U.S. Gov’t is a Crime Syndicate With Intelligence Agencies (Secret Services) Directing International TERRORISM

Nord Stream blast –

How Western secret services direct international terrorism

In an interview, former Ukrainian MP Andrei Derkach published results of investigations into the financing of international terrorism. The payments, including for the cover operation to blow up the Nord Streams, will therefore go to the USA.

On Sunday I reported on an interview with Andrej Derkatsch , which I wanted to publish in its entirety. Now the time has come, but I must first say a few words of explanation.

Regular readers of Anti-Spiegel know Andrej Derkatsch well, because I have been reporting on the corrupt dealings of the Biden clan in Ukraine since 2019 and have also written the book “The Ukraine Cartel” about it, which  is unfortunately not currently available . Anyone who has read the book knows who Andrei Derkach is, because it was he who published the phone calls between Ukrainian President Poroshenko and US Vice President Biden from 2016 in 2020. At that time, Derkatsch also published additional documents and bank statements that substantiated the allegations against Joe and Hunter Biden.

With his revelations, Derkatsch angered Joe Biden so much that one of the first acts of the Biden administration was to impose sanctions against Derkatsch. There was such a hurry that these sanctions against Derkatsch and others who had to do with the revelations were imposed during the handover of office in mid-January 2021, i.e. before Biden officially took office.

Derkatsch has since had to flee Ukraine and lives in Minsk. He gave an interesting interview there in January, which I  translated at the time . In the interview he talked about blowing up the Nord Streams, but it sounded like his information supported the US version of the story about the Ukrainian divers blowing up the pipelines from a small sailboat. Since this version is completely unrealistic,  I was very surprised that Derkatsch supported the version with details about the Ukrainian divers, because Derkatsch’s research and investigations are usually very good.

Now Derkatsch has shed some light on the matter by giving an  interview to the Belarusian news agency BelTA last week  in which he described the results of his research in more detail. Now follows the translation of the complete interview.

Start of translation:

Question: Recently, information appeared about a statement signed by you and a number of deputies of the Russian State Duma, as well as public figures such as Dugin, who, by the way, himself was a victim of terrorism. We all remember the tragic death of his daughter. This statement about the commission and financing of terrorism was sent to the judicial authorities of the USA, France, Germany, Cyprus and Russia. We know the reaction of the Russian side, the Investigative Committee of Russia has opened a criminal case. What do you think, what future prospects does this approach have?

Derkatsch: The statement itself is a compilation of documents, evidence and descriptions of crimes that we found during the preparation of the statement. And our legitimate demand to the law enforcement authorities of the USA, Germany, Cyprus, France and Russia is to conduct objective and, above all, public investigations, even in the intermediate stages. It is about the criminal prosecution of those involved in terrorist acts, the sponsors of terrorism, regardless of their official position and jurisdiction. This is one of the most important tasks of this job. In addition, I believe that the registration or initiation of a criminal case before the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is an important international precedent that will have certain consequences, including for those who sponsor terrorism.

Why are we talking about financing? Because financing terrorism is one of those non-public, covert forms of involvement in terrorism. And all those who support terrorism must understand that they will be held accountable for their crimes, for their activities, for their participation in terrorist actions.

What else is important? This document also fully records all information and data regarding the involvement of the company “Burisma”, its founders and employees in the financing of terrorist activities. It is absolutely clear to us that the Biden family and their associates are proven to be involved in financing terrorism. Now it is the task of the investigating authorities to describe, prove and bring charges through investigative measures.

Question: But to put it simply: How are Burisma and its associated Biden family involved in financing terrorism? Maybe using examples.

Derkatsch: We traced virtually all the money movements through Burisma and the transfers through Morgan Stanley to a company called Rosemont Seneca. This company is affiliated with and owned by Biden’s son. We have revealed all transfers. The US Congress knows about all of these transfers and uses these documents as evidence of political influence trafficking.

But the criminal case initiated against Burisma, which was actively investigated under Prosecutor General Shokin, was closed around 2020. The bribe amount was 50 million and we have these documents in the reports of the prosecutors who investigated this process. Six million were handed over in cash to Ukrainian law enforcement authorities to close the Burisma case. Everything was documented and the person handing over the money was caught on camera. It was one of Burisma’s employees, Kitscha, a certain lawyer.

