IMAO This shooting Sounds like MKULTRA Delta’s or Special Ops Mind Controlled Assassins

Padlock the dead shooter even told a call girl His Mind Had been Hacked and he had no control over it.  Even the way Padlock died, by suicide, screams MIND CONTROL as programmed assets have Suicide Programming Laid in at the deepest levels of their subconscious.  That is Mind Control.  All the School Shooters were created in Project Orion as reported on by Bill Cooper, Military Intelligence and in that position he would’ve known.  These assets work for the British Monarchy & Empire who want citizens DISARMED so they are creating School Shooters/Mass Shooters setting them loose on the public to try to pass bills to disarm the public.  The Media will not report on this as this crime syndicate OWNS the media.

Las Vegas Shooting Map – Google My Maps


Due to the stealth helicopters it was for sure a Deep State Operation.

Comment:  Clearly there were multiple shooters at multiple locations.  Suspicious off the charts.  Some say shooters were in helicoptors.  Black Helicopters.  He is saying exfiltration but to me it means the helicopters would likely be to EXTRACT people.


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