Russia’s Iranian Energy Deal a Win-Win in Four Different Ways

Russia’s Iranian Energy Deal Killed Four Birds With One Stone

by TUT editor


ORIENTAL REVIEW –  Iran had every reason to be concerned about the Russian-Saudi rapprochement if its decision makers viewed it from a “zero-sum” Neo-Realist angle, even though Moscow’s intent behind it had always been about forging a win-win solution for retaining state-to-state peace in the Mideast, but all of those fears were put to rest after the announcement about Rosneft’s $30 billion energy investment plans in the Islamic Republic. Tehran can now rest assured that Moscow isn’t “selling out” to the Saudis, but is indeed truly trying to balance the complex interstate relations of the Mideast, hence the very successful outcome of President Putin’s visit to Iran in proving just how successful Russia’s “Ummah Pivot” is shaping out to be. CONTINUE READING

TUT editor | 11/04/2017 at 9:34 | Catego

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