Nothing Less Than a Slave Will Do-Trump NOT ENOUGH OF ISRAEL’s & Satanyahu’s Slave!

New York Times: At a Besieged White House, Tempers Flare and Confusion Swirls

New York Times: Israel Said to Be Source of Secret Intelligence Trump Gave to Russians


Though the Globalist faction of the worldwide PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) has had its knives out for Donald Trump from the very beginning of his campaign, the besieged candidate overcame the odds because another faction, the Likudnik Zionists, hated the Soros Globalist Killary Clinton. We believe that it was Bibi Satanyahu, not Putin, who orchestrated the blistering WikiLeaks campaign that damaged Killary so much. The fact that the evil Zionist billionaire and part owner of the Republican’t Party, Sheldon Adelson, said that Trump would be “the best President ever for Israel” (here) adds even more weight to our contention that powerful, ultra-nationalist Zionist forces played a critical role in pulling off the stunning defeat of the Globalist Golden Girl.
Netanyahu, Adelson and Mossad agent Assange got Trump elected. Is Trump stiffing Israel on its expected payoff?
Events of the past few days suggest that the Satanyahu-Adelson Axis of Evil may soon be joining their Globalist counterparts in the “Get Trump” movement.
  • Headline, from the May 16th Jerusalem Post: Harsh Exchange Between Trump and Netanyahu Teams Days Ahead of Key Israel Visit (here)

  • Headline, from the May 15th Times of Israel: Adelson Reportedly Furious with Tillerson for Tying Embassy Move to Peace Deal (here)
The men who helped to elect Trump are not happy about comments coming out of the administration regarding Palestinian sovereignty over the Western Wall and the stalled relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem. Nor were they fooled by Trump’s pretended misile attack on Syria and pretended threats against North Korea — both nations being enemies of Israel. If both the Globalist and the Zionist factions of the PRC come after Trump, then expect the warning of Henry Ford to come into play “big league,” as Trump likes to say.
From Ford’s, The International Jew:
“And if after having elected their man or group, obedience is not rendered to the Jewish control, then you speedily hear of “scandals and “investigations.”
“Scandals” and “investigations” ….hmmmm. You nailed it Mr. Ford! (In his day, Ford was referring to what “they” had done to the nationalist President Warren Harding with their hyped-up “Tea-Pot” scandal).!/image/3093410776.jpg_gen/derivatives/headline_609x343/3093410776.jpg
1 & 2: If these wicked schemers also turn on Trump, then look for FAUX News and the Drudge Retard to follow.  3. Henry Ford’s 1920’s “International Jew” is a great read! (here) (still on Amazon!)


In fact, Israel may already have begun to punish Trump. This most recent “scandal” involving Trump’s alleged disclosure of “classified intelligence” to the Russians has Israel’s fingerprints all over it. From the article:
“The bad-news stories slammed into the White House in pitiless succession on Tuesday, leaving President Trump’s battle-scarred West Wing aides staring at their flat screens in glassy-eyed shock.

The disclosure that Mr. Trump divulged classified intelligence to Russian officials that had been provided by Israel was another blow to a besieged White House staff recovering from the mishandled firing of James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director.”

The sons-of-bitches aren’t content with all the cash and favors that Trump has already bestowed upon Israel. No, they demand total obedience, and if they can’t get it from Trump, they’ll join the “Impeach Trump” movement and extract their demands from Zionist stooge Mike Pence instead. Watch out Trump! And keep a close watch on that scheming little Jew son-in-law of yours, Jared Kushner. It’s quite possible that he is one of the “leakers” feeding all of your dirty laundry to the Piranha Press.
Surrounded by back-patting leakers, snitches and snakes —- Kushner, Pence, Priebus
MAY 17, 12:15 AM / US EST
Is Zionist Jew and Trump enthusiast Matt Drudge starting to turn against Trump?


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today’s New York Times that the secret intelligence about ISIS that Trump divulged to the Russians came from Israel.

Boobus Americanus 2: That’s pretty irresponsible of Trump of betray our strongest ally like that.

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