The Real 3rd Secret of Fatima Taken From Rome Will Become the Seat of the Anti-Christ!
Vatican Assassins/Knights of Malta members murdered JFK:
Jesuit trained ‘Protestant’ Lyndon B. Johnson while U.S. Vice President was knighted into the Knights of Malta in 1961!

Source : The Monitor, Volume XIII, Number 29, 20 October 1961 :——-en-20–1–txt-txIN——–
This is even more proof of the Vatican responsibility for John F. Kennedy’s (JFK) murder–the Jesuits were grooming Johnson to become U.S. President for when the event were to come that JFK was out of the way–assassinated . Also knighted by the Knights of Malta alongside U.S. Vice President Johnson were Senator Kenneth Keating from NY and Henry Cabot Lodge, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, who would later become U.S. President Richard Nixon’s personal ambassador to the Vatican!
Romerica on display
Further Reading : U.S. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson received the John Carroll award from Jesuit Georgetown University in 1963 just before the Jesuits assassinated then sitting U.S. President John F. Kennedy! Johnson was sworn in as U.S. President on a Roman Catholic missal after the killing : , Jesuit trained U.S. President Lyndon Johnson passed legislation giving unconstitutional Federal funds to the Catholic Church after the Jesuits/CIA murdered John F. Kennedy for refusing to do so! : , James Rowley, the Head of the U.S. Secret Service when U.S. President John F. Kennedy was murdered (November 22nd 1963) had a Jesuit priest as his brother! : , Reprinting a letter from a woman Hannah Erickson, November 22nd 1963, to the Dallas Police Department, accusing them of working for the Catholic Church, covering up the murder of JFK! and framing Lee Harvey Oswald :
Allen Dulles was a Knight of Malta as was William Casey, CIA.