“They Ended My Career To Hide The Truth About 9/11!” – Fmr Congressman Curt Weldon

“They Ended My Career To Hide The Truth About 9/11!” – Fmr Congressman Curt Weldon

Countdown To Terror



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2004
College Station, Texas


I stumbled across this book while browsing around, and I thought I would share. It is Countdown To Terror by Curt Weldon. He is a Congressman that apparently uncovered massive plans of huge attacks against the USA by terrorists. The book explains that extremely strong evidence of these attacks has been ignored by all intelligence agencies. I am picking up the book tomorrow. Sounds like a definate must-read. Supposedly Congressman Weldon has some Iranian contact that has been providing strong evidence of all of this. Even that in 2004, a massive attack was called off because it would help Bush politically. This attack was to hijack a Canadian plane and crash it into a Boston nuclear power plant, which would give radiation poisoning to hundreds of thousands of people. Here is the description.

Countdown to Terror
by Curt Weldon

If the explosive information revealed in this book had been collected by the Intelligence Community, it would be classified at the highest security level, above TOP SECRET, and would never be seen by the public. But Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA), the Vice Chairman of the House Armed Service Committee can share this information with you because he himself collected it — and because he’s trying to make the public aware of this threat that the intelligence community is ignoring before it’s too late. That’s why Weldon wrote Countdown to Terror. Never before has such “real time” war-related intelligence from an impeccable clandestine source been publicly disclosed.

Not long after 9/11, Congressman Weldon found himself on the front lines of the War on Terror, enmeshed in international intrigues with spies and killers. He learned about plots to assassinate world figures (including a former U.S. President) and of a plot to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans by radiation poisoning. Ultimately, he would discover a still more audacious plot — one that is still unfolding. It’s a plan to inflict a terrorist attack on the United States — an attack of such catastrophic dimensions that it is code-named after Shi’ite Islam’s 12th imam: the prophet of doom who ushers in the Islamic apocalypse, rewarding the faithful and, with appalling violence, purging all infidels from the face of the Earth.

Amazing as it might seem, our Intelligence Community — the CIA, the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency — has met this discovery with yawns, bureaucratic inertia, and active attempts to silence Weldon’s source. The fact that the information came from an Iranian with contacts throughout the highest levels of the Iranian mullahocracy meant nothing to them. What is the intelligence community doing to prevent the 12th Imam operation? Nothing. After eight years of deep slashes in our defense and intelligence budgets by Slick Willie and his gang, decades of strategically disastrous over-reliance on technical rather than human intelligence, and a tendency towards politically correct groupthink, our nation’s intelligence agencies are in deep trouble – and all of us are at risk. Also, Weldon reveals that the Bush administration has so far failed in its determination to strengthen our defense and intelligence postures.

“This book,” says Weldon, “is an act of desperation. I bring it before you the reader, because I could not get our Intelligence Community to act on it, though my source has proven his credibility, and though the information he provides predicts a major terrorist attack against the United States.” Let us pray that Countdown to Terror serves as the wake-up call the intelligence community so desperately needs: our very survival could depend on it. May this book make our leaders angry, angry enough to act — and to save American lives.

Among the shocking revelations of Weldon’s shocking revelations:

# The 12th Imam Operation: when and where this act of calamitous terrorism is planned against the United States — and what form it will take

# Weapons of Mass Destruction: how near Iran is to the atomic bomb, to biological and chemical weapons — and how much of this new weaponry the mullahs plan to share with terrorists

# Revealed by Weldon’s Iranian contact and proven true: the terrorist plot to hijack a Canadian airliner and fly it into the Seabrook nuclear reactor near Boston — which would have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans

# Iraq: the operations that are planned against U.S. troops there – designed to replace a new democratic Iraq with an Islamic State

# International Terrorism: terror operations that are planned against U.S. allies in Europe and Asia

# Assassinations: who it is that Islamic terrorists are targeting — plus the operational details

# Evidence that Osama Bin Laden was or is hiding in Iran as an honored guest

# The surprising reason why the intelligence community may be avoiding Weldon’s Iranian contact like the plague, despite his excellent intelligence

# Incredible details of how, rather than work with him and find out what he knew, the CIA asked French Intelligence to silence Weldon’s Iranian source -and warned the source to shut his mouth and stop talking to Curt Weldon

# Four potentially fatal weaknesses in our intelligence community that must be addressed soon — before disaster strikes

# Why the intelligence community does not want to become entangled with the Iranian counter-revolutionary movement

# The secret organization headed by Iran’s Ayatollah Khameni that plans international terrorist operations involving al Qaeda and other major terror groups – making Iran the world’s leading sponsor of international terrorism

# Iran’s programs for nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and missiles that may make WMD available to international terrorists

# How September 11 showed that terrorists have ample knowledge of our intelligence community’s incompetence

# The recent fatwa by a fanatical Saudi cleric giving Osama Bin Laden permission to use nuclear weapons: how it may signify the beginning of an operation to explode an atomic bomb in New York or some other large city

# The 9/11 Commission: its discovery of three big problems in the intelligence community that contributed to the catastrophe of 9/11 — and continue to imperil our national security

# Why the Clinton administration bears much of the responsibility for the incompetence of our intelligence community

# Intelligence officials who heroically resisted the Clinton administration’s political corruption of intelligence and attempted to expose the lie that all was well when, in reality, the United States faced mortal threats: how they paid by having their brilliant careers terminated by the Slick One at great cost to our present national security

# How the 12th Imam operation could paralyze the whole nation and end with the death of two-thirds of our people by slow starvation

# Weldon’s grand strategy for winning the war on terrorism — including an alliance with Russia, and many other much-needed measures

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