How the Cabal Likes to FUCK Americans…Too Many Ways to Count

  1. Compromised Politicians who will never represent Americans more than 25% of the time;  the rest of the time they devote to enriching their buddies & themselves and I am speaking about Trump and the other BEST politicians

  2. FAKE Propaganda marketed as real news promoting wars so Americans can Fight them and Elite Oligarchy Profits to the tune of Trillions of dollars

  3. Banksters of Federal Reserve overprinting dollars as an invisible tax on hard working American people while the globalists profit

  4. Federal Reserve IRS taxes which are just skimming money from taxpayers to distribute to English Royals & Corrupt Vatican

  5. Department of Homeland inSecurity screwing North Carolinians out of food and aid and halting aid workers with threatened arrest

  6. Property Taxes where you can lose your entire house paid off if you cannot pay one property tax-this is THEFT!!!

  7. Incarcerating January 6’ers Trump Supporters whom Trump (cabal Member & Con Man from the Get Go) Betrays

  8. WEAPONIZED FBI used to entrap people

  9. Weather Warfare against people in the Hills of North Carolina cuz corporations tied up in court against them want their pure Quartz and other minerals (think it was lithium but not certain)

  10. Paying bags of money to Christian ministers to Mis-Lead their flocks into supporting Satanic ZIONISM and supporting ZIONIST SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN’s ISRAEL

  11. Withholding the Truth from the American people that the Balfour of Declaration was used by the Satanic Rothschilds to Create Israel

  12. Using American kids as cannon fodder for the ZIONISTS Evil WARS

  13. Poisoning the American people with chemicals outlawed in other countries

  14. Lying to the American people by Cabal (Synagogue of Satan) controlled Media that Japan did not want to surrender and that bombing Japan was the only way-ALL LIES!!!  Japan had been begging to surrender and tried to avoid the war any way they could.  Japan bombing Pearl Harbor was defending itself against America’s warmongering against Japan.

  15. Having Celebs as mouthpieces for the Satanic Cabal Agendas

  16. Giving Trillions to Cabal’s Weapons Industries and Cabal’s Military and Cabal’s Defense Contractors leached off of the American Taxpayers

  17. Cutting Social Programs to the Average And POOR Americans like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Etc.

  18. Subverting all Taxpayer money to support a CRAZED, INSANE, WARMONGERING MINORITY

  19. Irresponsibly spending Taxpayer dollars to fund abortions in China…who even knew?

  20. Irresponsibly Spending Taxpayer money to fund EU NATO countries

  21. Spending money on Ukraine & Israel and telling American disaster victims of Helene and Milton there is no money left for them

  22. Blocking Aid to North Carolinians who have died by the hundreds!

  23. Secretly funding Baby Rapers & Child Molestors & Even Child Torturers (Herbert the Pervert “Poppy” Bush who was a Pedophile & Sadistic Torturer of Children) into the Presidencies!

  24. Poisoning the American People with poisons in their Food, Candy, Pesticides, Atrazine, Chemicals in the Food Industry and even sprayed on fruits & Vegetables.

  25. Forcing the Covid BIOWEAPON which the Cabal media called a Vaccine on the American people and all other Nations

  26. Pretending via Cabal Media the United Nations is a great force for good where it is to create mass slavery with Oligarchical slave owners

  27. Phony FBI saying Satanism is not a problem when , in fact, Satanists control our government and per Ted Gunderson a REAL FBI Chief stated the Satanists were doing at least 60,000 Human Sacrifices a Year.  Human Sacrifice is MURDER!

  28. Cover-Up of Satanists crimes by our Zionist Media

  29. Actively antagonizing other nations, especially Russia, into WW3 with No SAVE HAVENS or Bomb Shelters for American people whilst the crime Syndicate members instigating WW3 will be hiding in bomb shelters especially made for them

  30. Abortions for the American people with dwindling support for single moms and American families whilst the Cabal members are millionaires and trillionaires by their outright LOOTING of the American people and other countries they have stolen from

  31. Taxation not used to the American people’s benefit but Taxation as THEFT!

  32. Forcing the American people under Covid Deception into hospitals to be Euthanized by Hospital Protocol

  33. Rockefeller phony medicine making herbal cures basically banned and naturopaths being attacked, cancer clinics sued out of existence…Hoxsey clinic had to relocate to Mexico!  Rockefellers OWN the Medical INDUSTRY.

  34. Phony Woke Agenda for Depopulation purposes created by the very British Tavistock and CIA

  35. Media Cover-Up of Bill Gates being a Satanist

  36. Media Cover-Ups of all our famous Actors and Actresses having to join the Synagogue of Satan for money & fame

  37. Media Cover-Up of CIA Criminal Monarch and MKULTRA projects forcing Children to be Sex Slaves and with MKULTRA’s forcing Children to be Assassins!

  38. Not spending money on American Infrastructure to where bridges routinely collapse and pot holes are everywhere with our infrastructure having a D rating while spending BILLIONS on Ukraine!

  39. Fake Green Policies of the Globalists banning nuclear energy which is the most Reliable energy

  40. FBI & CIA infiltrating legitimate activist groups and screwing everybody involved…a prime example is what happened with the LarouchePac organization with many members railroaded into prison around 1989 after LaRouche reported on MKULTRA and Monarch in his publications.

  41. Cabal censorship on mass media AND ALTERNATIVE media by shadow banning, shutting down websites, shutting down youtube platforms and putting up lying disinfo articles attacking truth tellers (Wikipedia and Snopes for example)

  42. Poisoning our water with Fluoride

  43. Murdering Presidents and Congressmen who tried to do a decent job protecting and representing Americans…McKinley, Reagan, Trump, and the list goes on.

  44. Promoting Mind Controlled Individuals into positions of influence…I Suspect Barack O’Bama is mind controlled and a deep state source told me he was extremely mind controlled and was supposed to be placed into highest political office.  Bill Clinton appeared to be Mind Controlled and in a trance in one video.  Many Hollywood celebrities came from the Monarch CIA Slave Project.  Most were teenage (and younger) prostitutes for the Deep State before being Promoted Celebrities.

  45. Forcing Americans to pay outrageous prices for gas and heat when Hydrogen Cars and Free Energy from Tesla would have created abundance and prosperity.

  46. False Flag Psy-ops like the Gulf of Tonkin Incident which was all lies to start war with Vietnam under False Pretexts.

  47. Bush made it not necessary to have safety valves on offshore rig resulting in the Horizon Explosion and BP oil spill and 11 lives lost in immediate explosion

  48. Control the U.K. has over the U.S. and Media hides this.

  49. Creating FAKE Charities milking people for billions for Haiti  and seems the Clintons pocketed the money

  50. Phony Drug War while Bushes and Clintons were bringing Planeloads of drugs via Military Bases into the U.S. and actively working with Sinaloa and Columbian Drug Cartels as well as with Noriega

  51. Cabal paying Internet Trolls based out of Israel to Attack and Defame anyone advocating herbal Cancer Cures and other holistic medicinal cures

  52. Forcing the prices of housing to explode forcing Americans into insanely expensive loans 3-5 times the cost of the house resulting in Debt Slaves.  Ditto for cars; a car now costs what a house used to cost!  Insane.

  53. Big Pharma has no liability while intentionally harming and killing people.

  54. NDAA act used against the January 6’rs detaining them without charge.

  55. CIA working with Big Tech to maliciously silence independent Media…meaning Citizen Bloggers.

And Financial Theft in the Trillions of Dollars According to Catherine Austin Fitts in one webcast she said 21 Trillion but in another as much as $50 TRILLION DOLLARS!

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