Behind the Glamour & Glitz Lies the Demoness Grand Dame Who Oversees Rituals & Training of Children

Chris Martin – Info Wars March 26, 2012

Angelina Jolie (Angie) the estranged daughter of famed Hollywood Actor John Voight is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. How many people in the world commit years acquiring advanced political degrees to serve as an international ambassador and never get the chance? In a country that elects Hollywood characters like Ronald Reagan to serve as President; endures an economy hijacked by international banking cartels; allows their military to be coerced by a United Nations with a New World Order agenda; and a Congress enslaved by corporate interests – it makes sense to deploy a blood-thirsty, death obsessed, psychologically deranged Barbie doll as a front.

Angelina Jolie back tattoo. Click to enlargeInstantly recognized worldwide for her pouty lips and gaudy appeal, Angie’s past is fraught with clues that will allow an average person to judge whether she is truly a champion of children, a naive participant in the globalist child slavery-eugenics program or a cunning master manipulator of mind control. One only needs to look into her youth, her most formative years, to catch glimpses of darkness. Born the daughter of wealthy Hollywood stalwart Jon Voight, the Beverly Hills High School graduate would have you believe she suffered alienation from her peers due to her mother’s modest income. In 2005 it came to light through a CNN Paula Zhan production that indeed Angie had the roots of a blood thirsty, psychologically deranged, death obsessed individual.

Drama teaching assistant Neely Margo said, “She was very dark, very goth. I always remember her wearing black lipstick. Hair was very long. Very quiet. She didn’t talk to anybody, really.” Zahn went on to explain Angie once dreamed of becoming a mortician and had a fascination with self-mutilation. Angie confirmed this obsession and is quoted as saying “I collected knives and always had certain things around. For some reason, the ritual of having cut myself and feeling, like, feeling the pain, maybe, feeling alive, feeling some kind of release, it was somehow therapeutic to me.”

In a 2001 Rolling Stone interview she shares a notebook of personal drawings that include the words – Death: Extinction of Life – Only the Strong Shall Survive – Pain: Physical or Mental Suffering – Autopsy: Examination of a Corpse – to name only a few. The interview continues and she is quoted as morbidly wanting to be a funeral director, which she supports by producing the 1987 Funeral Service Handbook. Driving this dark picture home the interviewer notes above her current bed shared with fleeting husband Billy Bob Thornton is the framed words – To the End of Time – explained by the interviewer to be written in her own blood and given as a Christmas present.

Angie admitted abusing drugs in her late teens and early twenties, having been quoted as trying them all and favoring heroin. Her father provided insight into her mental health emanating from her childhood in an interview with Access Hollywood and later in detail in an August 2002 Telegraph article. Voight explained, “There was an incident years ago when the children were babies,” explaining further he said, “…he noticed the change in his child when she accompanied him on a trip to Japan…she was almost like a ghost…she wasn’t there any more…I found out later many things, about the cutting, the self-mutilation.”

At 26 years old Angie clarifies in a NY Rock interview this is the first time she became personally aware of the Cambodian and other worldwide humanitarian crises. Again, it is mystifying and insulting to a qualified person how a psychologically fragile, blood thirsty, self-mutilating high-school graduate eludes any kind of background check or need for higher education to become a United Nations Ambassador. Digression aside, she simply contacted UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Ruud Lubbers and was on August 27, 2001 – knighted a Goodwill Ambassador.

Having a penchant for self injury, blood and indeed a growing fascination for war she has gloated on her visits to war torn areas such as Sudan, Chad, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. All rife with abandoned children available for sale into the child slavery dungeons of the world, vaccination eugenics experimentation or for the lucky few–Hollywood abduction at the expense of their real names, self identity and homelands. All culminating in Angie’s 2007 elevation to the New World Orders inner circle, as she became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. These ceremonial promotions without curriculum-vitae for a woman who in her first marriage wore a white T-shirt with the grooms name written in her own blood are symbiosis for international agencies desperate to conceal their true elitist anti-human and anti-freedom agenda.

The fascination for human blood and the use of it in ceremony reached an apex when it was reported Angie and her 2nd husband Billy Bob wore vials of each others blood around their necks. Erroneously hyped, Billy Bob clarified in an interview with Stuff magazine, “We didn’t give them back to each other. Mine is probably upstairs in a drawer somewhere. It was never a vial of blood. We poked our fingers and put a little spot of blood inside a little clear locket. That was another thing that was blown out of proportion.” None the less, blood ceremony is a reoccurring pastime for Angie and I leave it to the reader to decipher why this qualifies her to serve the equally blood thirsty United Nations and Council of Foreign Relations handlers.