All of Europe looked at the largest bribe in cash, six million dollars. These six million dollars were confiscated and served as evidence until a certain point. By a secret court order, which we also presented, this money was transferred to a military unit of the Ukrainian military intelligence service for carrying out terrorist actions.

Then the Nordstream pipelines started exploding, then came Prilepin, the terrorist attack, and Dugina. A series of terrorist attacks followed. The heads of the Ukrainian secret services, like Malyuk and Budanov, make no secret of the fact that they carry out operations with extra-budgetary funds, which can also be seen in their interviews. So the whole chain is traced here and there is no doubt about it.

The Biden family, or rather the Biden family’s associates, sponsored terrorism and hid from punishment for corruption and money laundering in Ukraine.

Question: So “Burisma”, the already famous Burisma, paid bribes to stop this process.

Derkatsch: It wasn’t just six million, but a total of around 18 million. Part of the money came from Slotschewsky for the drone army.

Question: Good. Then why are we talking about six million because that’s the amount they were caught red-handed?

Derkatsch: The rest of the money was handed over to the drone army, again by a secret court order. If this is so public, why is the court order kept secret? So that journalists can search for the court order later?

The information about the drone army was found primarily by Ukrainian journalists who now work in Ukraine. We also have this court order, we also showed it. The drone army is actually the same story as terrorism. It’s about the death of people, it’s not even about damage to the infrastructure.

Second, we see the entire supply chains for Ukraine’s military intelligence from American companies. We see the sponsors who work there. I also have other material, we have more detailed information about it. This information also concerns the financing of the Russian Volunteer Corps and the so-called Kalinovsky Regiment.

If we talk about the coordination of the activities of the American intelligence services and media with the Ukrainian intelligence services: on February 25, a historic article was published in the New York Times, which described the activities of the CIA in the formation of special forces in the structure of the Ukrainian military intelligence and security service describes. For example, he described the establishment of 12 bases on the borders of Belarus and Russia. It was also told how these units were trained, who the trainers were and how these units were formed. That was on February 25th.

After that day, Russian Volunteer Corps attacks began in the Belgorod region. A month later, security advisor Sullivan visits Ukraine for the first time. Three days later there was the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall. After a while there were attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

So it is a fairly synchronous development when information about the possibility, necessity and effectiveness of terrorist actions is disseminated in American society. Actions against an allied state, against Russia, against Belarus, as a means of containing Russia and inflicting the greatest possible damage. In other words, the public is taught that terrorism is an acceptable form of warfare. This is what they are taught. This is called cognitive warfare.

Question: Well, when we talk about the Nord Stream pipelines, if we look at all the investigations that have been carried out, perhaps with the exception of Hersh’s, then the prevailing opinion in the West is that some Ukrainian super swimmers blew them up. I know you don’t agree.

Derkatsch: We have studied this issue thoroughly, and it is set out in both the declaration and the supplement to it. But when this opinion emerged in the West, the Washington Post, the New York Times and, if I remember correctly, The Hill described the story of the Chervinsky group as if they were Robin Hoods who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines .

We have identified virtually the entire group. I can give you some of the documents, some of them are needed in the investigation. This whole group has been identified, this is Andrei Anatolyevich Burgomistrenko, an interesting person who we will come back to later. This is also Roman Chervinsky himself. This is Sergei Anatolyevich Kuznetsov, an officer in the 7th Directorate of Counter-Intelligence of the SBU secret service. There’s always a mess with them, they move from the SBU to the military intelligence service GUR and from the GUR to the SBU, it was such a colorful group. Then Oleg Yuryevich Varvara. Then Ruslan Rudenko, former deputy mayor of Belaya Tserkov. An interesting person. And now a woman, Marina Alexandrovna Sitalo, 50 years old. One of the best technical divers in Ukraine.

Nobody has seen this information yet. She is a specialist, also in the production of underwater mixtures. She has diving experience in different parts of the world. Her husband is also a specialist diving trainer.

These swimmers had the function of a camouflage operation and may have been diving.

