today. We hold them on our shoulders so they can get a better view; we stand in the cold; we march in bands or dance in parades because we want children to experience the same joy we experienced as a child. “
“It’s timeless; it’s a generational connection; it’s a gift the old give the young,” he noted. “Waiting along the parade route with the cold wind whipping because Santa Claus is coming. And then the question comes: Is that him? Is that Santa Claus? Is he finally coming?”
Then he turned to the murders in Waukesha, Wisconsin:
Last Sunday night in Wisconsin it wasn’t Santa Claus coming down the parade route. He doesn’t drive that fast and he isn’t a career criminal out on bond. It was [the suspect], a lifelong criminal who’s been hurting people for most of his life. [The suspect] was on the sex offender registry, out on bond again, running over parents and grandparents and children.
“This night of joy in Wisconsin ended with agonizing grief, and then the grief quickly turned to anger because [the suspect] never should have been driving last Sunday night,” Gowdy said with genuine anger. “He should have been in jail. Days before you and I learned he ran over people at a Christmas parade, prosecutors in Wisconsin already knew he had run over someone with his car. Prosecutors knew that he had a lifetime of violence and bail-jumping and disregarding the law, but Wisconsin prosecutors recommended a $1,000 bond. $1,000 is all the security these prosecutors needed to let [the suspect] back out on the street. “
“And now, six body bags later, prosecutors finally concede that bond was too low,” he said, then snapped, “We already know that. $1,000 was too low when you set it. Now, after six people are dead, and dozens more injured, you set the bond at $5 million. So what’s different now? He was a career criminal before he killed six people at a Christmas parade. We don’t need prosecutors to react after there are six bodies laying on a parade route; we need prosecutors and politicians who prioritize public safety beforehand.”
“And there are still those on the Left calling for lower bonds,” he continued. “There’s always been a battle, a division if you will, in this country between people of good conscience and the small segment like [the suspect] who can’t ever seem to follow the law. What’s different now is there are politicians openly siding with the criminal element. They can’t ever bring themselves to talk about the victims of crime, only the perpetrators of crime.”
He challenged, “If you think $1,000 was the right bond amount for a career offender who ran over someone in early November so he could be out of jail in time to run over dozens of people at a Christmas parade, then say so. Just make sure you say it loud enough where we can all hear you.”
He concluded with a call to action for conservative voters: “And then the rest of us need to remember for all the Novembers to come so we can make sure these criminal sympathizers and apologists masquerading as politicians and prosecutors are never in a position to influence policy again in this country.”
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