Powerful Child Abusers Always Get Away With Their Crimes While the Victims Suffer & Go to Jail
Council takes action against conspiracy theorists over ritual murder claims
MUST WATCH Video in link Above. Mass Graves of Murdered Children in MKULTRA Intelligence Projects.
Comment: Council is owned by the Criminal Cabal as Is Media. So are the Police & very scared looking Governor. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this here is the Reason Janet Ossebaard died. The cabal went after the Whistleblowers first jailing them with their corrupt courts, then it went after every entity publishing this story including Twitter.
No doubt in my mind the Intelligence Services could force the pills down her throat as alleged in the Marilyn Monroe Death. Then they threaten everyone affiliated with her and force them to read a scripted message in fear of their own lives. I know how the intelligence services work. They work thru BLACKMAIL. I personally do not trust Cynthia Koeter any more. I believe she is compromised. Note the Victims have NEVER Retracted their stories. They are the true Heroes!

A Dutch local authority is taking legal action against three people who for spreading claims that ‘satanic ritual child murders’ took place within its boundaries in the 1980s.
The rumours have led to the town cemetery being overwhelmed with flowers laid by conspiracy theorists, upsetting the relatives of children who are buried there, as well as threats against local officials.
Last week officials in Bodegraven-Reeuwijk warned they would take legal action against the three, if they did not remove all the claims they had made from social media. The three, all men, have not done so, hence the decision to take them to court. Two of the men live abroad.
All three are now being charged with disturbing the peace, at least, but the council has declined to say any more about the case ahead of formal investigation.
Since February dozens of bunches of flowers and notes have been left on the graves of children in the cemetery, prompting the council to bring in permanent security. The flowers are also removed at the request of relatives.
One of the three suspects is known as Joost Knevel, who lives in Spain. He claims to have recovered memories of witnessing children being murdered in Bodegraven and of being sexually abused by Jaap van Dissel, now head of the public health institute RIVM.
A second man, Micha Kat, described by the Volkskrant as ‘uncrowned king of the madhouse’ has been spreading the same stories. He currently lives in Northern Ireland and is already the subject of an extradition order in relation to an earlier case.
The third man, Wouter Raatgever, is a coronavirus activist who believes that the World Health Organisation is part of ‘the deep state’.
Two women were last week jailed for making threats against Van Dissel.
The Prosecution of the Child Victims:
Satanic pedophile network tales cost conspiracy “theorists” €215,000 in damages
Three conspiracy theorists must pay the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk over 215,000 euros in compensation after they spread stories about a satanic pedophile network, the court in The Hague ruled. Due to these stories, the town hall was defaced, and dozens of conspiracy theorists flocked to the local cemetery to lay flowers on children’s graves.
Comment: The Hague is controlled by Satanists as Satanists control the Entire EU via the European Commission all Satanic Talmudic Jews. As the Satanists control the legal system in the EU I would not expect fair treatment for these 3 men. Conspiracy “Theorist” is a pejorative label from the Intelligence Services who serve the top Satanists to discredit anyone telling the truth which would hold up in a fact based court.
The conspiracy theorists involved are Wouter Raatgever, Joost Knevel, and Micha Kat. All three of them are currently in custody.
Knevel, who grew up in Bodengraven, claims that in his childhood, he witnessed satanic child murders and was sexually abused by RIVM director Jaap van Dissel and a general practitioner. According to Knevel, the victims of these child murders were buried in the cemetery. No evidence was found for this story, but it nevertheless circulated in videos on the online platform Red Pill Journal. Comment: Well Dig up the Graves & Determine the Causes of Death by an independent Coroner!
The videos caused unrest, and the municipality had to arrange extra security around the cemetery. The municipality can now recover those costs from the trio. They also have to cover the municipality’s legal costs. The court gave this verdict earlier this month and published it on Wednesday.
Lawyer Cees van de Sanden, who represented the municipality in this case, spoke of a unique situation. “The court ruled that if you make all kinds of statements online and that later turned out to be untrue, you are financially responsible for the damage you cause,” he said to the Volkskrant.