They were trained over a long period of time. First in the Zhitomir region, there is the Sokolovsky quarry, about 110 meters deep. Initially they trained there, then in Romania near the NATO base at Mangalea, where they trained at South Stream. Then they rented a large yacht and were relocated to Poland. There was also a smaller yacht, the “Andromeda”, which the Western media also reported on. They also received Romanian passports.

All of this happened under the direction of Christopher Smith. At the time, he was the second man in the US embassy in Ukraine. A very well known CIA man. Today he is US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Asia. The man was promoted, he had a very good personal relationship with the former head of the GUR Burba. And he was also involved in the preparation of this operation.

Kirill Budanov is his pupil. He is a person of interest who was commissioned by the CIA to carry out and coordinate all actions of the cover operation on the Nord Stream pipelines, which he did.

Question: According to various reports, the depth of the Nord Stream pipelines at the site of the explosion is 75 to 85 meters. And these people have trained at depths of up to 100 meters. That means they were theoretically capable of doing so.

Derkatsch: When a cover story is invented, it is done very well. We know the experience of the CIA or MI6 in preparing covert operations. They have a lot of experience using proxies or cover stories to assume a certain position to avoid responsibility. That’s what actually happened.

We have moved away from the subject of Chervinsky. Chervinsky is a very interesting person. He is one of those involved in the story in Belarus when former members of the Wagner Group were recruited in 2020 under the pretext of allegedly carrying out a coup in Belarus. In reality, as you will recall, they were supposed to get on a plane, then an emergency was supposed to occur in Ukrainian airspace, the plane was supposed to be forced to land, and then they were supposed to be arrested. The provocation failed thanks to the work of the Belarusian KGB and Russian intelligence services. It was exposed and Chervinsky was directly involved in the operation.

The second situation has the same international scope. It’s about the story with the Nord Stream pipelines. This is also about Chervinsky. And four days after the information was released, he suddenly disappeared. Where should we look for him now? And how? A man has disappeared in the country, a colonel has disappeared from the detention center. Should we look for him in Guantanamo or where else have they hidden him? How long has he been missing? This is a very serious question.

Another interesting person is Andrei Burgomistrenko himself. He headed the “Rodon” company for a long time. What kind of company is this? These are six companies in Ukraine that deal with radioactive waste, including highly radioactive waste. Burgomistrenko is a specialist in this area.

We are currently examining information about the work of Ukrainian intelligence services on the development of a dirty bomb. This means that nuclear blackmail has become the norm for the Ukrainian leadership. They did this both before the start of the military operation and during it. We are announcing today that we are investigating this so that our so-called non-partners in the West understand this and do not later say they have not heard about it.

I just have one question: Do they know about this or are they not involved and are they managing this process from an escalation standpoint? This is actually a very important and serious question.

This is just one part of the escalation response system. That’s how I would put it. We’re talking about some pretty big and complex processes here, but they’re all pretty dangerous and scary stuff.

For example, just the day before yesterday, FBI Director Christopher Wray announced that he expected terrorist attacks in the USA, similar to the one on Crocus City Hall. I would advise Christopher Wray to ask his CIA colleague questions.

Do they really believe that if they allow freedom of movement, if they allow political assassinations, if they allow terrorist actions by the Ukrainian secret service, if the intelligence chiefs cheerfully and enthusiastically tell the details of these murders, as Malyuk did, that this does not affect the USA will fall back? When various think tanks, experts and technologists, prepare documents for them, do they believe that they are protected on the other side of the ocean while they play with people, their destinies, their lives? The most important thing is that those who educate and train terrorists get a ricochet in their own country, they harm the security of their country.

Question: But the Americans have already burned their fingers with this. I mean, everyone knows the story of how they founded Al Qaeda. And what did they get in the end? An answer. They got a ricochet. So what is the danger of terrorism in all its manifestations? It is a double-edged weapon. At the moment it seems that it is being used against the enemy, but in reality no one knows how it will turn out.

Derkatsch: You may have seen Sullivan’s somewhat embarrassing, somewhat risky reaction to the investigative committee’s initiation of criminal proceedings. He blames ISIS. But who founded ISIS?

