Israeli MOSSAD & Rothschild Ties to JFK Assassination & Rothschild’s Murder of At Least Six Other Presidents

Rothschild Ties to JFK Assassination

Part of the Shadow Gov’t

May 1, 2019

jfk-illuminati-assassination.jpgComment:  Say It JFK.  Said it!!!!!

Clay Shaw was the only man prosecuted for the assassination of JFK. His associate on the Board of MOSSAD front “Permindex” was Louis Bloomfield, a longtime Rothschild errand boy.

The government’s handling of the investigation of John Kennedy’s murder was a fraud. It was the greatest fraud in the history of our country. It probably was the greatest fraud ever perpetrated in the history of humankind. That doesn’t mean that we have to accept the continued existence of the kind of government which allows this to happen. We can do something about it. We’re forced either to leave this country or to accept the authoritarianism that has developed – the authoritarianism which tells us that in the year 2029 we can see the evidence about what happened to John Kennedy.  – Jim Garrison (Closing speech at trial of Clay Shaw Feb 28, 1969)

from Nov. 22, 2013
By Michael Collins Piper  (Author of “Final Judgment”)
American Free Press
(Edited and abridged by

Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.

Right now the big push is to pin the blame on former Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The “LBJ Killed JFK” theme is rampant, even in the self-styled “alternative” media.

However, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is pleased to be the first publication ever to report on the findings of Maurice Phillipps–an otherwise unheralded researcher –who uncovered the Rothschild banking dynasty connection to a key player linked to the JFK conspiracy.

Here’s the story, one which should force JFK researchers–at least the honest ones–to take a whole new look at the death of the president.

garrison.jpg(left, Jim Garrison)

Today, although the JFK assassination is the focus of a media frenzy, many writers avoid delving into (or even mentioning) New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful 1969 prosecution of trade executive Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK conspiracy, knowing Garrison had turned up leads pointing in some uncomfortable and controversial directions.

In fact, when Garrison launched his investigation of Shaw he had unwittingly unearthed the “Rothschild connection” to the JFK conspiracy, although Garrison himself apparently didn’t realize it at first. This explains why there was such a concerted effort–coming from the highest levels–to derail and destroy the hard-driving prosecutor.

While many first heard of Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw through Oliver Stone’s film “JFK”–which presented the JFK conspiracy as the work of LBJ and the military brass, aided by rogue Central Intelligence Agency operatives–there was much more that Stone left out.  (Comment:  like the Mossad from Israel & the Rothschilds)

Below, AFP provides an annotated overview of the astounding revelations by Canadian writer Phillipps whose work has heretofore been suppressed. Although Phillipps’s book, De Dallas a Montreal, is available only in French, Phillipps has written in English of his research on his well-documented website.

11395974858.jpgOnce you learn of what Phillipps has uncovered, you’ll understand why so many truth seekers are so determined to suppress his findings.

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK Murder

Researcher has found the mother of all connections between Israel and the JFK assassination.

Oliver Stone’s 1991 drama “JFK” focused on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s 1969 prosecution of trade executive (and longtime CIA asset) Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy. But Stone diverted attention away from Shaw’s link to a key figure in the global operations of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

While Stone referenced–in passing–Shaw’s membership on the board of a Rome-based corporate shell known as Permindex, subsidiary of another entity, the Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which Stone portrayed as a CIA front, he provided only a sliver of the much bigger picture.

Documents unearthed by Canadian author Maurice Phillipps demonstrate beyond question that Shaw’s associate on the board of Permindex (its chief executive officer and primary shareholder), Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, was a longtime attorney for the Rothschild dynasty, particularly for Baron Edmund de Rothschild of London, going back as far as World War II.

chinanow (2).JPG(left, Bloomfield – Rothschild errand boy)

Having studied Bloomfield’s private files, which Bloomfield donated to the Canada National Archives, Phillipps found what he describes as “many documents” revealing the Rothschild connection.

The Israeli connection is no surprise. The Rothschilds have been Israel’s foremost patrons. In addition, Bloomfield and Montreal liquor baron Sam Bronfman–the head of the World Jewish Congress, another Bloomfield associate–were among a clique of money kings who, in the 1950s, bankrolled Israel’s secret nuclear arms program.

While Phillipps has never suggested Bloomfield was involved in any way in the JFK assassination, he has pointed out that Bloomfield’s Rothschild connection has been otherwise ignored.