While these episodes of blood ritual may continue in private, Angie turned her attention to acquiring children. Three months before abruptly separating from her, “To the End of Time” 2nd husband, she acquired a Cambodian baby in March 2002. Rath Vibol born on August 5, 2001 in a local Cambodian village was acquired under the guise of having two parents. In fact later it was revealed by People magazine – a spokesman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Washington, D.C., says, “Only her name is on the [adoption] papers.”The child was stripped of its birth name as if adopted from a kennel and renamed Maddox Chivan. The acquisition process was interrupted when the U.S. government banned all Cambodian adoptions in late 2001 due to the selling of children. Shipped like a mail order doll, Rath Vibol was sent to Namibia in 2003 to accommodate his new mother’s current film location.

Angie long a bitter and outspoken critic of her father for allegedly cheating on her mother was the center of frivolous accusations for causing the divorce between Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston. In a 2005 interview Angie says, “To be intimate with a married man, when my own father cheated on my mother, is not something I could forgive. I could not look at myself in the morning if I did that. I wouldn’t be attracted to a man who would cheat on his wife.” Later the couple admitted they fell in love during the filming of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, clearly adding adultery and deception to the list of her dark lusts.

Meanwhile, the lust for child acquisition continued as she acquired 6 month old Yemsrach from Ethiopia in early 2005, quickly changing her name to Zahara Marley. Yemsrach was erroneously designated as an AIDS orphan, later testing negative for the immune deficiency. After returning to the U.S. Yemsrach was hospitalized for malnutrition. Various media erroneously reported Yemsrach’s mother wanted her back. In November 2007, Reuters provided cover or clarification that in fact Yemsrach’s mother was happy Angie acquired her baby.

Angie’s insatiable lust for child acquisition continued as she expanded her contacts in countries swamped with orphaned children. In March of 2007 Angie got her “hat trick” and acquired her 3rd child, Pham Quang Sang from Vietnam. Keeping with her ritual of stripping the child of their birth name for assimilation into her family, Angie renamed the 3 year old boy (certainly accustomed to his name by that age) Pax Thien. Again circumventing local laws she acquired the child as a single parent, even though Pham would be raised with Angie’s current partner and co-parent Brad Pitt. Vietnam’s adoption laws prohibit unmarried couples to co-adopt. Pitt later adopted the child in the United States and his name was changed yet again to Jolie-Pitt.

Angie’s lust for child acquisition revealed yet another disturbing new ritual. Angie successfully sold the rights to photographs of her first biological child Shiloh Nouvel for $4.1 million and $3.5 million, to People magazine in America and Hello magazine in Britain, respectively. She continued this sinister cashing in “for charity” from images of her children by selling the rights to Pham’s acquisition photos for undisclosed millions. This cold and absurd ritual continued when Angie gave birth to twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline in 2008, the first images were reportedly sold for $14 million dollars. The proceeds funneled into the Jolie-Pitt foundation, a foundation largely controlled by the global child collecting couple. Perhaps justifiable in the narrow orbit of an eccentric, blood thirsty, globe hopping, uneducated, egotistical, falsely appointed international ambassador but absolutely absurd to the average human being.

Angie’s penchant for running at the mouth reveals all, including sadomasochist tendencies which are consistent with her literal lust for ritualizing human blood and self mutilation. Angie openly spoke of her experiences with drugs and depression, recalling in 1997 almost hiring a hitman (suggesting links with such nefarious characters) to kill her. Further, she blabbed just before her bloody ritualized marriage to Billy Bob she was sectioned at UCLA’s psychiatric ward. Demonstrating her evil inner-self by wearing eccentric dark tattoos such as the Latin proverb “quod me nutrit me destruit,” (what nourishes me destroys me) and the Tennessee Williams quote, “A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages.” Angie also has removed by laser more overt and sinister tattoos such as the Chinese character for “Death.”

A match made in hell is what has been described here. The United Nations needing the outwardly “beautiful” face of a famous Hollywood child rights advocate to screen its New World Order eugenics and child slavery programs, while a big mouth Hollywood actress requires transformation of her public image from sinister eccentric blood lust drug addict to humanitarian and devoted mother. Angie has been cast upon the world and sent to the hubs of child abduction and war to make “legitimate” contacts for the United Nations sinister hidden programs. Now a full fledged member for the Council on Foreign Relations she feels empowered to call for war where it serves the interests of Team America as harnessed by the United Nations, itself in turn harnessed by globalist bankers. Joseph Kony boogie men of the world beware –Angie the blood thirsty demon angel is coming to your country to lay the ground work for acquiring your children and resources even if it empowers your tyrannical government into spilling the luscious blood of your populace. Planting false flags with all the fan fare and glow of Hollywood the United Nations endeavors to carry out its New World Order programs.

