Monthly Archive: November 2017

Russia Readying For WW3!

Putin orders Russian companies to be ready for urgent transition to war-time operations by TUT editor ed note–just in case there were any lingering doubts out there concerning this ‘clash of civilizations’ thing and whether...

EIR Daily Alert Service

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2017 Volume 4, Number 233 EIR Daily Alert Service P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390 At Least One State Will Be Transformed by the New Paradigm, but It’s Still Being Blacked...

US Military: Big, Bloated Corrupt Killer Bureaucracy Working For Rothschild Zionists

US Military Fraud Endemic in Overseas Operations by TUT editor STRATEGIC CULTURE – History shows us that when empires over-extend themselves, military commanders become semi-independent warlords who usher into place systems of graft and corruption (…) As...

EIR Daily Alert Service, Wed. Nov. 22, 2017

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2017 Volume 4, Number 232 EIR Daily Alert Service P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390 In 10,000 Years, Will We Still Be Barbarians, Or Will We Be Humans? Putin Meets Assad...

Middle East on High Alert Re: Israhell

ZERO HEDGE – Two days after Israel provided the first ever official confirmation of covert ties with Saudi Arabia, a step many analysts see as a precursor to future conflict in the Middle East involving adversaries Iran...