Phillipps’s findings on the Rothschild-Bloomfield link also put to rest the rumor that Permindex was proof of “Nazi” involvement in the JFK conspiracy, a patently ridiculous theme propounded by one Mae Brussell whose father, Rabbi Edgar Magnin, was spiritual leader of the Jewish movie moguls in Hollywood.


How and why Clay Shaw of New Orleans ended up in the Permindex operation is no longer a mystery.

Shaw’s closest friends, who provided the funds for his defense against Garrison–the powerful Stern family, leaders of the New Orleans Jewish community–were primary shareholders in the Apollo, Pennsylvania-based NUMEC nuclear facility from which American nuclear materiel was illicitly channeled to Israel with the collaboration of CIA chief of counterintelligence, James Angleton, a devoted ally of Israel as head of the CIA’s Mossad desk.

Though avoiding the Mossad connection, many researchers now say Angleton was the key CIA figure in the JFK conspiracy.

The Sterns also owned WDSU radio and television, which hyped Lee Harvey Oswald as a “pro- Castro agitator” at precisely the time Shaw was acting as a handler for Oswald in the summer of 1963 while Oswald was in New Orleans being set up as the “patsy” in the JFK conspiracy.

clayshaw.jpg(Clay Shaw, left)

So Shaw’s Rothschild–and Mossad–connection via Permindex was solidified by the Stern link to Israel’s nuclear weapons program we now know JFK was so determined to stop, another point ignored by most JFK writers.


All told, a variety of evidence indicates Permindex fronted for a Mossad operation funding Israel’s drive to assemble the atomic bomb.

A primary Permindex shareholder and the chief depository for its funds–the Banque De Credit Internationale [BCI] of Geneva–was the fiefdom of Tibor Rosenbaum, a Mossad arms procurement official referred to as one of Israel’s “founding fathers.”

BCI was also chief money launderer for the crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky, business partner of the aforementioned Sam Bronfman, associate of Louis Bloomfield and the Rothschilds.

In fact, Lansky’s Israeli biographers note that “after Israel became a state, almost 90% of its purchases of arms abroad was channeled through Rosenbaum’s bank. The financing of many of Israel’s most daring secret operations was carried out through the funds in [BCI].”


We now understand why Oliver Stone chose not to pursue these avenues when he made “JFK.”

am.jpg(Milchan, center)

The man who bankrolled Stone’s film, Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan–listed as “executive producer”–was a primary player in Israel’s nuclear program. Head of a global empire in weapons, chemicals, electronics, aerospace and plastics–operating in the Rothschild sphere–Milchan (now perhaps the biggest mover in Hollywood) has been described as “Mr. Israel,” as “secretive yet famous, but only among famous people,” and is a close friend and business partner of Rothschild-sponsored media baron Rupert Murdoch.

Although Milchan–partnered with the interconnecting Rothschild-controlled media conglomerates Havas and StudioCanal in financing Stone’s extravaganza–paid author Jim Marrs a reported $200K for rights to his book Crossfire (a partial foundation for Stone’s film), Jim Garrison’s family had to go to court to claim promised proceeds from “JFK” after Milchan claimed the blockbuster turned a loss. On a procedural technicality, a federal court ruled for Milchan against the Garrisons.

oliverstone.jpg(Oliver Stone, Director of “JFK” steers attention away from Mossad)

Well-known JFK writer, A.J. Weberman–a U.S.-Israeli dual citizen–says Garrison once showed him an unpublished novel which Weberman says was “a fictional work that placed the blame for John Kennedy’s death on the Mossad.”

Although Garrison did publish a JFK novel, The Star-Spangled Contract, it did not allude to Mossad involvement. But if Weberman is to be believed, Garrison had ultimately figured out the Rothschild-Israeli connection to the JFK conspiracy.

And that says much about what many of today’s JFK researchers are choosing to ignore.


Thanks to Victoria for the Tip!

Related- Must read! The Illuminati Jewish Royalists in Clay Shaw’s Address Book & Background on Permindex
and – The CIA-Permindex Connection
and “JFK Murder Solved”
 Piper –  Mossad Role in JFK Assassination

Piper You Tube Speech

Hunt’s Deathbed Confession reveals JFK’s Killers

First Comment from M:

In a book I read by Dr. John Coleman entitled “The Committee of 300”  (which I recommend to all interested in these kinds of topics) Dr. John Coleman states that basically since 1913 and the creation of the Federal Reserve Board every President of the U.S. has had a handler that has been knowingly or unknowingly controlling him for the “Committee of 300”.

