Here We Stand With Rev. Kevin Annett
Here We Stand with Rev. Kevin D. Annett
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Talk Show:Here We StandShow Host:Rev Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand is the official voice of The Republic of Kanata and the Republican Party of Kanata. The weekly program is a platform to unite and mobilize the revolutionary remnant who are forming the basis of a new society based on equality, Common Law and liberty.
The Vision and Program of the Republicand the Party can be found here: Establishing Liberty: The Case for the Republic of Kanata –
The Republic and the Party can be contacted at Kevin’s email is .See also also Donations to Here We Stand can be made by writing to the emails above or through paypal c/o . Kevin’s recent books, available through Amazon, are listed below: Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada: Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion: Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual: At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada’s West Coast: , Truth Teller’s Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers & Hell Raisers: Establishing Liberty: The Case for the Republic of Kanata: Here We Stand: The Call of the New Protestant Reformation: Fallen – The Story of the Vancouver Four: The Sacrifice – Of Family and Empire: 1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada or, The Caucasian Healing Fund: The Border: A Post-Canadian Anthology – Kevin’s award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at See also an insightful personal interview “Who is Kevin Annett?” (2013) at: —
Listen to Kevin live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern at . See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at ShowsFeatured GuestsAudio Podcast FeedArticle FeedBlog FeedPromo Video ClipsFeedbackWeekly ShowBBS Station 1SundayStarts5:00 pm CTEnds5:55 pm CTEarth & SpaceHealth & LifestyleHistoryNewsPhilosophyPolitics & GovernmentReligionSociety and CultureSpiritualTheory & Conspiracy

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Biography of Kevin Annett (251.5 KB)
Here We Stand Talk Radio Show Program Archives, Episodes for Podcasting
Sort by Broadcast DateOrder AscDesc
Here We Stand, October 17, 2021 | How to Fight the Police State: A Dialogue with Kevin Annett and Owen Lucas, based on Kevin’s book ‘Truth Teller’s Shield |
Here We Stand, October 10, 2021 | Are we Ready for True Sovereignty? The Higher Challenge |
Here We Stand, October 3, 2021 | Becoming Fit for a New World: Stepping out from Official Murder and Lies |
Here We Stand, September 26, 2021 | 11,000 votes and climbing! The Republic of Kanata forges a treaty with the Chilcotin indigenous nation |
Here We Stand, September 19, 2021 | The Party’s Over, Folks: The Birth of a New World |
Here We Stand, September 12, 2021 | Declaring War against the Tyrant within us and outside us: Lessons from Two Fighters |
Here We Stand, September 5, 2021 | Fighting the COVID tyranny on our campuses: Free Conscience, Free Speech, Free Universities! |
Here We Stand, August 29, 2021 | How medical genocide created the COVID police state – and the play that Canada doesn’t want produced |
Here We Stand , August 22, 2021 | Don’t ratify the Police State: Why ‘Canadians’ should not vote on September 20 and should build the Republic |
Here We Stand , August 15, 2021 | Keeping the High Ground as the War Intensifies: Recent News and Views |
Here We Stand , August 8, 2021 | News of the Resistance and our Forgotten History, from Europe and Kanata |
Here We Stand , August 1, 2021 | Waging the Inner and the Outer Battle for Liberty |
Here We Stand , July 25, 2021 | Case Proven: Convicting and Disestablishing a Genocidal System on the ground |
Here We Stand , July 18, 2021 | Taking the Fight to the Enemy: Engaging in Political and Spiritual Warfare |
Here We Stand , July 11, 2021 | Overcoming our Orwellian World and its Medical Genocide: Remembering our History and Taking Action |
Here We Stand , July 4, 2021 | Our Answer to Genocide and Tyranny: A Spiritual-Political Remnant called the Republic of Kanata |
Here We Stand , June 27, 2021 | Fighting Genocide through our sovereign nations: A Conversation with Chilcotin indigenous Ambassador Suzanne Holland |
Here We Stand , June 20, 2021 | Convicted and Sentenced Already: Remembering the Evidence and the Campaign to stop Genocide in Canada |
Here We Stand , June 13, 2021 | An Insider and Survivor talks of the Canadian genocide and its official coverup |
Here We Stand , June 6, 2021 | Countering the Coverup: Remembering the MushHole excavation of murdered children in 2011 |
Rev. Kevin D. AnnettVancouverBCCanada

Other Websites:Kevin Annett, International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, Republic of Kanata, Kevin Annett’s Twitter AccountOccupation:Community minister, writer, film maker, whistleblower activistBiography:
Kevin D. Annett (Eagle Strong Voice) is a renowned Canadian whistle blower who has been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. A former, now blacklisted minister of the United Church of Canada, Kevin produced the award-winning documentary film on the Canadian Genocide, Unrepentant, in 2007. He has authored twelve books including the definitive account of the Canadian Holocaust: Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada (Amazon, 2016, His works can be found at
His persecution by the Canadian establishment over his persistent, selfless advocacy for indigenous victims of church and state genocide is an object lesson in the true nature and corruption of Canada and its churches.
