The Franklin child prostitution ring also known as the Franklin Scandal were a series of high-profile accusations and legal actions between 1988 and 1991 surrounding a child sex ring serving prominent citizens of Omaha, Nebraska, as well as high-level U.S. politicians.
The Franklin scandal is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who had access to the highest levels of our government. Nebraska legislators nearly exposed the ring in 1990, but its unveiling had the potential to produce seismic political aftershocks. The legislators’ efforts resulted in rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering corruption of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI, Secret Service, and Justice Department, effecting an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.

The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.

Former republican Senator John Decamp was involved in the production a documentary called “Conspiracy of Silence” it was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired.
SHOCKING Cover up! – Conspiracy Of Silence – Abuse in Boy’s Town
Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired F.B.I. chief, Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.

Johnny was kidnapped on September 5, 1982, at the age of 12 a few blocks from his West Des Moines, Iowa, home while delivering newspapers. Fifteen years later in 1997, he returned to visit his mother to tell her the horrible things that happen to him. This case is about pedophilia, child pornography, child prostitution, mind control, and torture. The FBI has covered up the details, and the perpetrators have links to the CIA.

Johnny Gosch, A Rare Survivor:
On Sunday, September 6, 1982, in the bedroom community of West Des Moines, Iowa, 12-year-old Johnny Gosch is headed out on his newspaper route. He brings with him the family dog and his red wagon to carry the papers. That is the last time Johnny is ever seen again.

Johnny’s parents, Noreen and John Gosch, launch the initial search for their son because the West Des Moines police were short staffed due to the Labor Day weekend. Noreen knew in her heart that her son had not run away from home, as the police suspected, but had been abducted by a stranger.
Because both the Gosches were asleep when Johnny left the house that morning, there is conflicting information on what he was wearing that day. Their best guess, was either dark sweat pants, or a white t-shirt with blue jean cut-offs.

Another newspaper boy named Mike tells police that a stocky man in a 1979 or 1980 blue two-tone, two-door Ford Fairmont with Iowa plates had been driving around that morning asking the newspaper boys for directions.
Johnny told Mike that the man made him feel uncomfortable when he asked him for directions. As the boys noticed the Fairmont circling the area again, Johnny said he was heading home. Mike watched Johnny walking down the street, and noticed another man he hadn’t seen before, walking closely behind Johnny as he turned the corner.

A police artist creates a composite sketch of the stocky, dark-complected man seen driving the car. Witnesses describe him in his 30’s, with a mustache. The sketch is released to the media but nothing solid comes from the lead.

Days turn into weeks, and weeks bleed into months. Noreen becomes obsessed with finding her son. Every night she leaves her porch light on. She does numerous television interviews hoping that Johnny will see her and know that help is on the way. Usually when a child is abducted he’s not seen or heard from again. But in the years following Johnny’s disappearance there were sightings, evidence, and bizarre coincidences. And to this very day, many believe Johnny was the victim of a bizarre and insidious plot and is still alive and in hiding. See a detailed timeline.
Soon after his abduction, Johnny was drugged, molested, sold, and prostituted. This was not a random kidnapping. Johnny was clearly targeted.
On September 19, 1982, Michael Aquino purchases Johnny for $35,000.

They travel to Colorado (to a house near Sedalia in the vicinity of Elephant Rock and Jarre Canyon; this house was shown on one of the AMW programs broadcast in 1992) where Johnny begins a program of torture, mind control and prostitution. Aquino is a military intelligence officer with ties to the CIA’s mind control branch; he has the contacts, resources and motivation to head an organization of criminals that kidnap children and transform them into sex slaves to satisfy his own personal mental illness while disguising the operation under the umbrella of “national security.”

On August 12, 1984, two years after Johnny disappeared, 12-year old Eugene Martin, another paperboy for the Des Moines Register disappears while on his newspaper route. Noreen Gosch receives information another paperboy will be abducted prior to Martin’s disappearance and reports it to local police. They call her “crazy” and disregard the tip. The FBI jumps on the Martin case immediately, but like Johnny, it’s as though Eugene has disappeared without a trace. On August 16, President Reagan phones the editor or the Des Moines Register, James Gannon and asks what if anything he can he do to help in the disappearance of the two boys. To date authorities have been unable to positively link these two cases.

