A Resistance Site For Survivors of CIA, NSA, Tavistock, and Illuminati Mind Control
NATO is a criminal organization run by satanists.

NATO has incited a war in the Ukraine.

NATO has arranged false flag attacks.

NATO loves the occult.

Under OPERATION GLADIO A, NATO arranged false flag attacks, played up as terrorist attacks by leftist groups, to justify the destruction of people’s liberties.

Under OPERATION GLADIO B, NATO arranged false flag attacks, played up as terrorist attacks by muslim groups, to justify the destruction of people’s liberties.

Under OPERATION GLADIO C, NATO arranged false flag attacks, played up as terrorist attacks by lone shooters, to justify the destruction of people’s liberties.

They’re still at it as they seek to destroy people’s gun rights.

Under OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD, CIA controls the media.

So they send you the message, over and over, and over again, while you learn of every shooting they arranged: “Give us your guns….“

That’s the last thing you should do.

The satanic scum that run NATO, CIA, and their affiliates have a thing about magic days, lucky numbers, and astronomical events.

That’s why we saw the false flag of the coronavirus, their bioweapon, which I identified on this website, before the shutdown, connected to the promulgation of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act on the luciferian sabbat of 12/21/2001, the announcement of the Great Reset on 1/1/2020, and the declaration of a national emergency on Friday the Thirteenth.

And that’s why I was expecting something last Saturday on 1/21/23, last Sunday on 1/22/23, and yesterday on 1/23/23.

Dates like that are irresistible to satanic numerologists.

On 1/21/23, the deadliest shooting ever in Los Angeles County occurred, at the Star Ballroom Dance Studio, Monterey Park, so first responders received a call at PST 10:22 p.m., or 22:22, when a seventy-two-year-old man, Huu Can Tran, fired forty-two (42) rounds from a MAC-10 semi-automatic with a large-capacity magazine to shoot eleven people and wound nine, for a total of twenty (20) victims, under the new moon, on the Lunar New Year.

Then, a second incident occurred less than a half hour later, three miles away, in Alhambra, by a man identified as the same shooter, but a twenty-six-year-old hero, Brandon Tsay, disarmed the criminal, whoever he was, before he fled the Lai Lai Ballroom.

The seventy-two-year-old whom the police call the culprit is supposed to have killed himself immediately after the crimes.

There will never be a trial, so we will never hear his story.

How convenient, as the crimes solve themselves.

It’s almost as though someone planned them.

The first California shooting was on 1/21/23, but, then, on 1/23/23, first responders received a call a PST 2:22 p.m., as a sixty-seven-year-old suspect, Zhao Chunli, was alleged to have gone on another spree shooting at the Mountain Mushroom Farm, Half Moon Bay, California, killing seven people and injuring an eighth, with no motive, while he was arrested at PST 4:40 p.m.

Did I forget the third shooting of the weekend, in Baton Rouge, injuring twelve (12) people, on 1/22/23, preceded Half Moon Bay on 1/23/23, at 2:22, while it followed Star Ballroom on 1/21/23 at 22:22?

As I investigated the matter, looking up mass shootings in California, I found the last one before these, at Laguna Woods, allegedly by sixty-eight-year-old David Chou, on 5/15/2022, just a few hours before there was a lunar eclipse of the Full Moon, while the next two and most recent in California occurred at the Lunar New Year under the New Moon at Half Moon Bay and the Star Ballroom.

Do you think that is a coincidence?

The satanic imbeciles that arrange these attacks, and splash them through the media, are like the Zodiac Killer calling in clues to the police.

They are like punks that leave their gang-signs at the scenes of their crimes.

And they have a thing about the moon.

Buy some serious weaponry, in a paperless cash transaction, if it is legal for you to do so in your state.

Under NATO OPERATION GLADIO C and CIA OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD, they are coming for our guns.

NSA, DHS, and their affiliates use STASI techniques to make political dissidents, brave people, or just plain Americans look crazy.

Then they cry out for background checks….

Don’t fall for it.
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