JERUSALEM’s MOSQUE FIRE BURNS-Notre Dame Burns Coincidence? Unlikely

JERUSALEM’S AL-AQSA MOSQUE FIRE BURNS: Coincidence? Not Bloody Likelyby Starship Earth: The Big Picture

Thanks, R.  I have company, so that’s all I have for you at the moment. The company I find myself in are not inclined to see these events as I do, as many discussions already tonight, divulge.  ~ BP JERUSALEM’S AL-AQSA MOSQUE FIRE BURNS AT THE SAME TIME AS FLAMES ENGULF NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL IN […]

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Curious Footage from Notre-Dame by Starship Earth: The Big PictureSocial media embraces the “see something – say something” slogan. My first thought when I learned of the fire was the secrets harboured there that might be eliminated and never told. Thanks for the heads up, R. Très troublantes images d’un individu bizarrement accoutré déambulant sur une coursive de la tour sud de #NotreDame au […]Read more of this post

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