Monthly Archive: February 2016

Denmark opens first food waste supermarket BY DAVID ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2016ACTIVISM ‘Denmark is said to throw away huge amounts of food every year, but it has just taken a major step towards alleviating...

How an Army of Pharma Lobbyists in Washington Have Locked in One of the Biggest Corporate Ripoff Schemes in America BY DAVID ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2016CORPORATE CRIME, COVERUPS, MEDICAL/HEALTH   ‘After an 18-month investigation...

My Comment:  After torturing many innocent prisoners we will just DUMP them off????  This is another crime!  Torturers are Violent Criminals and all should be in PRISON…Torturers are a danger to others and should...

Now available: Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada Posted on February 23, 2016 by Kevin A Counter Report to the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” Edited by Kevin D. Annett  ...

 My Comment:  When will our soldiers and others involved in this refuse to torture another human being???  Torture is a part of Satanism as is Child Rape & other Child Abuse, Drugs, Prostitution, Porn...

Central banksters say outlawing cash will stop criminals … while stealing trillions from everyone by ‘printing’ money out of thin air BY DAVID ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2016THE MONEY SCAM ‘The push by the world’s...   Pope Francis the First  My Comment:  You absolutely must see these two to the Left.  How is a Satanic Ninth Circle Ritual Member who is involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse of children...

Hawaiian coffee growers sue Monsanto over glyphosate’s dangerous side effects BY DAVID ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2016CORPORATE CRIME, MEDICAL/HEALTH ‘The former owners of Dragon’s Lair Kona Coffee Farm in Honaunau, Hawaii, will no longer be...

Rich Jews Bullied Me My Entire Life By wmw_admin on February 19, 2016 — Feb 18, 2016 Aki Liao grew up with elite Jews in the suburbs of NYC. Chinese, he suffered discrimination...