For the next two years, there are sightings of Johnny all over the US, including a dollar bill which shows up in Sioux City, Iowa. Written on the front of the currency is “I am alive — Johnny Gosch.”
Then on Valentine’s Day, 1988, a typed letter arrives at the Gosch home. It’s postmarked, Idaho. The writer say’s he’s Johnny and he’s been kidnapped and forced to do terrible things. He says his kidnappers have dyed his hair and given him a new name. He types at the end of the letter, “Your son, Johnny Gosch.”

The note also mentions the incident in Oklahoma where Johnny approached a woman for help. According to Noreen, that tip was never made public, which validates for her that the letter is authentic.

“Johnny Gosch was here” was painted in red nail polish on the bathroom wall of a restaurant in Denver, Colorado. IN 1989, 21 year old Paul Bonacci, a convicted child molester, comes forward. While serving time in an Omaha, Neb. prison for molesting a young boy, Bonacci admitted to his psychiatrist he helped abduct Iowa newspaper boy Johnny Gosch. He claimed there was an organized ring of pedophiles in Omaha that abducts children and forces them into a life of pornography and prostitution and in some cases auctions off these children to clients for sex.

Larry E. King: Bonacci, who suffers from a multiple personality disorder, had been a key witness in Omaha’s Franklin Federal Credit Union bank scandal. He testified that Larry E. King, who was charged and convicted with embezzling $40 million from the bank, had wild sex parties at his home and Bonacci himself had sex with several prominent Omaha citizens who were there.
Larry E. King, was a major Republican fundraiser based in Omaha and sang the national anthem at both the 1984 and 1988 Republican conventions. Bonacci claimed that he and others were taken to the Republican convention in Dallas and also made numerous trips to King’s Washington, DC apartment on Embassy Row where they were offered up for sex-for-pay with prominent Republican politicians.

Bonacci claims that this organized ring picked him up at the age of eight and forced him into prostitution. He says he was photographed, blackmailed and later forced to be a decoy to lure young boys, like Johnny, into waiting vehicles. Bonacci admits that he became a molester himself.
Bonacci’s attorney, John DeCamp, phoned the Gosches with this story and the Gosch’s private investigator Roy Stephens spent two years trying to disprove Bonacci’s claims. Because Bonacci had been charged with perjury and perpetrating a hoax by the grand jury in the Franklin Credit scandal, neither the FBI nor the West Des Moines Police would even interview him about the Gosch case. They still feel he is an unreliable witness.

In the two years Roy Stephens investigated Bonacci, he went from skeptic to supporter, and some of Bonacci’s story and the evidence Roy Stephens uncovered is compelling: “Emilio” is the ringleader of the organization who orders the abductions and sells the children to pedophiles. Bonacci claims Emilio was the man in the Ford Fairmont asking Johnny for directions.
“Tony” is used as the driver. Remarkably, he’s been identified in other child abductions across the country including Mikelah Joy Garrett, who disappeared in November 1988 from her home in Hayward, California.
The night before Johnny’s abduction, Bonacci saw a man bring photos of young boys to Emilio. He says one was Johnny Gosch. Noreen Gosch remembered that a neighbor noticed a woman taking pictures of Johnny three months before his abduction. Even more interesting, where the neighbor saw the picture being taken matches exactly the background described by Bonacci in the photo he saw.
“Mike” was a boy who Bonacci claims was with him in the back seat of the car that Emilio was driving on the day of the abduction. He said another man pushed Johnny into the car and Paul used chloroform to knock Johnny out.
Bonacci said they were taken to a farmhouse in Sioux City, Iowa where he was the first to sexually abused Johnny, and then photos were taken. Emilio entered the room and told Bonacci and Mike to undress Johnny. Emilio had a buyer who wanted to see photos of the boys doing things to each other. Eventually the buyer arrived, looked at the pictures, paid $35,000 and took Johnny to Colorado.

