Monthly Archive: March 2020

MKUltra, Mind Control & CIA; Nefarious Gangstalking & Rockefeller Commission-Where’s the Media?

Comment: This is the biggest threat to humanity and the CIA is the ULTIMATE secret society of the Rockefellers who control the CIA and were behind the mind control programs. Dulles were behind the...

The Problem: 70% of Our GDP is Based on Consumer Spending The Solution: When It Should Be Based on Infrastructure Related Productivity

Infrastructure productivity: How to save $1 trillion a ……/our-insights/infrastructure–productivityJan 01, 2013 · Yet practical steps could boost productivity in the infrastructure sector—a long-time laggard—by as much as 60 percent, thereby lowering spending by 40 percent...

Protect Yourself (Coronavirus)

blob: Comment: Spirulina, mega doses of Vitamin C, Probiotic supplements, Elderberry, etc. may help not hurt. Make Your Own Mask The country produces about 20 million medical masks a day, according to the Ministry...

EIR Daily Alert Service, FRIDAY, March 6, 2020

FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2020 Volume 7, Number 47 EIR Daily Alert Service P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390 Angst on Wall Street, Another Bank Failure in India, as ‘Floating-Rate’ Monetary System Sinks Putin and...