Post Restored and UPDATE ADDED 7/19/23
Just in case you had any doubts, here you will find convincing evidence. This is out of control! More and more individuals are caught up in this web everyday. On all sides. Now, it is probable that many of the elites were not even human from their beginning, but there are many humans who are entrapped through drugs, sex and greed. Then their are the tragic victims. Kidnapped, stolen, trafficked, sold, drugged, caged and retrained. Unable to do anything to save themselves.
This is not a post for children, the squeamish, or empaths. This stuff is unimaginably horrid, nightmarish! It cannot be allowed to continue. We can no longer turn our eyes and hope it goes away. We must come against this evil in every way possible.
Some of you may have heard that the Pope, Queen Elizabeth and the Prime Minister of Canada were on trial for Genocide. There were many witnesses who testified that they were all three involved in abuse and murder of many innocent children. They were tried by the International Common Law Court of Justice and found guilty. No one wants to believe that and it appears that they have not been arrested, which causes many people to be convinced they are innocent. However, these people are above the law and have IMMUNITY from prosecution. Mull that over for a little bit.
Relationship between UK Crown and law in focus as Carolean era begins
Parliamentary immunity
“What kind of society are we building when we allow children to participate in animal abuse?”

SPAIN’S leading animal rights group has berated the ‘dark world’ of private hunts, where children as young as 10 have their faces smeared with blood.
PACMA’s issue is with the practice of painting children’s faces with the blood of their first kill.
Many of Spain’s autonomous communities take part in the tradition of hunting small mammals, and while some regions prohibit such activity, most are legal.
The group’s president, Silvia Barquero said: “It seems terrible to educate children in violence and introduce them from a young age into this dark world.
“I would never teach my children to act with violence and to kill animals, because it is completely contrary to educational values and moral progress.”
Left: KILLER- A young child poses with a bloodied knife after killing a boar
It comes as a 13-year-old boy was accidentally shot dead on a hunt in Valladolid in October and this month dogs were videoed falling off a cliff while on a hunt.
Barquero is particularly shocked by the social media groups – such as Facebook’s Rehalas Finca Soriana – that share pictures of the bloody traditions involving children.
“What kind of society are we building when we allow children to participate in animal abuse?” he said.
When I was a boy, we read a short story by Richard Connell called “The Most Dangerous Game.”
The story is perennially popular, so it was made into a film not only in 2017 but earlier in 1932. Below you can watch the full movie of The Most Dangerous Game.
Pre-Code Hollywood was pretty crazy, and it contained a lot of lurid material and satanic cartel signaling.
White Zombie – More on Satanic Cartel Signaling in Pre-Code Hollywood
Satanic Cartel Signaling in Underground Comics
In a haze of drugs, the moronic degenerates forget the dangers of their enterprise. As the original story makes clear, it’s called the most dangerous hunt because the prey can turn on the hunters–taking them out.
Let’s get them!
The Pest (1997)
Deadly Prey (1987) Severance (2006) Gymkata (1985) The Zero Boys ( 1986) Fortress (1985) Southern Comfort (1981) |
The Belko Experiment (2016) …
Surviving the Game (1994) … The 10th Victim (1965) … The Hitcher (1986) … Punishment Park (1971) … Battle Royale (2000) … Hard Target (1993 |
The Woman Hunt (1972)
Targets (1968) The Running Man (1987) First Blood (1982) Mindhunters (2004) Rituals (1977) The Dual (1971) |
The all-seeing eyes on the poster imply otherwise….
In the 1980s, I forgot all about it; but later I would find my instinct had been right.
Fiona Barnett survived a pedophile ring in Australia, still operating, that includes a former governor general, three former prime ministers, a former education minister, other high-ranking politicians, judges, and police. She describes human hunting parties at Bohemian Grove.
Fiona Barnett – A Hero in our Fight against Sexual Abuse & Mind Control
The Bush Family, Satanism, & Crimes against America
The Season of Sacrifice begins on the First Day of Spring, seven days after the Ides of March, commemorated as
322 on the logo of Skull and Bones, the satanic society to which the Bushes belong.
The Season of Sacrifice ends with hunting parties, like the ones at Amerois, like the one in Thieves of the Wood, where the so-called luciferian elite hunt and rape women and children.
Video Player
Likewise, Cathy O’Brien describes the hunting and rape of children and women by traitors in the deep state.
Cathy O’Brien – An American Hero
Cathy O’Brien tells how Dick Cheney hunted and raped her near Greybull, Wyoming, when he wasn’t committing war crimes and defending a “rectal feeding” program for “suspected terrorists.”
In Shasta, California, Cathy O’Brien was hunted by the traitor Dick Cheney, who raped her with a dog, and by George Bush, who forcibly sodomized her daughter, Kelly, when she was a toddler.
Remembering George Bush – Pedophilia, Cocaine, & Murder
As Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, put the matter, “Dick Cheney is a war criminal who needs to go away.”