“Charlie” ran the farm in Sioux City, Bonacci says. Roy Stephens actually located a Chuck he believes is Charlie and found people who said things about Chuck that were similar to what Bonacci said about Charlie.
“The Colonel” was the man who Bonacci said ran a ranch in Colorado. Bonacci said the last time he saw Johnny was back in 1986 at that same ranch. Johnny, whose hair was now dyed black, and was renamed “Mark”, had attempted to run away. When they caught up with him, they branded Johnny on his right buttock, like a piece of livestock.

John DeCamp, legal counsel to the Chairman of the State Senate Committee that investigated the Federal Credit Union, and who later became a state senator, wrote a book on the scandal called “The Franklin Cover-up.” At first he too was skeptical of Bonacci’s claims, but now he believes that high level government officials wanted to keep everything quiet and did everything they could to discredit Paul Bonacci. He wonders why the FBI completely refused to investigate Bonacci’s claims regarding Johnny Gosch, “It was a forbidden zone, they wouldn’t even talk about it,” says DeCamp.
DeCamp says Bonacci’s multiple personalities, at last count 28, is a result of years of sexual abuse and mind control. “It’s caused by the very things he describes.”

In 1990, Investigator Gary Caradori who was investigating Paul Bonacci’s claims for the Nebraska State Legislation, urgently phoned State Senator Loran Schmit from Chicago saying he had found “the smoking gun.” Caradori told Schmit he would fly that night from Chicago on his private plane with his son back to Lincoln, Nebraska. The plane exploded over Aurora, Illinois, killing Caradori and his eight year old son. According to an eyewitness, just before hearing the explosion, he saw a “flash of light.”
A Sheriff’s deputy recovers pictures of children with high profile politicians. Caradori’s briefcase containing photos of and the rear seat to the plane disappear and are never recovered. IN October 1991, Noreen Gosch met Paul Bonacci, in a face to face meeting. She said Paul described to her things about Johnny that she had never released to the press: that Johnny Gosch had a stutter and that he had taken yoga. Because of those small details she believes Paul Bonacci’s story is true. IN a bizarre coincidence, that summer a friend of the Gosch’s was in a Denver restaurant and noticed painted on the bathroom wall, in bright red nail polish, “Johnny Gosch was here”. Roy Stephens showed a series of photos, including the Mexican restaurant, to Bonacci. Without prompting, Bonacci identified the restaurant and recalled how he, Johnny, and Mike went into the bathroom and Johnny painted “Johnny Gosch was here” on the wall.
Bonacci even produced a letter from his friend Mike mentioning how JG wrote on the bathroom walls in a Mexican restaurant — in red nail polish.
In 1992, AMW aired the Johnny Gosch story and with the help of Paul Bonacci several composite sketches were drawn of the principals involved in the alleged pedophilia ring. The FBI attempts to get the network to “kill the story”. Why would the FBI not want the show to air? After the show aired, Noreen Gosch received a 14 page letter from a boy named “Jimmy” who said the same men who had abducted her son had abducted him and he told her that Johnny was still alive. Noreen said he knew personal details about her son that had never before been released and she believes him.
AMW aired a series of interviews with Jimmy in March 1993, in which Jimmy talked about his friendship with Johnny. He said they had made a blood oath to protect and help each other and to trust each other always. Jimmy said he was with Johnny at the ranch in Colorado for four years and that when Jimmy was overheard talking about escaping, he too was branded. Jimmy lifted his pant leg and revealed a large brand on his leg similar to the brand Paul Bonacci had seen on Johnny.
Jimmy later met with Noreen and John Gosch and gave them a diary he had kept of his life. Included in it were some of Johnny’s memories of the time when he was a paper boy. Jimmy wrote that Johnny had 37 customers and how proud he felt when he won the local paper boy competition and won a free airline ticket. Noreen says all of that, is true.
AMW producers took Paul Bonacci to Colorado in an attempt to find the “The Colonels” ranch where these boys say they were held. Outside of Bueno Vista, Bonacci recognized a piece of property. He physically reacted when he walks up to the front door, and began to cry uncontrollably. Paul showed AMW the secret underground chamber where he says the children were put in case authorities came by. Paul says some of the boys were placed there blindfolded, as a form of punishment.
In 1997, Noreen Gosch, says Johnny himself paid her a visit. He stayed for an hour and told her what happened to her and why he could never come home or see her again because of the criminal activity he’s now involved in. That sparked a book penned by Noreen called, “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home.” But the latest twist is the most bizarre.
On August 27th, 2006, two photos were left at the home of Noreen Gosch. In one photo a young boy is tied up and gagged and a brand mark is seen on his upper arm, which surprisingly appears identical to the brand mark on “Jimmy’s “ankle that AMW videotaped in 1993. It is also identical to the one Paul Bonacci described to AMW in 1992 that he claimed to have seen on Johnny Gosch’s rear end in the late 1980’s. The other photo shows three boys lying side by side on a bed, also bound and gagged. Noreen Gosch was certain her son Johnny is in two of those photos and quickly turned them over to the police for analysis.
But just this week, the West Des Moines police say Johnny Gosch is not among the boys in the photos. Nelson Zalva, a retired detective from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s office in Tampa recognized the photos as evidence in a case he investigated in 1978 or 1979, which predates Johnny Gosch’s 1982 disappearance. Ret. Det. Zalva says all the boys in the photos were identified but failed to provide authorities with enough evidence to prosecute the man who took the pictures. Hillsborough Sheriff’s department is now researching their files to locate the original photos because Retired Det. Zalva does not recall seeing a brand mark on the boy in the photo.
A photo of George H.W. Bush surfaces with what appears to be a young Johnny Gosch standing behind Bush. I chose to post Johnny’s story first because it’s been established it was an Illuminati abduction.

