Why RFK JR Has to Support Israel to Get Into the White House (And ANY OTHER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AS WELL)

You don’t get into the White House if you do not support Israel- that is just how it works, so if he went against them he would be another Bernie Sanders.  Bernie Sanders had the Democratic Nomination STOLEN from him and given to Hillary Clinton even though he WON the Democratic Nomination by a landslide.  This is because the Jews run things and want a Greater Israel.  If there is any question a candidate will not support the Mass Murder of Palestinians and a Greater Israel created he will not be a Presidential Choice.  Period.  The U.S. has Rigged elections.  All our politicians at the top are ZIONISTS for a Greater Israel and pedophiles too.  If they don’t pass the bar they will not be allowed to be a people’s choice.  That is the way it is folks.

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