In Pushing for a North American Union President Trump Does Away With the Constitution & Democracy
In due course, the nuisance of having to go through the
massive inconvenience of ‘fighting’ and rigging elections, will be discarded altogether.
Therefore, when the President of the United States uses the weasel words ‘democracy’ and
‘liberation’ or ‘freedom’ in justification of the Illuminati policies which he is helping to carry
out, the fact that these are empty slogans is, to him and his associates, neither here nor there
– since for these people, as with Lenin, all institutions are temporary, expendable,
transitory, and replaceable in accordance with the requirements of the World Revolution of
the illuminati that these people in reality serve.
Page 144
Comment: Pictured is President Trump’s hand signals showing his allegiance to the Satanic Secret Societies of which he is a standing member and Is, in fact, Illuminati as mentioned in Fritz Springmeier’s Book:
This reinforces the Author’s view that the Presidency of the United States,
together with the US intelligence services, or key elements thereof, are in fact masquerading
as instruments of the Government of the United States, while in practice they are being used as
primary instruments of the Illuminati. To describe this central point in blunter language, the US
Presidency and the intelligence community which serves it have been hijacked by the
Illuminati, in accordance with their modus operandi of inserting their agentur adjacent to or
inside the highest levels of governance.
Trump, Donald. Illuminati, 725 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10022
Donald Trump listed as Illuminati Cabal Member in this link:
The illuminati are very wealthy Satanists and an organized crime syndicate. All are members of Secret Societies and all USE Mind Controlled SLAVES created by the CIA via Torture, Programming, Hypnosis, Drugs, Herbs, and Electronic Programming plus newly evolving methods. Mind Control was initially financed by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Windsors via the Tavistock Instute and British Intelligence spreading to the U.S. CIA & Military Intelligence. There are over 2 Million estimated SLAVES so this is commonly used and Widespread. The SLAVE ASSASSINS (MKULTRAs) are used to assassinate the opposition to these illuminati criminals. Donald Trump is a member. You will not be a Billionaire Unless you are a member of this club which includes raping children and killing children. These are hard core Satanists so nothing is off the table. Just think of how many children the U.S. presidents kill in their wars. You will not be a U.S. President if you have a conscience preventing your killing children. Presidents use the CIA’s MKULTRA assassins to murder presidents and PMs of foreign countries who will not go along with the Satanic illuminati’s Evil Agendas. Their goal is massive control of everybody who will have zero rights and all the rights will be for the Satanists only.