Nothing More SAVAGE Than the Way the U.S. Gov’t Has Treated NATIVE Americans! F__K the [Secret Society] Pedophiles Who Run the U.S. Gov’t!
I hate the word “Savage” because I know the dehumanizing and racist connotations that it has. However, during this Fourth of July weekend, I can’t help but be proud to be considered a descendent of the people that the Declaration of Independence describes as “merciless Indian savages.”
If welcoming new people to the land and teaching them how to bathe, farm, and survive makes me a savage, count me in.
If having to protect my family from the ungrateful people we helped survive makes me a savage, count me in.
If loving Uŋčí Makȟá (Grandmother Earth) and my place on Her makes me a savage, count me in.
If stopping the sex trafficking of our women and children makes me a savage, count me in.
If being willing to die for our traditional way of life the Creator gave us makes me a savage, count me in.
If believing there is honor in keeping my word when I make a deal makes me a savage, count me in.
I am a proud descendent of those they called savages. Their blood still runs through my veins, and their spiritual DNA still guides me today, and I am not ashamed.

The Hypocrisy of the United States Is SICKENING!
1. Are there any sanctions against ISRAEL for the murder and destruction of innocent Palestinian women and children?
2. Are there any sanctions against AMERICA for killing and destroying lives of innocent women and children in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam, and even stealing their diamonds and gold?
3. Were there any sanctions against AMERICA/FRANCE over the killing of Muammar Gaddaf and the destruction of Libya?
4. Has there ever been an American/NATO soldier ever been punished for raping and torturing innocent women/children of all the aforementioned countries?
5. Are there sanctions against FRANCE for causing crisis and unrest in several African countries? These are very war crimes America and NATO should be punished.
Maybe it’s time we understand that NATO, USA and all their allies are the most dangerous evils of our time. So we need to change the balance of power in the world and ensure everyone has equal rights and stop the oppressors. ·
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