The Facts Support That There IS An Agenda For World Domination


Is there really an agendafor world domination?

Since the beginning of time, power hungry madmen have attempted to seize control over the entire world. The desire to rule all of humanity is as old as humanity itself.

Roman emperor

Egyptian pharaohs, Asian emperors, European warlords, Roman emperors, Russian tsars, and British kings waged relentless wars, trying to gain absolute power over the rest of humanity. One world empire succeeded the other: the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Roman, Chinese, Spanish, British empires all had one goal: conquer the nations, and if possible… rule the entire world.

The age old desire for world domination is one of the most basic realities in the history of humanity.

Many people in our time have however been led to believe that the dark desire to rule the world has somehow miraculously disappeared. Nothing could be further from the truth. This diabolical lust is more alive and dangerous today, than ever before. New technologies and the all encompassing mind control by the omnipresent news media is creating unprecedented opportunities to enslave the entire human race, without most people even realizing it.

In the past, invading other nations was hard: iron clashed against iron, and every blast was answered with an even louder blast. Today the game has changed. In order to conquer the world, there is no longer a need for swords and spears, or guns and rockets.

All the invaders need to do, is tell the world that a terrible danger is threatening everybody, and most people will immediately surrender all their rights and freedoms, in order to feel “safe”.

After World War II the nazis were prosecuted during the historic Nuremberg trials. Judges were puzzled by the fact that Hitler had been able to get the support from the majority of the German people, for his insane mass murdering of millions of innocent people. Hitler’s right hand, Hermann Goring, explained how they did it:

“It’s easy. All you have to do, is tell them they are being attacked, and… they will follow their leader. This works in every nation.” Basically Goring said: simply make the people afraid, and they will do whatever you want, in order to feel safe again.

The Lord of the News


The tool to make the entire world terrified of some “terrible danger” is the news media. With news media you can control exactly what the public thinks. A synonym for news media is mind control. It’s essentially the same.

Most people brainlessly believe anything they see on the news.

Let the news tell the masses a dangerous virus threatens them, and they throw themselves at your feet, willing to do anything you demand, to keep them “safe”. Even drive around in their car, all by themselves, wearing a dirty, bacteria infested cloth on their face that keeps pure air out, and toxic air in. They even bring you their babies, and beg you to please inject them with an experimental, untested, gene altering cocktail of different toxins.

People will literally do anything, no matter how devastating it is to the well being of themselves, their beloved ones, and their fellow citizens, as long as it goes along with the hypnotizing mantra “this will keep you safe”.

Because of this, it has become a piece of cake for criminal rulers to submit the masses to their fingertips of totalitarian control. Especially because they have full control over all mainstream media. They acquired it for this very reason:

to have the ability to invade the mind of mankind and mold it exactly according to their agenda.

What is the supreme level of brainwashing?

Although the lust for world domination has been the common theme throughout history, in our day the mind control has reached the supreme level where it has led many to entirely reject the idea that there could be a plan to rule the world.

“Hahaha, that’s a conspiracy theory”, they echo loudly, brainlessly repeating what “the Lord of the News” told them.

Those who know history, are stunned by such display of stupidity, yet it is the perception of the majority of the public. Explain how powerful people with boundless financial resources are planning to dominate the world, and many will give you a blank stare… as if you just claimed the moon is one giant ball of vanilla ice cream.

The supreme level of brainwashing is when an entire population calls the most basic realities of human history a “conspiracy theory”.

To be continued…

What’s next?

In part 2 of the World Domination Series we will reveal who the entities are in our time, that plan for world domination. If you want to read the full 7 part series in one revealing post, then use this link:

If you miss one of the 6 emails in this series, then look into your sp@m folder. You will find it in there.

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David Sorensen

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