Category: Formerly

Pakistan to Join the BRICS WHY THE UNITED STATES MUST JOIN THE BRICS A NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER FOR MANKIND a LaRouchePAC digital report Overview Updates Add your name to the list of prominent signers who are calling for...

BRICS Now Include 159 Countries New Payment System in Their Own Currencies-Dedollarizing

The U.S.’s Abusive Policies will come to an end and so will poverty and starvation for these countries as China Aids their Infrastructure Development and Russia brings Grains & Fertilizers to them.  I predict...

Whitney Webb Has Valid Points; LaRouche had the Solutions Time to hold the Thieves to account.  For example the Pentagon has robbed us blind as has the military which runs ADRENOCHROME LABS with CIA and Intelligence agencies.  Our money is NOT being...

Trump’s Platform Vs RFK Jr’s Platform; Both Are Now Working Together & Democrats Plan to Overthrow Trump’s Election Win*1ix6dg*_gcl_au*MTcwMTQ5MTQ3Ny4xNzI0NjkwNTE1&_ga=2.243776965.1112779928.1724690516-1704841967.1724690516 Election 2024 A Promethean Guide to the 2024 Republican Party Platform The 2024 Republican Party Platform, led by Donald Trump, declares war on the old GOP, Wall St. and the D.C. establishment, embracing...

Julian Assange is Free, Big Brother is Exposed (British Empire) & Battle Begins.

JUN 29, 2024  7 MIN READ  INTERNATIONAL Julian Assange is Free, Big Brother is Exposed, the Battle Now is Joined Julian Assange escaped London alive while the U.S. Supreme Court dodged dismantling the ugly Leviathan at...

Failed Bank List (ALL BAILED OUT BY THE TAXPAYER) Banks Invested in “Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction” as Warren Buffet Stated: These gambling banks expect to be bailed in by the gov’t at YOUR Expense, Taxpayer.  They will Confiscate YOUR...

(Synagogue of Satan Families Behind) Biden’s Bloodbath of American Jobs: British Privy Council, Princes Philip of Britain and Bernhard of the Netherlands, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and Laurance Rockefeller. 

 DONATE FOLLOW US Sign in ABOUT US  GET ACTIVE  CONTENT  OUR CAMPAIGNS      The “Families” behind Biden’s Bloodbath of American Jobs By Tony Papert March 23, 2024 Login to follow President Joe Biden checks out...

In the Cradle of the Holy Land: Civilization is Burning

In the Cradle of the Holy Land: Civilization is Burning By Michael Steger March 07, 2024 Website Twitter Facebook Login to follow Damage following an Israeli airstrike on the El-Remal aera in Gaza City on...