Poisoning POOR U.S. Citizens, Testing Warfare Agents on Them, Doping Them Up & Stealing Their Money; Crime Syndicate Monarchy America
Very Evil Human Experiments the U.S. Gov’t Has Done
United States Citizens are Poisoned with Bacterial warfare
EXPOSED! Proof US Gov’t Tested Poisonous Chemicals On Unsuspecting American Citizens Using Them as Guinea Pigs
Documents confirmed that city officials were kept in the dark about the tests. The Cold War cover story was that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack. The truth, according to Lisa Martino-Taylor was much more sinister.

Many people have said to me that the reason why chem trails cannot be true because there is no way that the United States government would intentionally poison their own people. You are about to have that myth shattered into a million, tiny pieces.
Meet Lisa Martino-Taylor
Lisa Martino-Taylor is a sociologist whose life’s work has been to uncover details of the Army’s ultra-secret military experiments carried out in St. Louis and other cities during the 1950s and 60s.
“The study was secretive for reason. They didn’t have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I’ll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles,” said Martino-Taylor.
Army archive pictures show how the tests were done in Corpus Christi, Texas in the 1960s. In Texas, planes were used to drop the chemical. But in St. Louis, the Army placed chemical sprayers on buildings and station wagons.
Documents confirmed that city officials were kept in the dark about the tests. The Cold War cover story was that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack. The truth, according to Martino-Taylor was much more sinister.
“It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,” she said. By making hundreds of Freedom of Information Act requests, she uncovered once-classified documents that confirm the spraying of zinc cadmium sulfide.
Martino-Taylor says the greatest concentration was centered on the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex, just northwest of downtown St. Louis in the Carr Square neighborhood. It was home to 10,000 low income people. An estimated 70 percent she says were children under the age of 12.
“This was a violation of all medical ethics, all international codes, and the military’s own policy at that time,” said Martino-Taylor.
In 1994, then-Congressman Richard Gephardt (D-St. Louis), asked the Army to open its records and explain the St. Louis testing. At the time Rep. Gephardt said, “We want to make sure nothing went on that would harm anyone, and that all the fact are out on the table.”
Documents released in the 90s showed the Army placed sprayers on a former Knights of Columbus building on Lindell and in Forest Park. The Army always insisted the chemical compound was safe. Martino-Taylor believes documents prove otherwise.
“There is a lot of evidence that shows people in St. Louis and the city, in particular minority communities, were subjected to military testing that was connected to a larger radiological weapons testing project,” she said. For the first time, she links the St. Louis testing to a company called US Radium, a company notorious for lawsuits involving radioactive contamination of its workers.
“US radium had this reputation where they had been found legally liable for producing a radioactive powdered paint that killed many young women who painted fluorescent watch tiles,” said Martino-Taylor. While the Army admits it added a florescent substance to the zinc cadmium compound, details of whether it was radioactive remains secret. Documents uncovered to date indicate the Army never conducted follow-up studies to see whether the compound caused long term health issues.
In 1972, after years of crime, poverty, and decline, the government destroyed the Pruitt -Igoe housing complex.
Comment: America’s Deep State are part of the Zionist British & French Monarchies.
“In short, they drug the people & shake the piggy bank to steal the milk money!”
It is no exaggeration to sum up the situation thus: the only proper comparison for today’s British drug traffic into the USA is the British monarchy’s 19th century Opium Wars against China. There is more than a parallel. The same Hong Shang and other banking interests that developed their wealth in the China opium trade are involved in the financial side of the traffic against the USA — aided by those leading elements of the Zionist Lobby which have controlled organized crime in the USA and the Caribbean since the early 1920s.
Dope inc. : Britain‘s opium war against the U.S
by Konstandinos Kalimtgis also by David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg
Part I: History
Britain’s First Opium Wars
Palmerston’s Fifth Column, USA
Britain’s “Noble Experiment”
Part II: How the Drug Empire Works
Banking and the World’s Biggest Business
From Opium to Dirty Money
How the Drug Trade is Financed
Britain’s Gold and Dirty Diamond Operations
Hong Kong – The World’s Drug Capital
The Peking Connection
How the Royal Institute of International Affairs Runs Drugs and Dirty Money
Canada – North America’s Hong Kong
All in the Family – The Real Syndicate
Part III: Organized Crime
The Bronfman Gang
The Kennedys – Organized Crime in the Government
Britain‘s Assassination Bureau – PermindexPermindex Unveiled – Resorts International Intertel
The Jacobs Family’s Emprise – Sports and Crime
The Philadelphia Story
Part IV: Creating the Market – The British Origins of the Counterculture
Part V: The Drug Lobby – The Criminals Come Out in the Open
Colored Lands Owned by British Empire.
Cabal Elite Politicians & MilitaryIndustrialists Constantly Scamming The People:
The US gov is all a scam one after another, if you look at how much was lost by each president you start to see a pattern, how much can we scam out of the stupid commoners: Bush Jr. 2.3 Trillion, Obama and the bank failures was all a scam, Biden and Ukraine all a scam.
Billions sent to Ukraine but $770 checks for Los Angeles Residents who lost everything they had. But the ELITE Want the Wars in Ukraine so it goes on. The British and Zionists & French get EVERYTHING They want at the Expense of the U.S. Taxpayer. We pay the taxes and they don’t even pay taxes! Then they use our tax money any which way they want.
Wars are all for these Elitests rape of resources of other countries. The Elites never fight the wars. They let the poor fight the wars and get killed in them or maimed. The elite belong to Secret Societies which the people are not allowed into. It’s a big club & you Ain’t in it! said George Carlin.
Presidents & Politicians (Cabal Members) purposely keep wages low so poor people go into the military as that is their only escape from poverty.
Elite cabal members (Politicians) make sure they have medical & dental for life while the avg. American cannot afford this insurance. Most jobs don’t pay pensions these days but the CABAL members always get big pensions even if they were there for only two years in Congress!
Basically the American Taxpayer pays the entire bill like for the whole pie which the Elite Steal and share among themselves throwing us a few crumbs.
end in the poor who join due to poverty or are forced into the military after committing petty crimes because they grew up in poor communities. Basically tell the story of deep state actually being part of the British and French Monarchy secret society in the US. 1776 was all part of a secret plan and winning battle faked to place their French spy George Washington into office, they were unable to fight American’s because they didn’t line up like the foolish Brits and instead were killing their officers by hiding in the tree’s. they didn’t follow the British and other monarchies rules of engagement and didn’t line up like fools.
Currently doing the same in FLORIDA:
Jagannath Chatterjee 2d · Writes Paul Akinin. Analysis of Florida “fog,” completed. I have been advised the results have been corroborated by a second lab. They found it was saturated with Serratia Marcescens Bacteria, also considered a parasite. This act of releasing these pathogens onto society is considered biological warfare. Types of Serratia Marcescens infections observed in humans can cause: • Urinary tract infections; • Bloodstream infections; • Pneumonia; • Ocular infections; • Respiratory tract infections; • Meningitis; • Wound infections; and • Osteomyelitis
Comment: These are military experiments on the poor and on their own soldiers. The poor don’t have the ability to defend themselves so our predators in our gov’t use the poor for their dastardly experiments especially in mind control using impoverished and Helpless American Children. The worst crime in my opinion was FBI Head Webster covering up CIA crimes of raping and torturing children for their Monarch and MKULTRA (assassin) projects. These are off the charts very evil projects on behalf of the British Empire (British Intelligence & TAVISTOCK.)