‘America raped and destroyed Mosul on the phony pretext of combating ISIS and liberating the city.

Thousands of civilians were killed. Indiscriminate terror-bombing, including use of banned weapons, massacred them.

Raqqa is being raped and destroyed the same way, civilians killed daily. Satellite images reveal a virtual moonscape, large parts of the city turned to rubble, maybe thousands of corpses buried beneath it – largely civilian men, women and children, victims of us imperial viciousness.

Terror-bombing continues targeting residential areas. Vital infrastructure was destroyed. Western media ignore the carnage and devastation – merciless terror-bombing of civilians on the phony pretext of combating ISIS Washington supports.

Thousands remain trapped in the city. Humanitarian conditions are dire, civilians with virtually no access to essentials to life.’

Read more: Phony Pretext of Combating ISIS: US Terror-Bombing Turned Raqqa Into a Moonscape