Given what you’ve learned thus far, what characteristics common to Illuminati abductions appear in the Gosch abduction? Johnny can fit either of the 2 types of abductees, given the uncertainty of the clothes he was wearing at the time. A possible white tee shirt and blue jeans would fit Type 1 but given the fact Johnny had a slight disability (a stutter) he could also fit the Type 2 abductee.
We know from an eyewitness account a neighbor saw a strange woman was seen photographing Johnny 3 months prior to his actual abduction, which mean Johnny had been under surveillance prior to the abduction.
While the article doesn’t mention it, the fact Johnny’s dad normally accompanied Johnny on his paper route (but couldn’t that day) also supports Johnny having been under surveillance. They knew which morning to snatch him as his dad wasn’t with him. (That a woman was seen photographing Johnny also supports the male/female abduction team.)

Local police stalled the initial investigation by insisting Johnny was a runaway despite his mother’s claims he was not, that he must’ve been abducted. (Which is what forced Johnny’s Law to be passed, forcing police to act immediately in child disappearances). I also question the police claiming to be understaffed on Labor Day weekend. While this may have been true, police generally schedule MORE officers to work holiday weekends.
When Noreen Gosch tells local law enforcement she’s received a tip another paperboy will be abducted, police call her “crazy” and ignore the tip.
This is the typical Illuminati tactic of portraying credible witnesses as “mentally ill” in order to discredit them. And the fact police refused to act on her tip speaks for itself. The abduction vehicle was a blue sedan. Johnny was drugged with choloraform, 1 of 2 drugs favored by the Illuminati.

The FBI quickly stepped into both the Gosch and Martin disappearances in order to control the investigation and media coverage. This is evidenced by the FBI attempting to prevent America’s Most Wanted from airing their episode on Johnny’s abduction.

