Targeted Killings, The Death of William Combes and the War on Humanity, June 3, 2018
Targeted Killings, The Death of William Combes and the War on Humanity, June 3, 2018
Here We Stand with Rev Kevin D Annett and guest Erika Kelly, with a short introduction to the rerun by Rev. Kevin Annett
Rerun from Radio Free Kanata June 25, 2017
TOPIC: Targeted Killings, The Death of William Combes and the War on Humanity: An Eyewitness Speaks
Headlined, Radio Free Kanata, June 25, 2017
Our guest is Erika Kelly, is a retired nurse and former employee at St. Paul’s Catholic hospital in Vancouver. She tended to the targeted residential school activist William Combes (see below *) just before his unusual death there in 2011. Erika witnessed the events that point to William’s probable death by foul play. Erika will also discuss medical genocide and the methods of psychic assaults used against targeted individuals.
The program will also feature breaking news and updates from the common law Republic movement.
With your regular host Kevin Annett.
Here We Stand is the official voice of The Covenanters, a separatist spiritual and political movement that is establishing free and independent sovereign communities under the Law of God. The weekly program is a platform to unite and mobilize the revolutionary remnant who are forming the basis of the new society.
The Covenanters’ Founding Declaration can be ordered at and is reprinted in full at
The Covenanters and its radio program Here We Stand can be contacted at
Other background information on the movement and its affiliation with the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) can be found at and
Donations to Here We Stand can be made through the paypal button at or by writing to the email above.
Information on the program host, Rev. Kevin Annett, can be found at and in this interview: Messages for Kevin can be left at 386-323-5774 (USA).
Kevin’s recent books, available through Amazon, are listed below:
Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada, Past and Present (This book is also posted online at
Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion –
Truth Tellers’ Shield: A Manual for Whistleblowers and Hellraisers –
Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual –
Fallen: The Story of the Vancouver Four –
1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada –
Here We Stand: The Call of the New protestant Reformation – Summoning God’s People in a Time of Judgement –