via https://worldyturnings.com/blog/
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
After Trumps historic win I felt pretty damn good, and a bit surprised. An illegal tyrant that weaponized the American Government against it’s own people like never before had just been deposed by a “free” election that even the Far Left hasn’t questioned, so far. As far as you know.
You see, I had thought that the Left couldn’t possibly give up the power they obtained illegally from the November 3, 2020 electoral coup of America.
They would use their finely tuned election control power so obviously visible to Americans with even the slightest bit of brain to let Harris win, fair and square. But that didn’t happen, even when the Elites controlling America and Americas election were deathly afraid of the consequences of being caught by the people they weaponized the vast powers of Government against for 4 years. Why? In Trump’s words, it’s the Art of the Deal. So, there was Plan B.
Apparently, I mused to myself, TPTB felt that either they (1) could not afford an American meltdown that would come with another fake POTUS election given how many Americans of all stripes despised her (even more than the Pudding eater Presidential imposter Joe Biden) and/or (2) would be able to use Trumps massive ego against us to save their collective hides. I think they were correct on both counts.
In essence, according to my make believe hypothesis, there would be a rather important demand because prison is a fate worse than death for the rich and powerful egomaniacs in Washington.
So, there must be no Trump DOJ convictions up to and including treason for the bad guys (them). This would be sold to Trump as another getting along message, crossing the aisle, bringing American together again and all that Kumbaya stuff that they know an egomaniac craving good “ratings” would need.
To keep up appearances there will be investigations into 2020 election “irregularities”, but this will drag on well into his Presidency with yet another no justice outcome. Same with J6. As a result of more sham investigations for the “Insurrection” weaponization setup, no justice for Pelosi/FBI and Capital police perpetraitors will be traded for the Oval Office. No desperately needed resolutions will be allowed to prevent reoccurrence of another real Insurrection Day.
Donald Trump is one of them now and as part of the POTUS deal, he also will not get prison time for his so called bribery payments to keep yet another woman at bay. Such is the cost of life when you are handsome, rich and powerful and without sin.
Everybody in the Uniparty world wins. Except us.
The Donald
At his most basic, Trump loves himself even more than money. And to feed that love, you want people to like you and boost your all important ratings – at all costs. That is how the Deep State so easily penetrated the Trump White House across the board in his first term. Stroke the man, get a job. They are betting that he will go Kumbaya, just as his advisors will soon be telling him. Bet on it.
However, based on what we have seen so far before even his inauguration, I think it’s more sinister than all that.
Call them whoever you like, but elites (aka TBTB) controlling America and our elections, apparently for a long time, simply decided to let Trump win to save the biggest asset they have from burning down figuratively and financially.
No election fakery. Not even calls to their Antifa/BLM henchwomen to burn down America’s cities. They simply decided they could control him just enough to get the job done and stay rich and powerful beyond measure. The cannonball train keeps rolling along with the Long March towards their goal for absolute control of the One World Order of a greatly reduced population to support and worry about.
The tradeoff of course was that they could not let the world’s strongest country dissolve completely into the abyss by the election of their owned media’s Frankenstein monster, “Adolph Hitler”.
TPTB do actually want to run the biggest, richest and most (Atheist) Jewish (1) of all countries. Not into the ground. But to suck it and it’s formidable assets dry as a popcorn fart. They see plenty of life left in Miss Liberty to do all that, so they just decided to keep the Uniparty game going a bit longer.
So, don’t get your hopes up for convictions of Traitors and Bioweapon killers that are needed to prevent the Tyrannical side of the TPTB from doing another electoral coup in your neighborhood. The only thing that could alter their Uniparty plans would be a very big surprise to TPTB – a level of Anti-Government revolt that hasn’t been seen since 1789.
Given the sheepyheads in the America of today, that would require getting to a level of disgust and courage that isn’t likely, at least until after the debt driven economic collapse or the depopulation of your loved ones. TPTB knows that if you have food on the table, you don’t have to “eat cake” and may be happy doing nothing, owning nothing and watching bread and circuses events on your Government paid surevillance monitor.
Please take note that while you are given crumbs now and then to assure you that Mr. MAGA and his government is for the common man, behind the scenes Trump will likely be told what to do to please TPTB (via the Deep State already in business). This is the amorphous group of elites that have been pulling the puppet strings of our government for decades, long before Truman decided to create an agency which he wanted to eliminate after leaving office – the CIA.
As the Sundance kid once said to Butch Cassidy, “Who are those Guys?”

Trump’s Uniparty Cred is Showing
I may be wrong, but I bet Trump’s actions or omissions during his second term will please the Uniparty/RINO coalitions more much than it will please the majority of his MAGA supporters. These are people who, like Trump, sadly love money and a “good economy” a bit too much. But, they also don’t want foreign wars, government cryptocurrency, debt to strangle future generations and emergency authorization injections with toxic poisons for low mortality bioweapons. Those are all things that the Elites want.
