Monthly Archive: April 2019

EIR Daily Alert Service, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2019

TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2019 Volume 6, Number 74EIR Daily Alert ServiceP.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390 Dershowitz Compares Assange Case to New York Times 1971 Pentagon Papers Case Trump to Carter: ‘China Is Getting...


TOP STORY More accusations are rising against Joe Biden, as the mainstream media in large part defends him.Why Are Politicians Such Creeps?So now the living meme that is “Creepy Uncle Joe Biden” has gone mainstream...

Locking Assange Up is a Way of Covering Up His Truthful Narrative Which Will Destroy the Russian Hack HOAX-Who Gains? Hillary Clinton & MOB

SARTRE 4-16-19 No one should be astonished that Julian Assange was forcibly dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy by British authorities. Arresting the Wikileaks journalist on charges of failure to appear in a British...