What the Media is Not Telling You About Paul Bernardo, Canada’s Most Notorious Killer

This is what they WON’T tell you about Paul Bernardo, Canada’s most notorious killer, who is embedded in our collective consciousness as the Bogeyman who haunted the entire country in the 1990s

– He was a Freemason who was ritually abused as a child. Father Kenneth Bernardo was a pedo who abused his sister regularly
– Kenneth later revealed to be not his biological father.. Identity of real father a mystery to this day
-Paul and Karla were making snuff films for the elite
– Multiple elite people and politicians implicated as co-defendants, was hushed up when the Attorney General of CANADA intervened to block key evidence and grant Karla FULL IMMUNITY from prosecution (this never happens in Canada where deals for immunity are granted), the media called it “a deal with the Devil”
– The first known victim, Leslie Mahaffy, was a summer solstice sacrifice
– The second victim, Kristen French, was a Walpurgisnacht (April 30) sacrifice (the most important day of the year for satanists)
-a coroner who worked on her body later commented that there was sure signs of Satanic ritual abuse, it’s too graphic and I won’t go into further detail on that
-Paul was University roommates with Russell Williams, the cross-dressing serial killer who later became an Air Force pilot who flew the queen and Prince Philip around and they were in Canada… What are the odds???!??

-the two men would have competitions to see who could pick up the most women

May be an image of 6 people, phone and text

Comment:  ALL Secret Societies at the top are Satanic & they all answer to the Satanic British Empire.

May be an image of text

Ken Bernardo

Ken Bernardo looks like a really wicked man!

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