The criminal trial against Raatgever and Knevel starts on June 10. They face charges of incitement and (death) threats against Van Dissel, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and the GP in Bodegraven. Kat is in custody in Northern Ireland, fighting his extradition to the Netherlands.
Reporting by ANP
Joris Demmink fighting journalist Micha Kat
Demmink is a Notorious Pedophile Famous for Raping Turkish Boys.
Congress Recognizes the Policy Implications of Child Trafficking Stemming from the Netherlands
3 U.S. Congressmen Write of Joris Demmink rapes of boys-following article.
Congress Recognizes the Policy Implications of Child Trafficking Stemming from the Netherlands
Requesting That the European Union Investigate
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Shared Hope International, The Rebecca Project and Johns Hopkins Protection Project are pleased to announce that the U.S. Congress has taken action regarding the lack of action of the European Union in investigating child sex trafficking in the pedophilia charges against Joris Demmink, a high ranking government official in The Netherlands, and requested this matter be broached at the next Interparliamentary meeting.
Congressmen Joseph Pitts (R-PA), Frank Wolfe (R-VA), and Christopher Smith (R-NJ) state in a letter just delivered to EU Chairman Christian Ehler:
“We write to you out of concern for the integrity of the European Union’s ongoing efforts to combat the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. As combating these crimes remains a top EU priority, we are alarmed by recent assertions of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice relating to the prosecution of the group ‘Martijn’ and allegations of child sex abuse against the ministry’s secretary-general, Mr. Joris Demmink.
As you may be aware, Mr. Joris Demmink has been accused of child rape. It is asserted that Mr. Demmink traveled to Turkey in the late 1990’s to carry out the abuse and rape of numerous victims, and furthermore, it has been asserted that Mr. Demmink used the power of his position to obstruct efforts to file complaints against him, and used investigations as a way to deter his accusers.
Mr. Demmink is accused of what could be considered child sex tourism, a form of human trafficking. Given the nature of the allegations against Mr. Demmik and his influence within the Ministry of Security and Justice, we are concerned that the Ministry may not be able to properly execute The Netherlands’ responsibilities under the EU Decision 2004/68/JHA, the Framework Decision on combating the sexual exploitation of children…”
Shared Hope International and The Rebecca Project are working to bring awareness to the global need to take seriously the threat presented to the world’s children by perpetrators of child sex trafficking, and bring justice to the victims of Joris Demmink. Mr. Demmink has eluded investigation, raising grave questions about the seriousness with which governments are combating human trafficking and protecting child victims of sexual exploitation in their country and those where their citizens may travel as child sex tourists.
Contact Janet Fallon at O: 703.469.3766, M: 703.625.2532, or proptionsdc@gmail.com, for interviews with:
Shared Hope International
Linda Smith (U.S. Congress 1995-99), Founder and President
The Rebecca Project for Human Rights
Imani Walker, Executive Director and Kwame Fosu, Policy Director
Conspiracy theorist jailed for incitement and threats (As Judicial System Is Owned By the Criminals)

Conspiracy theorist Micha Kat, who was extradited from Ireland to face charges last year, has been sentenced to two years in jail and three years probation for incitement and making threats against former RIVM chief Jan van Dissel, among others.
Neither Kat or his lawyer were in court to hear the verdict and sentencing. The public prosecution department had called for a four-year jail term.
The charges centre on comments made by Kat with two others about an alleged network of paedophile satanists based in the town of Bodegraven. ‘He called on others to take action against the paedophile network,’ the court said in its ruling. Van Dissel was said by Kat to be a leader.
Kat’s fellow conspiracy theorists were jailed last year.
The three were earlier ordered to pay €215,000 in damages to Bodegraven local council after it was forced to use its emergency powers to ban them from the graveyard where it said victims of the gang were buried, and bring in permanent security.
Jaap van Dissel, director Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) (foto Twitter)
Joris Demmink, former Secretary General of the Justice Ministry of the Netherlands speaking at the United Nations (foto BOUblog)
Over Jaap van Dissel, Joris Demmink en Joost Knevel
Published May 6, 2021
The Case Bodegraven (2021) (English)
Joost Knevel, Jaap van Dissel, Frans Bastiaansen
Meer informatie