In 1990, after obtaining degrees in Anthropology and Political Science at the University of British Columbia, Kevin graduated from the Vancouver School of Theology with a Master of Divinity, and was subsequently ordained by British Columbia Conference of the United Church of Canada. In 1990-1991 he served in churches in rural Manitoba, and in 1991-1992 served at the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto, an outreach street-ministry of The United Church of Canada. He was appointed minister to St. Andrew’s United Church in Port Alberni, British Columbia in 1992.
From early in his Alberni ministry Kevin discovered evidence of horrible crimes by his church shared by aboriginal survivors of the notorious “residential school” system. Giving them a platform from his pulpit, Kevin soon raised the ire of those responsible for the rape and murder of children in these “schools”, inside and outside his church. When he uncovered secret deals involving the theft of west coast native land by the United Church and its corporate benefactors, Kevin was fired without cause and expelled from ministry without due process, between 1995 and 1997. Church officers helped destroy his marriage and have his children taken from him, and defamed and blacklisted him across Canada.
All of this persecution merely fueled Kevin’s determination to bring out the truth of the Canadian genocide. Over the subsequent twenty years, he has made history by bringing out this truth and bringing to trial those responsible, in Canada, London and Rome.
In 2006, Kevin produced a documentary on this topic: Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada’s Genocide which won the 2007 award for ‘Best Documentary at the Los Angeles International Independent Film & Video Festival.
On 15th June 2010, Kevin Annett helped establish The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, which unites survivors of these crimes in 26 countries. The Tribunal established The International Common Law Court of Justice in September 2012, which successfully prosecuted Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth, Stephen Harper, Jorge Bergoglio and others for crimes against humanity.
Kevin Annett was a founding convener of the Republic of Kanata, proclaimed under common law on January 15, 2015, which lawfully replaced “crown” authority in Canada. He hosted the Republic’s media arm, Radio Free Kanata, from its inception in March 2015 to September 24, 2017. The complete programs of Radio Free Kanata remain archived at
On May 1, 2016, Kevin helped to establish the Covenant of Free Congregational Christians – the Covenanters – and with other elders of the Covenant launched its official voice, the blog radio program Here We Stand, on Sunday, October 1, 2017. It can be heard every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, at
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Can the Genocide be Stopped? with Kevin Annett on July 5, 2018, kevin annett
The Cover up of Genocide in Canada,
live from the University of B.C.
Kevin Annett, M.A., M.Div., takes us to the scene of the crime of cover up of Genocide at his Alma Mater, the University of British Columbia. A state-funded “Indian Residential Schools Healing and Dialogue Center” contains none of the actual evidence of crimes in Indian residential schools. Ironically, it’s situated next door to the library where Kevin discovered the evidence of mass murder in the “schools”. To see this evidence, see andThe Cover up of Genocide, University of British Columbia, kevin annett, scene of the crime, Genocide at his Alma Mater, state-funded, Indian Residential Schools Healing and Dialogue Center, evidence of crimes, evidence of mass murder
Genocide and its Cover Up in Canada: The Cause, Cover Up in Canada, The Cause
A Letter to a Killer, and the Jubilee Revolution Letter, a Killer, Jubilee Revolution
Breaking update interview with Kevin Annett and Dr. Katherine Horton – May 25, 2019
Kevin discusses his recent arrest and release, the blow back happening on those responsible, the move to expel the Vatican from the United Nations, and much more encouraging news and views. Please watch and share, and join the Common Law Revolution!