When former and hopefully future US President Trump says that ISIS was created by the Americans, we cannot contradict him. That’s why passing the buck back and forth isn’t such a good thing. What is important is that we understand that in today’s global world, no one is safe.

When we talk about what we are actually doing, I want to say that the establishment of an international tribunal is long overdue. We’re working on it. This can be realized in various forms. First, an international register of terrorists and sponsors of terrorism could be created. An international register of the damage caused by the actions of NATO countries – this includes Serbia, this includes Afghanistan, this includes Iraq, this includes the North African countries, this includes Syria, which suffered.

These are millions of people who have suffered from NATO’s actions. The working process is intended to create the foundations and basis for the conduct of fair international trials to investigate the offenses of terrorism, war crimes, corruption, crimes against freedom of expression and human rights violations by NATO members and their governments, by secret and military organizations, attacks on the national and economic security, undermining of the authority of states in the global political community and direct threats to the national security of individual states and entire regions.

It’s a complicated name, but it describes the tasks that this international tribunal has to carry out. Some of it still needs to be integrated into international and state legislation. But without that we can’t move forward. The old world order has collapsed, there is no new world order. Creating new forms of international security cooperation is a challenge.

In the foreseeable future, this will also affect Belarus. There are such signs. And a very important point: In April there was a provocation from an interesting institute, the Robert Lansing Institute. Robert Lansing was, I believe, the 42nd Secretary of State of the United States. He is the uncle of Alan Dulles, the founder of the CIA. They published an article titled “Signs of Russian Preparations for Provocations in Belarus to Draw Minsk to War.” This is a repeat of 2020 history.

The public is getting used to the possibility of terrorist actions in the name of Russia in Belarus.

Question: Translated into understandable language: Do we – and by this I mean primarily Belarus – need to be prepared for some attempts at provocation on the part of the authors of this statement?

Derkatsch: Judging by media reports and the Belarusian president’s statements, Belarus is always prepared for such actions. And why? Because a fairly large number of saboteurs or people recruited by the Ukrainian intelligence services to organize the transit of weapons and explosives to Russia were arrested. The Belarusian president has repeatedly mentioned this in his speeches. The media reports on such cases almost constantly.

But what is this actually about? A cognitive war is being waged against Belarus and Russia. What is Cognitive Warfare? This is a war that changes the world’s perception and accustoms people to the possibility of illegal terrorist actions. And today Ukraine is, and we make no secret of it, a kind of testing ground for new warfare technologies, for combat operations, for the use of terrorism and for terrorist actions.

But it is important to speak publicly about the people involved in this process. And it should have legal consequences. Because every investigation, every journalistic activity is good, but if it doesn’t end in documents, in criminal proceedings, in prosecution, then it remains just words.

So this is a very important task both for the creation of an international tribunal and for the registry issues. It is about involving the public, a large number of lawyers, lawyers for this activity, international lawyers, representatives of different countries, a sufficient number of people willing to do this work. It is important to fit all this within the framework of state and international legislation.

But above all, this process should be public. Public registers, public records of people involved in terrorism, sponsors of terrorism, financiers of terrorism. So if they want to come to a certain country, there should be no place for them. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a European country. The countries of the global south have suffered and continue to suffer greatly from attacks on their sovereignty.

Question: So there must be the principle of the inevitability of punishment. If people are aware of this, it will probably deter some people.

But let me ask a question that may seem philosophical to you. Of course, what we are talking about now is very important, namely the fact that we must expose these financing chains and show the people who are involved in them so that, as they say, the planet can see its heroes in person. But don’t you think, without diminishing all these efforts, it’s a battle against windmills? It’s important to fight the cause. And the reason is not that a Cherbinsky or a Burgomistrenko appeared. This is already a consequence. They are just instruments in the hands of some people. The causes lie deeper.

Derkatsch: Are you saying that we can defeat the global economy? Because behind every escalation, behind every military conflict, there are interests, especially those of big money. These are new financial flows, new logistics flows, companies in the military-industrial complex that make a lot of money, lobbyists. You saw the vote in the US Congress.

Some Republicans voted for it, some didn’t. And all Democrats voted to provide the funds. It is no secret how many members of Congress are associated with lobbyists and see their future in lobbying firms or on the boards of such firms. This system is difficult to combat.