“‘Sick Boy’ weds former addict”Daily Mirror. May 3, 1996.,,20137667,00.html,,20136676,00.html,8599,1599341,00.html,,20179321,00.html

Comment:  I think it’s worse than this.  I believe she goes to these war zones to collect ADRENOCHROME FROM TORTURED CHILDREN who the Military/industrial complex tortures.  Adrenochrome is a Billion Dollar Industry highly valued by Hollywood as they use it to get into character and perform the script as if they were living the script in real life.  Adrenochrome is similarly used to program the CIA’s mind controlled slaves used by the President, Congress, Hollywood Stars like Angie, and Pentagon for Special Ops.  Angie Jolie had a slave as a child whom she used and abused constantly.  She was trained to enjoy Sadism by the CIA programmers who are Very Sadistic.

Angelina Jolie (Malevolent Malificent) Had a Slave as a Child (As a Secret Society Elite Child)

Angelina Jolie had a Slave as a Child

My taxes go for national security” may be what we learned in civics class but must make way for new information, for instance, that our taxes paid for the 9/11 pulverization of the World Trade Center and Building Seven.
Another mind-jarring revelation? The assassination attempt on President Reagan included a second patsy besides Hinckley.

Who cares? If mainstream media’s vicious attitudes toward our current POTUS are any indication, Trump may be murdered by the same cabal of perpetrators.

Randal Turner in 2017 still looks like “Muratti” in 1981

Randal Turner’s facial features match old photos from the shooting of President Reagan. Why was he carrying the nuclear briefcase for Reagan that day in 1981? Turner believes he was a sixteen year old MKUltra victim set up to be another patsy alongside Hinckley.

Randal Turner came forward a month ago with his claims.

Till last year, Hinckley was ostensibly held in a CIA-linked psychiatric facility for 35 years. By contrast, Turner says he succeeded in exonerating himself in court. The records of that trial were sealed on the grounds of “national security.”

The real Muratti has a shorter nose
than Randy Turner

The official story was that the guy in the photos was Reagan’s usual aide Jose Muratti. Contending he was disguised with his hair dyed, Turner himself says, “It took Jose Muratti’s sister confirming he was with her (during the shooting) for me to win my case.” Turner now urges Muratti’s sister to come forward again to help him correct the history books.

Jodie Foster supposedly
obsessed Hinckley
Turner’s videos on Youtube
Roger Stone fingers Bush

Of course then-VP Bush Sr. has long been suspected of arranging the attack. For one thing, Bushes are related to and were friends with the Hinckley family. One rumor is that the family’s IRS and other debts were erased.

According to Randal Turner, immediately after the shots, he ran toward the entrance to the hotel. “Hacking the Headlines” noticed that he looks like a skinny sixteen-year old as he runs and not a 39-year-old Lt. Colonel who in the photo below appears to tower over 6’1″ tall Reagan.

Muratti at center beside 6’1″ Reagan

Roger Stone also sees a cover up:
“The angle at which the bullet enters Reagan could not have come from the crouching position of Hinckley and if it bounced off a door, where’s the chip of paint or evidence that it did? There’s none. The government won’t release any of these records.”

Randal Turner was sixteen years old and carrying the nuclear football.

Turner claims that news media lied. A commenter online recalls:

“ABC-TV Reporter Jessica Savitch [RIP 1983] was on scene live, on the other side of the limo, and when the shooting started…. she said, “There’s a man on that BALCONY with a RIFLE”. The feed immediately cut away from her and NEVER went back to her.” –Fred762

Turner was designed to be a Manchurian candidate; he describes the effects of MKUltra programming:

“I have an alternative [personality] they can control, make him do things like what they had me do when Reagan was shot. It is possible they had me shoot him but I can’t recall anything after hearing a woman yell ‘Mr. Reagan! Mr. President!’ then I draw a blank until I recall looking around on the ground with chaos around me. I got up and ran to the limo, grabbed the door handle then they took off. I then ran towards the upper Hilton, saw a cop and told him to take me where Reagan was.”

Another corroborating detail: the official narrative skips that Turner was in the back of the police cruiser and locked the back door of the car when security tried to put Hinckley inside with him. The press covered the video up of somebody in the back seat.

