Monthly Archive: February 2019

Natural News

Pesticides causing nationwide brain damage… Smollett charged with felonyNew research confirms that pesticides are causing nationwide brain damage, leading the plummeting IQ scores.See the full story here.The big breaking news today, however, is that...

Activist Post

Activist Post View this email in your browser In the 02/21/2019 edition: Valois SSD-90 Knife Belt – Free Today!This knife belt might be most valuable survival and self-defense tool ever invented. It will ensure you...

LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat February 21, 2019 – 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific Moderator – Dennis Speed, LaRouchePAC Manhattan ProjectGuests – Megan Beets, LaRouchePAC Science Team Conference call dial-in number: 641-715-3580Access code: 536662# To ask a question, dial *6 during the...

LOL Kamala Harris’ Own Father Denounces Her ‘Fraudulent Steroetype’ Identity Politics

Tags: 2020 Elections | kamala harris | marijuana | donald harris | jamaica Kamala Harris’ Father Blasts ‘Fraudulent Stereotype’ Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif  (Elise Amendola/AP) By Theodore Bunker    |   Thursday, 21 February 2019 10:36 AM Short URL|Email Article|Comment|Contact|Print|    AA Share Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., admitted last week...

EIR Daily Alert Service, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2019 Volume 6, Number 37 EIR Daily Alert Service P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390 Physical Laws of the Universe Must Prevail Over Dangerous, Entropic, ‘Strategic Environment’ at Play Sputnik Interviews...

Planned Parenthood Endorses Infanticide-Satanic Organization Pro-Life News ReportThursday, February 21, 2019 Having problems reading this email? To read the news, visit Top Stories• Planned Parenthood Endorses Infanticide: “Every Woman Needs to Make the Best Decision for Her”• Vermont House Approves...

News From ITCCS: Vatican Triumvirate Removes “Pope Francis” on Eve of Ninth Circle Sacrificial Ritual

Vatican Triumvirate removes “Pope Francis” on the eve of Ninth Circle sacrificial ritual – Diplomats and special Sheriffs attempt to stop ceremonyA Special Update from the ITCCS with an announcement of this Sunday’s Here We Stand...