Supposedly JFK’s handler was Kissinger and when JFK found out about it shortly after the Bay of Pigs Incident, he threw him out of the White House.

At that point the Rochschilds, Rockefellers, and the Committee of 300 which controls the CIA, MI6, Mossad and front groups like PERMINDEX realized they had a loose cannon as President and the plans to dethrone him were started.

Coleman writes thoroughly about PERMINDEX and how they had offices in Toronto, Rome and South Africa from which the details of the plot to kill JFK were hatched!

Another interesting tidbit that Cole states was that supposedly PERMINDEX also tried on several occasions to kill French General and future French President Charles de Gaulle but the SDECE (French Intelligence) caught on and stopped them from succeeding.

Rothschilds Murdered at least Seven US Presidents

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The Rothschilds have a habit

of murdering Presidents 

who don’t follow their orders.





“The bane of our civil institutions is to be found in Masonry, already powerful and daily becoming more so. I owe to my country an exposure of its dangers.” – Captain William Morgan, murdered Sept 11, 1826

(from June 16, 2008 & Feb 17, 2019)

by Henry Makow PhD

A curious but very credible Internet document called “The Mardi Gras Secrets” states that Illuminati agents poisoned and killed Presidents William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) and Zachary Taylor (1784-1850). They also poisoned James Buchanan in 1857 but he survived. All three were obstructing Illuminati- House of Rothschild plans for the US Civil War (1860-1865).





The document also describes the Illuminati role in the murders of Abraham Lincoln (1865) and Senator Huey Long (1935). We know they also killed Presidents Garfield (1881), McKinley (1901) and Kennedy (1963) and probably Warren Harding (1923) and possibly FDR (1944).

The Mardi Gras Secrets  website was created in Dec. 2005 by Mimi L. Eustis, the daughter of Samuel Todd Churchill, a high level member of the secret New Orleans Mardi Gras Society called “The Mystick Crewe of Comus.”

This Society, which reorganized the Mardi Gras festivities in 1857, was a chapter of the Skull and Bones. It began as a front for the activities of Masons Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin and John Slidell who became leaders of the Confederacy.

This information is based on Samuel Churchill’s deathbed confessions when he was dying of lung cancer. Mrs. Eustis later decided to make them public after she also contracted the terminal disease.




The Illuminati ringleader was Caleb Cushing (1800-1879), left, the partner of William Russell, the opium smuggler who founded the Yale Skull and Bones Society in 1832. In order to rise in this society, one had to participate in a “killing of the king” rite of passage.

According to Eustis, the Skull and Bones (or Brotherhood of Death) is “nothing more than a political assassination hit team against those United States politicians who do not fall in line with the House of Rothschild’s plans for a blood elitist domination and control over the world’s economy…For example, Caleb Cushing was involved in the arsenic poisoning deaths of United States presidents William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841, and Zachary Taylor on July 9, 1850. These two Presidents had opposed admitting Texas and California as slave states.”

William Henry Harrison was the first President ever to die in office, serving only 31 days. According to Wikipedia, he died of “pneumonia.”

On July 3, 1850, Zachary Taylor threatened to hang those “taken in rebellion against the Union.” The next day the President fell ill, vomited blackish material, and died July 9. (Kentucky authorities recently dug up Taylor’s body looking for evidence of arsenic poisoning.)




I paraphrase Mrs Eustis: During the Civil War (from 1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War. The loan shark-bankers wanted 24% to 36% interest. Instead, Lincoln got Congress to authorize the printing of 450 million dollars worth of “Greenbacks” debt and interest-free money. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private.

John Wilkes Booth

The House of Rothschild recognized that sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money would break their power.
Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth was a member of Pike’s Knights of the Golden Circle. He was in New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64 and conspired with Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and Admiral G.W. Baird to assassinate Lincoln. Baird later identified the body of Captain James William Boyd as Booth. (Boyd was, in fact, a Confederate spy who resembled Booth and was used as a patsy. His body was dumped into an Arsenal Prison sinkhole used to dump dead horses.)



Eustis says her father emphasized that most Masons below the 3rd degree were good hardworking people. The Illuminati-Skull and Bones used the Masons as a disguise. Those who rose past the 33-degree level did so by participating in the “Killing of the King” ritual. The lower levels did as they were told without realizing their part in the “Killing of the King”.

