MTG fresh off of appearing in a terrible rap video with some rapper with face tattoos, decided to show Hunter Biden sex pictures during a Congressional hearing. The hearing featured whistleblowers from the IRS who were blocked from investigating the Biden family.
After this stunt, nobody is talking about any of the Biden family’s crimes which involves bribery, corruption and other widespread criminality. They aren’t even talking about the IRS whistleblowers. No, instead people are being shown clips of MTG holding up a poster of Hunter Biden having sex with prostitutes and thinking that this whole thing is about Hunter’s sex life.
Why would MTG do this unless she was purposefully trying to make people think this is all about Hunter’s sex and drug habits? She’s actually doing the Biden family a big favor by doing shit like this and constantly posting things on social media about Hunter’s prostitute use. If not that, the only other explanation is that she is obsessed with Hunter and wants to him to have sex with him.
All of this distracts from the real scandal which was Hunter acting as a middle man on behalf of his father to collect bribes from foreigners in exchange for political favors. The sex and drug stuff is just a distraction from the real story.
This is long but it goes into detail about the Biden’s deposits and what they did with them. Deposits that the banks contacted the treasury about because the bank considered it proof of money laundering and of Dementia Joe being bought off while in office.
He does not realize that he does not weld the deadly power that the Clintons and Obozo have enjoyed.