About Turkey From a Deep State (Unwilling) Insider Who Knows What’s Going On


After many years of open hostilities, Turkey recently met with Syria, through its defense ministers and intelligence chiefs, at talks hosted in Moscow.


Turkey’s foreign minister, Mevlüt Çavusoglu, said he would meet his Syrian counterpart, Faisal Mekdad, as soon as possible to pave the way for a presidential summit between Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Bashar al-Assad.

The talks are not only beneficial for President Assad of Syria, who has always sought rapprochement with the West, and for President Erdogan of Turkey, who is facing an election in May, but also for President Putin of Russia, who hosted the historic meeting.


NATO has a long history of dirty tricks, which it has played in this area, including its creation of ISIS under OPERATION GLADIO B and its staging of false flag chemical attacks that the western media has falsely blamed on President Assad.

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Meanwhile, NATO seeks war in the Ukraine, as it stages other false flags that the western media falsely attributes to Russian liberators.

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The attempted rapprochement between Syria and Turkey, as it is brokered by Russia, needs to be seen against the context not only of NATO’s criminality, and its control of the western media, but also of the War in the Ukraine.

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And it needs to be seen in connection with the continued use of weather weapons in violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD).

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Turkey is a member of NATO, but it has worked to block Sweden and Finland from joining the organization, which helps Russia by keeping its Baltic neighbors neutral.

While secretly supporting ISIS, and arranging other false flag attacks that it blames on the PKK, Turkey has directed rebels and airstrikes against the YPG, YPJ, and SDF, which are backed by the United States, as MOSSAD attempts to split Syria into Kurdistan in the north and Greater Israel in the south.


There are a lot of moving pieces, but President Putin’s brokerage of historic peace talks greatly strengthened the Moscow-Tehran Axis, giving extra power to Russia and Iran just as the neighboring War in the Ukraine heats up.

But then there was a game changer.

A massive earthquake hit the area, only to be followed by another, along a different fault line, in a sequence that puzzled geologists.

Suddenly, there is a different reason for Syria and Turkey to work together, as the World Health Organization funnels aid through not Moscow but Dubai.


Did I mention that the second earthquake, which puzzles honest geologists, had an epicenter exactly 10.0 kilometers below the surface?


Or that a third mysterious earthquake, which should also puzzle honest geologists, has an epicenter exactly 10.0 kilometers below the surface?


Or that a fourth mysterious earthquake, which I identified as a false flag attack, occurred last autumn with an epicenter exactly 10.0 kilometers below the surface?

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Or that a fifth mysterious earthquake, which I identified as a false flag attack, occurred last summer with an epicenter exactly 10.0 kilometers below the surface?

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Each of these earthquakes had political ramifications, while the United States demonstrated its ability to create earthquakes through the underground detonation of nuclear bombs more than fifty years ago.



They are what started Greenpeace.

The earthquake that is shifting the dynamic set by the Russian peace talks was not an accident but it was a weather weapon used to create fear through a false flag so that the false relief of aid could be imposed, just as this happened through the secret nuclear program in connection with the Great Kantō Earthquake.

Click Here To Read My Article On The Subject!


As in Haiti, where an invasion also followed an earthquake, the aid coordinated by the military is not aid at all.

Charlie Hedbo called it right:  the earthquake accomplished what tanks could not do.

It’s all part of the Great Game.


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