Evil As It Gets: Psychos in Israel Want to Mass Murder ALL Palestinians While the World Looks On

Updates On This HAMAS False Flag Attack In Israel – Psychos In Israel Definitely Want To Murder ALL Of The 2 MILLION Prisoners Holed Up In The Gaza Strip!

I want to let readers know that I am a bit ‘under the weather’ today, as I have suffered over the last 3 days with a bout of Sinusitis that seems to rear its ugly head this time of the year on a constant basis… And yes, I have been taking a wide assortment of different ‘remedies’ to try to alleviate my pounding headaches and massive coughing and sneezing fits…

BUT I am a stubborn person indeed, and since I am feeling a bit ‘better’ this afternoon, I figured I would fire off one or possibly two reports on the key subjects that are on everyone’s minds, especially this definite FALSE FLAG fiasco in that hell hole called ‘Israel’.

I want to start off of course by stating that it is now painfully obvious to even the most ardent ‘critics’ and deniers out there that this ‘HAMAS attack’ was NOTHING of the sort and was a preplanned and scripted event launched by the Israeli MOSSAD as DEFINITELY a ‘false flag’ operation just to garner world ‘support’ for the most evil and twisted Benyamin Miliekowsky (the real name of course for ‘Netanyahu’) to now do what they wanted done for the last several decades, which is to destroy the Gaza Strip and murder every one of its 2+ MILLION prisoners…..And thanks to the gullibility of the SUCKERS out there via the ludicrous propaganda pushed by the LYING WHORE MEDIA outlets world wide, these monsters will get away with this horrific crime against humanity!

And yes, today being Friday the 13th of October, we have those reports about this being this day of ‘World wide JIHAD’ which to me is ‘right on cue’ and is being used to further inflame hatred of all Muslims, Palestinians, Islamists, etc and is being promoted EVERYWHERE by the JEWISH controlled world wide so called ‘media’…….. This idea of a day of world wide ‘Jihad’ plays right into the evil JEWISH hands and basically does not make any sense at all other than to give these freaks in ISRAEL more world wide support for the slaughter of the 2 MILLION people in the Gaza Strip…

And yes, the savagery and brutality that the psychos in Israel have committed against the innocent people of Gaza was bad enough for the last several decades, as these monsters indiscriminately murdered thousands of innocent men, women, and especially children… But now with them having the ‘Green Light’ via the HAMAS false flag attack to murder ALL of the people of Gaza, the level of brutality and savagery has now reached new heights, as according to the following link to a report that comes courtesy of the ZERO HEDGE website at http://www.zerohedge.com these monsters have had the gall to state that major hospitals in Gaza must ‘evacuate’ immediately, and then further states that nearly 1.1 MILLION of the prisoners holed up in northern Gaza have barely 24 hours now to ‘evacuate’ or face total annihilation as well! Here is that link:


OK… Giving a major hospital only 2 hours to ‘evacuate’ is clearly impossible, and shows the illogic madness of this outrageous request… But when I also heard that these monsters want to see ALL of northern Gaza’s 1.1 Million residents ‘evacuated’, I have a question as to WHERE are these 1+ Million civilians going to go? They cannot possibly evacuate ANYWHERE as the border crossing from Gaza to Egypt has been closed now for a very long time, and even trying to ‘evacuate’ over 1 million people takes a LOT of time, and we are talking about weeks if not months at least… AND they have no other border links to any other Arabic nation, and thus they are all trapped in a hell hole that will definitely be turned into their coffins very shortly….But here we have these ruthless murdering psychopaths state ’24 hours’ is plenty of time, and since that is impossible to do realistically, these freaks will murder nearly ALL of them and claim that they ‘warned them’…. Such is the sick mentality of these psychopaths clearly to be seen by everyone..


Yes, as of today the ruthless and never ending bombardment of Gaza is in full fury, as the psychos in Israel have also received the ‘word’ from the criminal psychopaths in charge in America and across the criminal European Union that not only does Israel ‘have their backs’ but that they will send an ‘endless’ supply of weapons and armaments to assure that criminal state will be able to murder those 2 million prisoners in Gaza! Even up here in Canada, that psychopath in charge, Justin ‘I not only love sucking Jew dick, but also continue to want to poke 12 year old girls’ TURDEAU has stated that Canada will support these freaks in this endeavour as well….

I have also always wanted to let readers know the REAL TRUTHS about Palestine and these Jewish invaders in articles that I have presented at both this blog and of course my previous works at that now permanently disabled site at ‘Blogger’… And since I have been a so called ‘student’ of REAL history, I want to present here a most interesting link to a report that comes courtesy of the “TWELVE YEARS NOT A SLAVE” website at http://www.twelveyearsnotaslave.wordpress.com that shows the proof that Adolf Hitler was NOT this so called ‘Zionist’ that so many have falsely claimed for the last 70+ years, and in fact supported the Arabic cause in preventing the poison of ‘Israel’ from ever coming into existence… Here is that link:

Yes, Hitler was not this ‘JEW’ or ‘Zionist’ as many have falsely claimed, but in fact was in full support of the Arabic cause of trying to prevent the hell hole of Israel from every being formed in the first place…

It is just too bad that Hitler’s efforts to save Palestine from what we are witnessing now never bore fruit back in the 1940’s….. To me, the world would be a so much different place now today if that psychotic state was never allowed to be ‘created’ in the first place….

The bottom line is this… Do NOT believe anything that the lying whore media outlets throw out there these days, as those ‘outlets’ are so BIASED and will always try to ‘spin’ the truth to try to make their JEWISH masters happy and to try to make the hell hole called ‘Israel’ look great… BUT no matter how hard these liars try, the world cannot overlook what is being done right now to the innocent people of Palestine by these monsters and HOW our own crooked and criminal governments are supporting their ongoing act of genocide…

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