More on CIA Drug Wars, War Crimes, & Profiteering
Cathy O’Brien describes how her daughter, Kelly, and she were hunted, tortured, and raped behind the fence of the Swiss Villa Amphitheatre in Lampe, Missouri, a near-death trauma center run by CIA.
Kris Kristofferson is in on it. Kristofferson almost killed Cathy O’Brien, strangling her with his penis, an act that excited him, late in the summer of 1987, just when I started at Pomona College, which we both attended.
California – Targeted by the New World Order
It’s hardly surprising. Kris Kristofferson is not only a Rhodes Scholar but the son of an air force general. The United States Air Force is full of traitors, satanists, homosexual rapists, and child molesters.
The Air Force is Full of Satanists, Rapists, & Child Molesters
Cathy O’Brien tells how Kris Kristofferson raped, tortured, and electroshocked her along with Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, a satanist who molested children at army bases.
After receiving flight training as a helicopter pilot and completing army ranger school, Kris Kristofferson became a singer-songwriter and an actor, “a force in outlaw country music.”He also became a slaver for the Vatican.
With Approval from #Vatican: Canaanite Idol ‘#Moloch’ Put on Display in #Rome
“Do not allow any of your offspring to be offered up to Molech, and do not profane the name of your God: I am Hashem. Leviticus 18:21 (The Israel Bible™)“
The pagan Canaanite idol who required child sacrifice was displayed at the entrance of the Colosseum in Rome as part of a secular historical exhibition. The exhibition is part of a larger exhibit dedicated to Ancient Rome’s historic adversary, the city of Carthage. The exhibition is called ‘Carthago: The immortal myth’. It runs until March 29, 2020.
The statue’s presence comes just over a week following a video that emerged in what appears to be Pope Francis blessing a Pachama Goddess statue. It is well known that the Vatican is currently hoarding Israel’s stolen treasures from the second Temple.
A source close to the matter told Breaking Israel News that: “There is no way that such a thing could be done without direct permission from the highest levels of the Vatican. The Colloseum of Rome is owned by the Vatican, and specifically the Diocese of Rome, also called the Holy See. If anyone wants to do anything there, they must get permissions from the office of the Diocese of Rome. This exhibition, called “Cathargo: the immortal myth” could not be held there at all unless permissions were granted at high levels.”
Bergoglio – Pope Francis Covers Up Rampant Child Abuse
Svali has described child sacrifice at the Vatican.
Svali Speaks – Breaking the Chain
Meanwhile, the Satanic Ninth Circle sponsors the hunting of naked children by royals.
Elizabeth Windsor, commonly known as Queen Elizabeth, whose real name is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and her husband, Philip Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, commonly known as the Duke of Edinburgh, are rapists, child molesters, and murderers–pure and simple.
More on the Satanic Trash that Call themselves the House of Windsor
Sometimes the Illuminati hush up these crimes by brainwashing people, but at others their approach is more forceful. Vivian Cunningham, of the Irish Guards, was drugged and institutionalized against his will, just as I would be later when I woke up to the reality of MK-ULTRA. As noted in Humans Are Free,
Cunningham’s ‘crime’ was daring to ask superiors about Queen Elizabeth’s outstanding arrest warrant. The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the royal couple on October 10, 1964.
As my friend Andrea Davison, formerly of British Intelligence, a brave Englishwoman who blew the whistle on arms deals and child abuse, told me, the royal deception runs deep. It’s hard to investigate any organized crime syndicate without finding links to the royals. My girlfriend’s grandfather, Lieutenant Colonel William Brown, OBE, used to say, “You can’t be that rich and not be crooked.”
The royal family, like the Bushes, are satanists pure and simple.
Humans Are Free reported an international trial on the Ninth Circle, a satanic cult that hunts and molests naked children. As reported there,
A court document had been filed indicating that in January 2012 UK Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby acted under the direction of Queen Elizabeth to destroy forensic remains of a Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child homicide. Two eyewitnesses have testified that as children they were present during this same murder of a native child. The satanic rite evidently occurred in a sub-basement catacomb under the west wing of the Canadian Branton Ontario Mohawk Indian residential school. The two eyewitnesses alleged that they saw a young girl being bound to an altar. The five or six year-old child was gagged, repeatedly raped, killed, disemboweled and dismembered. Her blood was consumed by nine red-robed figures that included a member of the British Royal Family.
I wouldn’t believe it myself unless I also witnessed the abuse of my loved ones. Certainly, the royals have the power not only to commit but also to conceal these horrible crimes.
What’s easier for many to believe is the rampant child abuse and rape that infests these circles. Just look at Andrew Windsor, commonly known as Prince Andrew or the Duke of York, who raped many underage girls.
Prince Andrew was a known associate of Jeffrey Epstein, who kept young girls in sexual slavery on a private island, and who appears to have been murdered so he wouldn’t spill the beans.