Granted, Trump does still seem to be against Globalism per se and is doing something about our borders – closing the Southern Border. But he is expanding North with overtures towards Canada and Greenland that makes him the first President to use economic penalties and possibly military force to take ‘strategic resources” from other nations directly. Beligerence is Uniparty, not MAGA.
Unless he has a change of heart, it appears (at this early stage in his coming Presidency) they the elites will get the big things they need from Mr Trump. They will let him win here and there, but in the big picture, they will play him like an old violin. I base this on what I know about the man, what he has said and done and, more importantly, his motivations and newly formed associations. Looking at his bedfellows is mind boggling enough.

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. His newspaper does what he wants it to do, its hardly hands off.
It didn’t take long for the elites to get going. The day after his 2017 inauguration, Bezos and the Washington Post called for his impeachment. They didn’t let up until 8 years later. Does this sound like a guy that has had a come to Jesus epipheny and you want to be friends with? (2)
Trump has already met with Bezos at a private dinner and you can bet Bezo’s new found friend (according to Trump, everybody should love him) will go along with his Big Tech needs. Specifically AI and Crypto, the forerunner to the ultimate control measure for TPTB.
And that brings us to two more new and close friends of the Donald who are presumably in the administration as a tag team to increase Federal unemployment – not OUR unemployment – the Musk/Ramiswammi DOGE programs.
Elon Musk
Musk is the wealthiest man in the world, so that makes Trump take notice. And he did.
Yes, Musk gave us a new Twitter which opened up a new and improved source of political viewpoints that the Legacy MSM declares misinformation. For that I give him credit. But what is the cost to America’s future?
Musk is an AI kingpin, like most of Trumps close associates. In his world, not yours, AI will give us 60-80% permanent unemployment in the next generation.
Musk and his AI enterprises will be in control and remain insanely wealthy. Will permanent unemployment “Make American Great Again”? Or, will it create a dystopian world without the meaning of work and jobs that makes people happy to be alive? I will let you sort that out, but for me, any POTUS that pushes the AI Techworld further into our lives cannot be for anything good.
Trump has embraced AI and it’s cohort, Cryptocurrency. He even plans to rollback one of the few EOs that made sense by the Obama/Biden regime when they wanted to minimize AIs impact on privacy and civil liberties. Trump seems willing to sacrifice us as long as our AI is better than Chinas AI. Moronic.
Not to mention that Musk is clearly against Jobs (AI destroys) and especially American jobs. Yet Trump (maybe ignorant America too) seems to ignore the evil, even criminal, nature of Musk.
Crypto Coming our Way
Trump will also be played like a fool by TPTB on crypto, if he isn’t already on board. Trump will be told by TPTB, and he will tell us, that crypto can help control inflation. He will also be told it won’t be programmable, but it will, for your safety and security. This means that it can be turned on and off, but only for really bad people. Not you. That might come later after it’s established under Trump.
Check and mate for the One World Order if we let Trump’s Uniparty coalition do crypto to replace cash in any fashion, a preliminary rollout for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
Vivek Ramiswammi
Vivek is a very smart man and has done some incredible things that made him also a very wealthy guy. He also got Trumps attention. Starting to see a Presidential pattern?
Vivek made his Billions through his Pharmaceutical Research company Roivant Sciences.
He is a Libertarian at heart but he is yet another AI supporter. Worse, I cannot imagine him supporting programs that hurt the industry that he supports and made him rich.
Pharma is at the cusp of what is ailing America, from depopulating vaccinations (key Uniparty goal) to keeping us alive long enough with nearly untested drugs to become permanently sick ATM machines in the most expensive healthcare system on the planet. Can you imagine Trump doing anything meaningful to disrupt a massive chunk of our Healthcare economy? A chunk that is so large that only 5% of the world’s population consumes 55% of the world’s pharmaceuticals. I’ll let you guess which country that is.
But wait, there’s more!
Scott Bessent
Mr. Bessent is Trumps nominee for Treasury Secretary. You barely hear a word about him, and you should.
First and foremost, it should interest the millions of Conservative Christians that thought Trump was somehow picked by God because he dodged a bullet that Mr. Bessent is a “married” homosexual, with kids. By picking this man, it’s another quiver in the hat for the Global NWO because it shows Trump is on board with the LGBTQ whatever movement that has taken over this country and Corporate America like a cancer.
I personally could care less about Bessent’s HS except that Trump pretends to be a believing Christian and we now know this is a lie. He can and should support some LGBTQ rights in a secular Government as POTUS (because of incorrect court rulings) (3) but when you voluntarily select someone because he meets the LGBTQ criteria, as Biden has done over and over, that is exhaltation and celebration. That nobody else but a “married” HS that worked for an Atheist Communist (George Soros) who has successfully altered our judicial landscape against Judeo-Christian traditions was qualified is implausible, unless he was told to do so.