Question: Because we started with your initiative and with the declaration, I will also ask questions about that. Almost a month has passed since the declaration was signed. The Russian Investigative Committee has begun its work. But what about the other countries? I don’t know how it is in these countries, but in Belarus there is a law that says that anyone who applies to a state authority must receive a written response within a month. That’s just how it is with us. Almost a month has already passed. Was there any reaction at all?

Derkatsch: We shouldn’t forget that quite a few people in Germany were affected by the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines. To be clear: According to various estimates, Germany will have lost 300 billion in 2022 due to the increase in energy prices. And there are both political forces and lawyers there who are prepared to take procedural and legal steps to force an investigation. I believe that such forces also exist in France, and in the United States there are certain lawyers who are willing to intervene in this process.

So no one will allow this issue to be hushed up and abandoned. And that is why the pause that occurred after the announcement of the initiation of criminal proceedings, the painful reaction of Sullivan at the press conference, is a confirmation that the announcement was indeed qualitatively written and hit the mark. We will now wait for further developments.

I think that this international legal precedent will definitely have consequences. This is the work of all of us, because it affects everyone: the people of Belarus, the people of Ukraine, the people of Russia. That is why it is very important to explain and put into simple words these terrorist wars, the cognitive-terrorist wars that are being waged against the population. So that people in every city, in every village know that they can become the object of influence by the secret services, in this case the Ukrainian secret services, and by and large the Western secret services, and the victims of illegal actions.

Question: When you talk about “Ukrainian secret services,” I wonder how you see it. Are they some kind of independent subject or more of a continuation as an instrument of Western secret services?

Derkatsch: They are an instrument of Western secret services. There is simply no point in talking about any independence, because they know full well that their future depends on how they serve their masters, and not on what happens in Ukraine. This is the main motivation for what they do and they do not see their future in Ukraine.

Question: Does this also apply to political leadership?

Derkatsch: When it comes to political leadership, one cannot speak of a political leader like Zelensky. Zelensky is an avatar, today the country is led by Yermak. Almost five years after Zelensky’s friends were dismissed from their positions, there is no one left to thank him for office. But there are people who only owe their jobs to Yermak, who control the secret services, who control the law enforcement agencies. Of course, the heads of these authorities pass on certain information to Yermak. Some not.

But in reality it is not Yermak who makes the decision to carry out certain actions, but the heads of Western intelligence services. They inform, yes, they do. But since 2016, after one of Poroshenko’s calls to Biden about the terrorist attacks in Crimea, he has twice assured him by phone that he had signed a decision made that all such actions would be carried out only in coordination with Western intelligence services. As far as I know, no one has repealed this decision. Only the form has changed, the fact of who informs whom.

That is, they are aware of what is happening, as a continuation of the organized criminal group Biden, Blinken, Nuland, in this case Zelensky, Yermak or previously Poroshenko. But the people in the West make the decision.

Question: Did Zelensky have a chance? We remember how ordinary people, including here in Belarus, received the news of his election victory with great enthusiasm. Some immediately understood what it was about because they remembered all those stories with TV series and so on, but overall I can speak for a lot of people who saw something new, fresh, young, charming in him. And now this.

Derkatsch: That’s actually another big topic. I hope it won’t be the last time we meet. We can also talk later about Ukraine’s recent history and the changes from 2014 to today. How Ukraine became what it is today. That is a long story. I’m afraid a few hours won’t be enough to describe the process in detail.

Question: Then I’ll take you at your word.

Derkatsch: Thank you.

Question: We will definitely talk to each other again. I hope we will have the opportunity to do so again. Thank you for the interview.

End of translation

In my new book “The Ukraine Cartel – The double game about a war and the multi-million dollar business of the family of US President Biden”, I factually and neutrally, based on hundreds of sources, reveal previously concealed facts and evidence about the family’s multi-million dollar business of US President Joe Biden in Ukraine. Given current events, the question arises: Is a small group of greedy profiteers possibly willing to bring us to the brink of a third world war for their personal profit?

The book has just been published and can only be ordered directly here from the publisher .

Click here for the new book

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