“Some members get off on raping and murdering kids, but not all. The ones who like it were conditioned to be sexually aroused by it through being abused and exposed to such practises as children.” (CIA Satanists Likely the Reason We have an Explosion of Pedophiles!)


Comment: There is so Much More to the Use of Adrenochrome by the Hollywood Elites as they use ADRENOCHROME to give their best acting performances. Adrenochrome has the ability to make the actor feel like he IS the character and living thru the character. Adrenochrome is produced in many CIA controlled facilities and a Hypodermic syringe is used by the neck to extract it as the hormones go into overdrive during torture. The best adrenochrome comes from children and young teenagers. Adrenochrome is a STAPLE in Hollywood and in Controlling Mind Controlled Slaves & Assassins who are drugged up Daily to keep them under control. Adrenochrome works to make the victim Docile and Easily Controllable. They automatically do what they’re told to do like a robot. Mind controlled slaves are Used & controlled by the Satanic Elite to compromise Politicians and Actors/Actresses/Persons of Influence and Make Money for the Satanic Cabal. They are also used to transport Drugs, act as message couriers and back channels politically, ghost write songs, and some work as actors/actresses. They are in all facets of life now from the top models to A List Actors and politicians. Some are doctors and lawyers. All are under Rigid control by the Satanic Cabal. They are ALL members of Cabal’s Secret Societies.


Without the use of Endocrine you can’t program them to carry out missions or tasks the way you can with Endocrine which makes subconscious programming possible, when a person is programmed subconsciously they will carry out missions after the drug wears off and can make them have desires to do things they normally wouldn’t.


Sexual abuse is a power drive===========================

  • Individuals that work their way to the top of Hollywood or politics are typically power-centric people. They place a much higher emphasis on power in their lives than the average person. While not inherently a negative, this drive for power can become increasingly erratic. Sexual abuse, especially against children, is typically a psychological lust for more power and control.

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