Is It the End for Christianity in France With the Migrant Invasion?


Article first posted here on TUT back in May 2015.CONTINUE READING

FRANCE – How Catholic Churches Have ALWAYS been targeted by radical secularists, anti-religion groups and feminist activistsby TUT Editor

NEWSWEEK – [The executive director of the] Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, Ellen Fantini, told Newsweek that while in many cases the motive for the attacks was not known, France faced growing problems with anti-Christian violence, especially by anarchist and feminist groups.

“I think there is a rising hostility in France against the church and its symbols,” but “it seems to be more against Christianity and the symbols of Christianity. These attacks are on symbols that are really sacred to parishioners, to Catholics. Desecration of consecrated hosts is a very personal attack on Catholicism and Christianity, more than spray-painting a slogan on the outside wall of a church.”

She said that while France had a long tradition of secularism, it was seen as a culturally Christian country, and so any “attack on the church as a symbol of religion was also an attack on authority and patrimony. “The pressure is coming from the radical secularists or anti-religion groups as well as feminist activists who tend to target churches as a symbol of the patriarchy that needs to be dismantled,” she added.  CONTINUE READING

Notre Dame De Paris Fire – Initial Thoughts By Gearóid Ó Colmáinby TUT Editor
Image result for notre dame

Gearóid Ó Colmáin – When false flags were waved a few years ago, everyone was meming “Pray for Paris”. Where are they now? The great Catholic theologian Urs Von Balthasar once said that men who would forget the sense of beauty would forget how to pray and eventually forget how to love. Notre Dame was a testimony to the truth of the church. Its majesty mocked man’s scepticism. It was difficult even for an unbelieving man to enter it without a sense of awe; without feeling a certain…. revulsion at humanist pride.

We are living in an age of ugliness and lies. It is an age of flat roofs and high-rise windows; of blurs called art, and dins called music – a faithless and craven age. There’s no more art because man is no longer searching for the truth. There’s no more goodness because man is happy in his iniquity.

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FLASHBACK – Major Rise in Attacks on French Churches Ignored by Mediaby TUT Editor

NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER – Shattered statues and satanic symbols mark rise in attacks on French church.

Sometimes it’s a cross of human excrement smeared on a church wall, with stolen Communion hosts stuck at the four corners. Other times, a statue of the Virgin Mary lies shattered on the floor. 

Now and then, a fire breaks out in a house of prayer.  Roman Catholic churches have increasingly come under attack in France, a country so long identified with Christianity that it used to be called “the eldest daughter of the church.” 

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LEST WE FORGET – Rabbi Bentzi Gopstein: “All Churches Should Be Burned Down”by TUT EditorED-NOTE: The article is in French and dates back to August 2015. For those who can read French, the link to the article is below. For those who do not, here is a quick translation of the first paragraphs.“Rabbi Ben-Zion Gopstein is a follower of Rabbi Meir Kahane, the founder of the terrorist group Jewish Defense League (JDL). He is in charge of the Lehava group (LeMeniat Hitbolelut B’eretz HaKodesh, for prevention of assimilation in the Holy Land), a group implicated in many crimes and offenses, but protected by the government.In a context of increasing attacks against churches, he was questioned Friday during a debate on the cult of idols. When asked if he was sympathetic to church fires, he replied quoting Moses Maimonides:”Of course … did Maimonides ask to destroy them, yes or no? Idolatry must be destroyed”[Moses Maimonides] is a Jewish extremist, considered the “second Moses of Judaism”. Arrived in Spain in the vans of the Arab invader, he had defiled the land of Europe before spreading his lies and his insults in North Africa.Bentzi Gophstein went on to say that he was ready to go to jail for fifty years if he committed such a crime. He thus conforms to the ‘halakha’, the Jewish law, which contains in it all the anti-Christian, anti-European hatred of the deicide people. CONTINUE READINGTUT Editor | April 16, 2019 at 11:36 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: 
China is doing a full on Christian and Muslim purgeIt always happens with the commies, as soon as people will put up with itThis is a near totally censored topic, obviously because the goals are the same elsewhere, including the U.S. and those fronting this effort in America and Europe don’t want people to be aware of how it is progressing elsewhere. At any rate, this is no big secret with China, except for what has started happening recently. I will state this clearly according to what I have found over the past few months (and years) -It all started with Falun Gong. They were fringe enough for people to ignore. It then happened to the Muslims, because they had been back stabbed enough in the global media to get away with causing major problems for. Then they came for the Christians. It started modestly, with government approved churches a couple years ago, and the bulldozing of very prominent and large Christian churches started a few months ago.Now after many churches got bulldozed, Christians have started gathering in homes, and the government is offering two months average Chinese pay to anyone who rats out the homes they are gathering in.Folks, communism is about to go fully naked tyranny in China, yes, they were commie for a while but they never took it to this extreme – For a while, China looked like a communist success story. They still had their religions, they still had their free enterprise and the nation was flourishing. Now we have proof that communists NEVER STOP until the entire system, with all it’s ugly fruits, are in place. If they are paying people to rat out people who gather as Christians in their homes it is GAME OVER, China has officially gone off the rails and has once again proven that communism never stops until the last, final nail of ugliness has been driven. This last, final, ugly episode is nowhere to be found in the MSM.I gotta say, China was looking good for a while

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