Monthly Archive: April 2019

The U.S. Is No Longer Respected

The US Government Is No Longer Respected April 22, 2019 | Categories: Guest Contributions | Tags: |  Print This Article The US Government Is No Longer Respected Two war criminals—Bolton & Pompeo—are in charge of US foreign policy, the CIA...

Shows who really runs the world

This is in Remembrance For Serbian Christians Mass Murdered By U.K. and U.S. (Uncle Satan)

Orthodox Easter 1944. USA, GB were murdering their Christian Allies Grey CarterSat, Apr 20, 2019 | 1400 words 3,739  45 The American and British air force bombed Belgrade and various Serbian towns on Sunday, April 16, 1944, during Christian...

Hollywoods False Idols

Randy Turner April 20 at 5:01 PM ·  I remember a tunnel under Hollywood I met with a group of Hollywood icons. The walls were covered in cheap brown carpet, I recall Jon Voight was...