“Then took me to the police station and tried to take the [nuclear] codes from me, starting beating me up calling me a little punk…” – R. Turner

Turner/”Muratti’s” face is rarely visible at the shooting

One motive for the assassination attempt was leverage for a trade agreement with China. Reagan’s anti-communist stance had particularly hampered the interests of American weapons and tech industries.

Turner says, “The FBI held the [nuclear] codes for 2 days until Bush took control of things at the White House and the trade agreement. [Bill] Gates‘ father had something to do with convincing the FBI as he is the one who spoke with them on the phone.”

The court case that cleared Turner of any wrongdoing awarded him a $10 Million settlement which he never received. He also had been promised shares of Microsoft for helping Bill Gates to manufacture in China by convincing Reagan to change the trade agreement.

“The FBI later found out that two of their agents were involved [in the shooting], they fired the agents and then led me to believe I was going to get not just my settlement money but my shares of Microsoft. Again they ended up drugging me and making me do crap to make me look bad, [Bill] Gates was behind what they did so he didn’t have to give me my shares.”

Elsewhere, Turner explained that the criminal masterminds enslaving him turned him into a Hollywood agent for the kids of celebrities to act in “reality” TV shows. He invested his fees in newly booming Microsoft whose CEO lived nearby. In exchange for influencing the China trade, Turner was offered more shares in Microsoft; he claims it amounted to a one-third ownership! That’s credible if Bill Gates and Paul Allen had the contract destroyed: it’s like a store offering an irresistable sale on an item that’s not in stock.

What was Randy Turner’s entree into Hollywood? He was used as a nanny for Angelina Jolie when she was a tiny girl.

Angelina Jolie, 47 – made an honorary grand dame by the late Queen


UPDATE/CORRECTION from Randy Turner:

“I was being trained to become an agent for up and coming Hollywood stars. Hal Holbrook was teaching me to be a shrewd negotiator. The reality TV crap came much later after I made an agreement with those who were using kids in videos that they held over the heads of those they were going to make stars. They also created reality TV shows like Deadliest Catch, Storage Wars, Pawn Stars and a few others I recall. They were supposed to stop abusing kids in the agreement. These reality stars were supposed to be my clients and pay me 15% like most Hollywood actors pay their Agents. This was part of the deal they made with my alternate/MKUltra personality. I realize how crazy this all sounds but if you question those people who work on those shows they should confirm this.”

Turner sums up,

“I have lost everything in my life because I tried to stop some wealthy and powerful people from abusing kids. For that, I was drugged, tortured and turned into a slave to the elitists. If you had any clue of the things they did to me and things they made me do while drugged up, you would be screaming at the top of your lungs.”

Please support this fearless man!

Randal Turner exposes an angle of history that the CIA and other powers driving the shadow government smear as “conspiracy theories.” Members of the “Deep State” have operated behind that curtain at least since killing John F. Kennedy. Any wonder that, decades later, their crimes seem exaggerated into a monstrosity unimaginable for us puny taxpaying peons?

The author VC Bestor is Director of the
non-profit“Find the meat of the matter”V.C Bestor on Twitter

Posted by VC Bestor at 10:26 AMEmail ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest

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Not just one programmer. William Colby, George Bush Sr. Jimmy Carter took part with Bush and a guy named Bill Day when I was torture programmed combined with sexual stimulation which is how they create the alternates. Colby used a drug called Endocrine on me as did a number of Hollywood celeb Icons. The wealthy call an MKULTRA a service killer in service or in slavery depending on who is using you = SKIS.

Comment: So much for the wealthy elite. They are all a part of the criminal cabal/Deep State running this country. Actors & Actresses are promoted in the Cabal owned Media depending on how willing they are to promote the Cabal Agenda: Transgenderism, Bisexuality, Homosexuality, Satanism, Multicultural Families, Abortions, etc. If you’re not a sellout you’re not promoted in the Cabal Media; it’s just this simple. The drug Randy was drugged with is ADRENOCHROME.

Comment: Celebrities & Politicians are ALL on Board with the Satanic illuminati Cabal or they wouldn’t be promoted by Illuminati Press/Media. The Cabal is Satanic/Zionist.

Comment: Two of Randal’s Handlers-Bill Day & Marcheline Bertrand, Angie Jolie’s mother

Grand Dame Described by Fiona Barnett in this video is what Angie Jolie also is:

Grand Dame at 10 minutes 10 seconds….Grand Dame overseeing (Satanic) rituals and the training of children.  Angelina Jolie is Recognized as a Grand Dame  below:

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