For assassinating Abraham Lincoln, Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and August Belmont (Rothschild’s Northern agent) were made secret Kings of the Mystick Krewe of Comus. Andrew Johnson Vice -President became President and pardoned Albert Pike. Albert Pike awarded Andrew Johnson the thirty-third-degree rite of passage.

” Doctors were an essential part of the Illuminati plan to kill U.S. political leaders [who] hindered the take over of the U.S. Republic by the international banking elite,” Eustis writes.

(James Garfield. They kill Masons too, if they don’t obey.)



“Illuminati doctors eventually did in both U.S. President William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor. They also played a death role in the shooting assassinations of U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 (died April 15, 1865), James Garfield on July 2, 1881 (died September 19, 1881), and William McKinley Jr. on September 6, 1901 (died September 14, 1901).”

“Teddy Roosevelt became President after William McKinley was shot. Roosevelt received passage into the 33rd. degree and became a secret king of the Mystick Krewe of Comus. During his presidency, the Skull and Bones became firmly entrenched and controlled the U.S. Republic.”


Huey Long (“Kingfish”) was a populist who mounted a powerful challenge to FDR from his power base as Governor of Louisiana and later as US
Senator. Unlike FDR, he was not a Mason and not a shill for the bankers. His “Share Our Wealth” program represented a genuine threat to the Illuminati.

An Illuminati member, Dr. Carl Austin Weiss, left, shot Long Sept 8, 1935 and Dr. Arthur Vidrine ensured that Long did not recover. According to Eustis, Weiss was supposed to hit Long in the face, and Long’s bodyguard Murphy Roden was supposed to shoot both Weiss and Long. This may indeed be what happened.



Roden was a “spy for J. Edgar Hoover.” Roden pumped 60 bullets into Weiss’ body. Dr. Weiss was told his baby would be killed if he reneged on the mission.

Both FDR and J. Edgar Hoover won their 33 degree rite of passage for their participation in this murder.

“Franklin Delano Roosevelt was made King of Comus in 1937. When J. Edgar Hoover came down to New Orleans to act out his reign as King of Comus, he was involved in a sexual revelry of homosexuality and cross-dressing with various elitist bloodline members of the Mystick Krewe of Comus.”


“Agents of Skull and Bones with blessing and involvement of J. Edgar Hoover FBI Director and 33rd level executioner-cover up specialist for the elitist bloodline of the House of Rothschild murdered Freemason Charles Lindbergh’s son. This killing of Freemason Charles Lindbergh’s son was to set an example that the isolationist stand was not the will of the Illuminati.”

Mrs. Eustis doesn’t touch upon the poisoning death of President Warren Harding (1865-1923) but this is how Wikipedia describes it:



“At the end of July, while travelling south from Alaska through British Columbia, [Harding] developed what was thought to be a severe case of food poisoning. At the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, he developed pneumonia. Harding died of either a heart attack or a stroke at 7:35 p.m. on August 2, 1923, at the age of 57. The formal announcement,
printed in the New York Times of that day, stated that ‘a stroke of apoplexy’ was the cause of death.’ He had been ill exactly one week.”

For FDR, see Emanuel Josephson, “The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.” (1948)


The “Mardi Gras Secrets” suggest that, given the depth of corruption, the US political system cannot be taken seriously as a democracy. There is a pattern of Illuminati-Rothschild control throughout US history. People who deny this are living in a fantasy.

The United States was created to advance the Illuminati New World Order based on Rothschild monopoly on government credit worldwide. American ideals were designed to dupe the masses, not to be realized.

The founders and heroes of the US were mostly Masons including Paul Revere, John Paul Jones and Benjamin Franklin. Francis Scott Key who wrote the national anthem was a Mason. John Hancock and most of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were also Masons.



More-than-half the Presidents were Masons. These include Washington, Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson, Van Buren, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Pierce, Buchanan, Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, TR, Taft, Harding, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Ford, Reagan, Clinton, Bush I and II, Obama and Trump.

Some of these really thought Masonry was about “making good men better” and had to be assassinated. Other Presidents who weren’t Masons, like Eisenhower, Nixon and Carter, were still controlled by the same dark forces.

Throughout its history, the United States has been in the clutches of a satanic cult, Freemasonry, which serves the Rothschild central banking cartel. Many courageous Presidents and other politicians tried to free their countrymen from this bondage and died unrecognized, their killers unpunished and triumphant.

The US is a nation decapitated, a headless giant led by demons.

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