Is Nancy Pelosi putting American lives at risk by refusing to build the border wall?

14,932VotesIs Nancy Pelosi putting American lives at risk by refusing to build the border wall?Your answer: Yes


Late Headlines and Updates for April 12, 2019: Insanity is the New Normal [videos]

What?!  If a mother kills her baby, then kill the mother? Are we in some alternate reality where nonsense is the norm?

Texas bill would allow death penalty for women who get abortions

Nut jobs always find the White House, don’t they?

Man ‘sets himself on fire’ outside White House, gets detained

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas got another subpoena after filming the interview with a man who voted twice; once in Florida and once in New Hampshire.

They’re trying to make it illegal to report on crimes and questionable behaviour. Journalists are to keep their mouths shut and stick to the narrative—or else—they get hauled into court. Can you say, “tyranny”? The thugs who do this need to be eliminated.

If you behave in an illegal or unbecoming manner then expect to be exposed. That’s natural, Universal law.

O’Keefe Receives Subpoena in NH – Un-Aired WMUR Interview

More on the Assange rescue…

Trump Checkmates “Deep State” With “Assange Gambit”—Hillary Now Knows It’s “Not If, But When

Check out the other incendiary headlines at “What Does It Mean?” while you’re there. Awan whacked Seth Rich?


2016: Julian Assange Suggests MURDERED DNC STAFFER Seth Rich Was Wikileaks Source: “We Have To Understand How High The Stakes Are In the United States”

Are you familiar with the testimony from James Woods? That one went right under my radar but the back story and details about what he reported on the flight with the 4 oddly mysterious and possibly threatening passengers is very interesting; interesting enough that the FBI showed up at his door to speak with him after he filed a report. “Family Guy” is under my radar too. Never watched it.


Jason Bermas
Streamed live on Mar 11, 2019
My breakdown of the files released through Layer 3 by the Dark Overlord!

If you like the research and presentation skills of GoodDog, check out his latest Q LEGEN[D] segment which premieres tonight at 5:00 on Caravan to Midnight with a lot of information you won’t hear in the fake media, or even most of the alternative media.

Merchants of Menace Chapter: Oranges & Origins Section: Bill of Wrongs

The Seething Frog says we’re being played. It IS a giant psyop, as I’ve said before, but are we being played from both sides?


Douglas has a new website! He wants us to sign up so he can keep in touch with us. He feels the writing is on the wall and that censorship will be taking him out on YouTube, Facebook, etc. soon as it has happened to others.

Love the shirt.  ~ BP

Urgent News For All American Patriot Subscribers To My Channel

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