Massive Collapse of U.S. Dollar Coming As BRICs Nations Trade in Own Currencies

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Fear not, Donald Trump is just trying to rid the world of those pesky terrorists. But, wait a minute, if he’s using violence to annihilate the “terrorism” the US government created with the help of the CIA, Mossad, and Saudi Arabia, then who really are the terrorists?

That was a rhetorical question; we already know that all wars are a complete racket and that the major aim of all this violence is to continue to destabilize the middle eastern countries and continue to prop up
the military industrial complex. Oh, and guard the poppy fields of course.

The US government, then, is complicit in funding and committing terrorism in order to money launder extorted funds (taxes) to corporations that have bribed US politicians in order to protect their heroin monopoly drug dealing business.

Am I the only one who feels like he is taking crazy pills that no one seems to notice this?

It is the same old story in Afghanistan where the US occupation has been raging for nearly 17 years. The longest “war” in US history… Except it isn’t a war. A war needs two armies. It’s just… well, I already told you what it is.

And now, US-terrorist-in-chief Donald Trump has just announced that rather than pulling troops from Afghanistan he will roll out a new “strategy” to try and “win” the country’s longest war – a war that many point out never was meant to be won. This, of course, is a complete contradiction of many of Trump’s earlier tweets where he praised Ron Paul’s viewpoint on the issue and was outspoken about how going into Iraq and Afghanistan were horrible ideas.

A politician lying to get elected? Shocking!



Apparently, Trump has changed his mind now that he is President Trump. In this national propaganda address he stated; “Ultimately, it is up to the people of Afghanistan to take ownership of their future, to govern their society, and to achieve an everlasting peace. We are a partner and a friend, but we will not dictate to the Afghan people how to live or how to govern their own complex society. We are not nation building again. We are killing terrorists.”

This is what Ron Paul had to say in a letter address to friends of the Ron Paul institute:

“Like me, many of you watched President Trump’s train wreck of a speech on Afghanistan earlier tonight. It’s nearly midnight and I am still reeling.

I guess it was too much to ask to hear him admit the obvious and draw the obvious conclusions: After 16 years – the longest war in US history – no one even remembers what we are fighting for in Afghanistan. The war is over. Not another American (or innocent Afghan) life for one of the most convoluted and idiotic wars in history!

Trump of 2012 and 2013 said just that. Candidate Trump said just that. Then tonight he told us that once you sit in the chair in the Oval Office, you see things differently. What does that mean? Once elected you betray your promises so as to please the deep state?”

Which political commentator warned that Trump would be no different from O’Bomber or Bush?


Yes, I warned about it and received torrents of hate for it.

Many Trumpites… Trumpidians? Trumptards? Ya, Trumptards sounds right… Many Trumptards still defend him, saying he is just at the mercy of the “deep state.”

Well, if he is, then so was O’Bomber… And so was Bush… And every other US president in history. So, how is Trump any better then?

The fact of the matter is that Trump was yet another puppet. A Jesuit trained, self-admitted globalist elite billionaire.

The only way things can be fixed in the US is a complete abolishment of the federal government. For this reason, this week, I interviewed Adam Kokesh who is running for non-President in 2020 with the sole goal to shut down the federal government.

Now that is something I can get behind.

In any case, the other politician I respect, Ron Paul, who I also interviewed this week, also stated that he believes a “50 percent pullback [in the US stock market] is conceivable.”
He noted that he doesn’t believe it’s ten years off nor even a year off.

Paul mentioned that there’s a lot of chaos in Washington right now, with an “unpredictable president” and those who are inclined to “tear him apart.” However, he also said that if the market does take that big of a nosedive, he doesn’t see it as Trump’s fault.

Dr. Paul continues;

“It’s all man-made. It’s not the fault of Donald Trump in the last week.

If the market crashes tomorrow and we have a great depression, he didn’t do it in six months.

It took more like six or ten years to cause all these problems that we’re facing.”

At TDV, we completely agree with Dr. Paul. We too believe that there’s an imminent collapse of the US markets and also agree it is not the fault of Trump. This has been a long time in the making.

With that in mind, it is probably a good time to start stacking up more physical gold and silver along with some mining stocks and cryptocurrency. To learn more about how to get started, you can subscribe to our newsletter HERE which is packed with valuable information on how to protect yourself through such a collapse which will likely result in a massive decline in the value of the US dollar.

And, you have nine days left to get a discounted rate for The Dollar Vigilante Internationalization & Investment Summit that will be held right after the Anarchapulco conference this coming February. You can register for it now, before it sells out, at

Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and cryptocurrency conferences including his own, Anarchapulco, as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox Business.  Jeff also posts exclusive content daily to the new blockchain based social media network, Steemit.  

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