Monthly Archive: June 2019

MKUltra Acronym

MKULTRA Acronym Definition MKULTRA Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.Suggest new definition Randal Turner‏ @Randy_S_TurnerFollowFollow @Randy_S_TurnerMoreReplying to @LisaMar15748957@RealWoodyVanErk and 4 others First of all MK doesn’t stand for Mind Kontrol. It stands for Manufactured Killer. Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal...

Dataminer Facebook Also Wants Your Financial Information

Facebook unveils ‘its most invasive and dangerous form of surveillance yet’ with launch of Libra cryptocurrency –The Sun“FACEBOOK is launching cryptocurrency next year that will allow people to move money from their smartphone into a...

Fake Pocahontas Loony Liberal Plan to Demolish USA

Fake Pocahontas Loony Liberal Plan to Demolish USA

NY Times: Elizabeth Warren Proposes ‘Aggressive Intervention’ to Create Jobs REBUTTAL BYMore than 1,000 years before American founders such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (the primary authors of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, respectively) set forth...