Supporting and even exalting the tacit approval of homosexual marriage proves Trump cannot be Christian simply because, as far as I know, nowhere in any of the myraid versions of the Old/New Testament does HS marriage even exist. It was something that didn’t need to be said since the God of Abraham appeared nearly 4000 years ago.
Beyond the Anti-Religious example of the Uniparty (Atheist) World Order, Mr. Bessent is yet another huge Crypto promoter in the administration. He also worked as a European manager for one of George Soros’s hedge funds. Sorry Mr. Trump, but even though that was relatively early in his career, it just doesn’t seem quite right as a natural pick for you unless you were told to do it. Or, maybe you really do support him personally.
Either way, it’s more evidence of his Uniparty World Order involvement.
Mike Johnson
Trumps support for the current Speaker of the House may be most damning evidence for Trumps real allegiances.
Johnson wants never ending debt to finance our ever growing Government. This goes along quite nicely with Trumps push to remove Govt spending caps. He is also for NWO surveillance, and more of our cash for Clunkers (Ukraine). That alone seems to prove Trumps Uniparty bonifides. Ron Paul summed it up much better than I can.
“Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is reported to have bragged to his colleagues about how easily Speaker Johnson gave Democrats everything they wanted and asked for nothing in return,” Paul noted.
All of the people he supports and are now very close by his choice or theirs have one thing in common: Control of the masses by a more efficient but more powerful Government through AI technology.
And now, Trump appears completely on board with the most critical aspect of these controls. That’s the price paid to become POTUS and prevent Civil War.
But, you say, Trump is giving us prayer in schools. He is against “censorship”. He wants a strong economy so Americans can buy more stuff.
He says he is going to get rid of inflation (he won’t with his removal of the Debt ceiling, another Uniparty goal). He wants to make our food supplies safe and effective like his Operation Warp Speed mRNA injection programs.
Yes, to all that. I am not here to say Trump won’t do some good things, especially as compared to the installed regime of the last 4 years. However, in the Uniparty Long March we can pretend Trump is against Globalism (impossible with today’s Corporate America) just like we can pretend there isn’t 15% real cost of living inflation. The Psyop of the Uniparty will continue.
Trump STILL hasn’t come clean on Warp Speed and, as I have discussed before, is key to the #1 goal of the One World Order – the Final Solution to overpopulation. I will give him some credit that he has dialed back a bit on that (tho his ego can’t let him admit failure) and now may actually believe we might need regulation of Vaccine production per Robert Kennedy, Jr. That he had to learn that making injectable drugs that could be forced on human beings is not exactly like building construction is a bit scary.
Vaccines will likely continue to rollout under Trump and still without any liability for the manufacturer.
That won’t change as long as there are vaccines in our Uniparty world and Trump and his Uniparty handlers don’t want to kill the driving force in our immensely profitable Globalist healthcare economy.
Prove me wrong Mr Trump
Until 2020 when our world turned permanently upside down I never thought that there was the remotest possiblity of a surreptitious group of people controlling America, our Uniparty leadership and most of the Western World. Of course, I always knew about corruption in Government and how worthless politicians got rich just by being in politics, which should never happen. But after the switch was flipped by the Elites on Insurrection Day (November 3, 2020) I realized they did in fact have the power. And, by exposing themselves (indirectly by Trump), they could not relinquish that power and must remain thoroughly in control to avoid investigations and convictions, especially by the DOJ.
At this early stage in Trump’s 2nd Administration and given the evidence above, I would say it’s more likely than not that Uniparty is still in charge of America and taking orders from TPTB. Which goes downstream to the POTUS.
Maybe the most important thing Trump could do to prove he is not Uniparty would be to stop the Uniparty Psyops and have his DOJ file treason and anti trust/racketeering charges against the fake election conspirators and main instrument of power for the World elites – the American Legacy MSM. If he did that, which I have promoted incessantly on this website, I will gladly delete this post. I think that will happen when Hell freezes over, in Mar-A-Lago.
So, who are you Mr. Trump? Prove that I voted for someone that is for the American people, the Judeo-Christian tradition and Jobs over AI, the Stock Market and the ultimate revenge of the nerds, Big Tech.
Are you a man of the Uniparty elites or a true man of the People?
(1) Jews self-report Atheism by a wide margin over every other ethnicity in the world. In fact, it’s the majority.
(2) Of course, anything is possible with God. It can be seen by the fruits of the tree.
(3) In June of 2020, the Supreme Court held in its landmark case Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia that “harassment and discrimination based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation is unlawful sex discrimination.”
Sic Semper Tyrannis