We have Illuminati repetition as well – both Gosch and Martin were paperboys. You have the suspicious death of investigator Gary Caradori, who was preparing to expose the government pedophile ring so was murdered when his plane exploded. (This again speaks to Illuminati repetition of tactics, as the exact same method was used by our government, specifically George H.W. Bush and his spawn offspring Dubya, to bring down JFK Jr.’s plane and kill him). The Illuminati appear to have a penchant for blowing up planes…

Symbolism appears via the branding of these boys with the rocking X brand. Numerology – Johnny was born in the 11th month, was under surveillance for 3 months, and was just shy of his 13th birthday as is often the case in male abductions for this pedophile ring. The boys are often just shy of their 13th birthday or are 13 years old when abducted.

Satanic holidays – While Johnny was abducted just 2 days before the Marriage of the Beast satanic holiday, his upcoming birthday may have been more of a mitigating factor as the most important holiday to Satanists is one’s own birthday.
We have evidence tampering in the Caradori plane crash by apparently both law enforcement and the government. The photos recovered by the Sheriff’s deputy and the back seat of the plane both mysteriously disappear.
What’s really interesting about this case is that all questioning of witnesses and discovery of evidence that Johnny was abducted into this pedophile ring was not done by law enforcement or the FBI, but by the private investigators Noreen Gosch hired to investigate Johnny’s abduction!
Johnny Gosch is now in his 40’s and to date no one has been charged or prosecuted in his abduction despite the overwhelming evidence that was discovered pointing to an Illuminati abduction. 30 years have passed since Johnny Gosch’s abduction.
Franklin Coverup Youtube Videos and E-Book Downloads:
- Tom Brokaw reports on White House Call Boy Child Prostitution Ring 1989
- FranklinCoverup, Whitehouse Pedophile Sex Scandal CBS News
- 1989 #2 News Call boys in Bush Sr’s Whitehouse
- Whitehouse Ped0phile Sex Scandal CBS News
- Sex abuse party with George Bush Senior The Franklin Cover up Paul Bonacci testimony
- The Franklin Cover (EBook – PDF):
- 5200 Pentagon Employees Bought Child Pornography Investigation halted after 8 Months
- The Truth About PornHub, Rape and Pedophilia
- Wayfair, Amazon, Walmart, Etsy Caught Trafficking Missing Children
- Hillary Clinton Brags And Laughs About How She Robbed A 12 year old Rape Victim Of Justice
- Justin Bieber Where Are U Now Decoded Pizzagate Wayfair Exposed 2020
- Disney Illuminati Satanism Sex symbols Exposed
- Bill Clinton flys on Jeffrey Epsteins Lolita Express
- Who Is Marina Abramovic and the Inconvenient Truth About Bill Gates IF YOU ONLY KNEW
- the MoCA Annual Gala with Marina Abramovic
- George W Bush Practically Admits 911 was a ‘Conspiracy’ Plot
- 911 George Bush This Crusade Is Gonna Take A While Sept 17 2001
- Bush Crime Family syndicate
- George Bush Sr Had Breakfast with Bin Laden’s Brother on 911
- The Bush 9 11 Classroom Ritual
- Satanism Exposed The Burning Bushes
- Prescott BUSH #322? over throw America 1933
- Prescott Bush How Bushs grandfather helped Hitlers rise to Power
- The Bush 9 11 Classroom Ritual, The ‘KIDS’ Recite KITE, KIT, STEEL, PLANE , MUST
- On 911 Bush watched the first plane impact
Michael Aquino Top Level Satanist
For those who don’t know, Michael Aquino was a Psychological Warfare Specialist in the US Army from 1968 until 1990, when he was involuntarily discharged as a result of investigations into his involvement in the ritual sexual abuse of children at the Presidio Day Care Center in San Francisco. Throughout this same time, he has also been a devout Satanist and self-confessed neo-Nazi. He joined Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan in 1969, staying until 1975 when he left to start his own Temple of Set, which has been in operation ever since.

Please note here that both psyops and satanism involve using many levels of deception and coercion to manipulate the perceptions of others for ulterior motives, so these are skills that Aquino is very familiar with and very comfortable in using. He is also an expert in propaganda and skilled in techniques for disseminating misinformation/disinformation, and using misdirection, confusion tactics, isolation techniques, and revisionism. Therefore, he will certainly use these skills to defend himself against the truth of his actions.
Michael Aquino explains that his name keeps coming up in pedophile-ring cases because he’s the victim of a conspiracy (a ‘black bag job’, as he calls it). He bases this on the fact that he’s a satanist and so people just automatically hate him because of it. Unfortunately for him, making such a bad choice in lifestyle and philosophy doesn’t excuse him from anything, although in his particular case it certainly does lend weight to the allegations against him and even invites them, so he shouldn’t really complain about it. He tends to keep his perceptions of all this bad publicity focused strictly on the Presidio child abuse case in which he was a central figure during the 1980s, since that’s the only one he’s ever had to legally defend himself against (so far). Even in this one isolated case, he only dares to focus on it as far as his own limited version of the facts go, and he totally avoids acknowledging the larger body of evidence that implicates him personally. Similarly, he totally overlooks the longer history of events he’s been implicated in by various sources who are far removed from one another and who couldn’t possibly be engaged in any sort of conspiracy against him.

Whatever the case, I’m not going to attempt to detail all of the evidence against Michael Aquino here, since there’s far too much of it for this short article. I merely want to put his claim of conspiracy into proper perspective, in order to show how absurd it really is.
Time after time, Michael Aquino has been pointed at as a ruthlessly evil defiler and abuser of the most innocent and defenseless among us – young children – and it was as early as 1980 that the putrid history of his involvement in pedophilia and mind control can be traced back to (at least in the public records), but it probably goes back much further. The following provides a short historical record of events that ties Aquino to a larger criminal syndicate operating through the US government, and reveals his position within it.

1967 – Michael Aquino began a two-year tour of duty in Vietnam, taking part in the infamous Phoenix Program. The Phoenix Program was an assassination/torture/terror operation that was initiated by the CIA, with the aim of ‘neutralizing’ the civilian infrastructure that supported the Viet Cong insurgency in South Vietnam. It was a terrifying ‘final solution’ that blatantly violated the Geneva Conventions. Targets for assassination included VC tax collectors, supply officers, political cadre, local military officials, and suspected sympathizers. However, ‘faulty intelligence’ more often than not led to the murder of innocent civilians, even young children. Sometimes orders were even given to kill US military personnel who were considered security risks. In 1971, William Colby, head of CIA in Vietnam at the time, later testified that the number killed was 20,857, while South Vietnamese government figures claimed it was 40,994 dead.
This murderous psyop program had the effect of creating legions of cold-blooded psychopathic killers who would return home to the USA as completely different people than when they left. Many of them would become involved in satanism during or after their involvement in the Phoenix Program. And Michael Aquino was there to lead them into it. Soon after these killers started coming home, there began a steady rise in horrific serial murders with satanic undertones that centered around the southern California area (where Michael Aquino has always lived).
Comment: The sadistic Satanist Pedophiles running the U.S. Gov’t would consider the Phoenix Program and resulting serial killers a HUGE success!
1980 – According to sworn testimony given before a US Senate in later years, MKULTRA mind-control victim Cathy O’Brien claimed that she was programmed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, in 1980 by Lt. Col. Michael Aquino of the US Army. She stated that Aquino used barbaric trauma techniques on both her daughter Kelly and herself that involved NASA technology. Cathy O’Brien claimed that she was a ‘presidential model’ Monarch sex slave, meaning that she was specially programmed to cater to the sexual perversions of the highest-ranking politicians in the USA. She stated that during her time as a sex slave (which started as a child), she serviced a number of well-known politicians, including both Bill and Hilary Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Governors Lamar Alexander and Richard Thornburgh, Bill Bennett, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Robert Byrd (who she says was her handler) and Arlen Spector. O’Brien eventually gave testimony before the US Senate regarding the events she was forced to go through, and although she named her perpetrators, not one of them dared to challenge her or accuse her of slander.