YouTube Video Link: Annett’s Arrest, Arrest and Release, Blow Back, Expel the Vatican, United Nations, Common Law Revolution
Uncovered! Mass Graves in British Columbia – Kevin Annett, Mass Graves, British Columbia, BC, kevin annett, Indigenous Women, Reverend Annett
Kevin Annett, the Canadian whistle blower who first exposed genocide by Church and State in his country’s “Indian residential schools”, describes how he was forced from his doctoral studies program in the Educational Studies Department and subsequently barred from lecturing at the UBC campus. The first documented evidence of mass murder in the residential schools was discovered by Kevin in the UBC Koerner Library archives between 1996 and 1998. then made public by him. See . Posted 7 July, 2019 Censorship, Genocide, Canadian Wistle blower, Indian residential schools, Educational Studies Department
Today’s interview of Kevin Annett by Dr. Katherine Horton on Kevin’s candidacy in the upcoming Canadian election
Kevin Annett to challenge Crown genocidal system as candidate for Republican Party of Kanata in upcoming Canadian election
YouTube Video Link: annett, Dr Katherine Horton, Candidacy, Canadian Election, Crown genocidal system, Repuclic Party of Kanata, Canada
On Hard Times and Santa Claus: Kevin Annett’s Whimsical Appeal
Using family memories and his usual offbeat humor, Kevin Annett asks for assistance for the global common law freedom movement. Is there really a Santa Claus? Will North Americans come to practice “we” more than “me”? Why does Kev’s father Bill still tell bad jokes? Find out and fork over, people! Children’s lives depend on it. Posted 9 November, 2019. See and .Hard Times, Santa Claus, kevin annett, Whimsical Appeal, Assistance, Global, common law, Freedom Movement, North Americans
Useful clips on multiple themes from Kevin Annett’s TV Election Interview, Toronto, September 2019
Kevin Annett – film maker and author of more than ten books – is the Canadian whistle blower who first exposed genocide by Church and State in his country’s “Indian residential schools”. His 2006 film UNREPENTANT about specific examples as told by indigenous Canadians was **Winner: Best International Documentary at the 2006 Los Angeles Independent Film Festival.
Kevin has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. His books include Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada and Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual.
The recent sixteen key clips of this Candid Interview with Kevin are – The Murder of Vicky Stewart by the United Church of Canada – Aboriginal Collaboration with the Canadian Genocide – Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission Fiasco – The Mass Grave at the Anglican Mohawk School: Its Uncovering and Subsequent Coverup
– The Canadian Election and Non-Cooperation with a Genocidal Regime – Kevin Annett’s Republican Campaign: Why the Crown has No Jurisdiction or Authority in Canada – The “Reconciliation” Illusion: How Language Enslaves and Fools Us – Censorship of Genocide at the University of BC: Kevin Annett’s experience – The Black-Ops Smear Campaign against Kevin Annett: Standing by our Truth and The Truth
– ‘How do you Endure?’ Kevin Annett on Surviving as a Truth Teller – Building the Republic of Kanata: How and Why – The Basis of our Self-Governance: A History – The Meaning of Kanata – Prime Minister Trudeau challenged to public debate by Kevin Annett prior to War Crimes Tribunal – Overturning Canada: Kevin Annett announces his Republican candidacy in federal election.
Tags: Genocide, Canada, Indian Residential Schools, Black Ops, Cover Up, Truth & Reconciliation Fiasco, Mass Grave, Non-Cooperation, Jurisdiction, Authority, Truth, Republic of Kanata, Self-Governance, Prime Minister Trudeau, War Crimes Tribunalkevin annett, TV Election, Election Interview, Toronto, Elections
Articles and Columns written by BBS Radio Talk Show Hosts
A New Muckraking Column is launched, Annett’s Weekly. On Big Pharma, Buried Children and more | October 19, 2021 | Info… | |
How to Fight the Police State. A Recent Insightful Interview with Kevin Annett, Eagle Strong Voice | October 14, 2021 | Info… | |
Republic of Kanata Election results, Reclaiming the Nation, and more | September 24, 2021 | Info… | |
Genocide whistleblower begins campaign tour, calls on Canadians to boycott treasonous election and vote for Republic of Kanata | September 24, 2021 | Info… | |
Mass Graves of Children, then and now. The Evidence they want you to forget | September 11, 2021 | Info… | |
Boycott mandatory vaccinations on our campuses. Launching the Free University as the Resistance grows | September 11, 2021 | Info… | |
An Open Letter and Appeal to American Academicians, Politicians and Citizens | August 24, 2021 | Info… | |
Special Update and Announcement from Kevin Annett and the sovereign Republic of Kanata | August 02, 2021 | Info… | |
A good recent overview of the Great Canadian Coverup with Kevin Annett on Shaun Attwood’s program | July 26, 2021 | Info… | |
Now Available! Understand the present tyranny with Kevin Annett’s latest book “Memoirs of a Revolutionary” | July 26, 2021 | Info… |
Blogs written by BBS Radio Talk Show Hosts
The historic record of the uncensored evidence of Church-State Genocide in Canada | June 19, 2021 | Info… | |
Remembering William Combes and 60,000 children at the scene of the crime, today in Vancouver – from an upcoming documentary | June 09, 2021 | Info… | |
An excerpt from my upcoming book | April 15, 2021 | Info… | |
From Kevin Annett and his Family. The Light that Never Dies | April 11, 2021 | Info… | |
I am issuing this statement to legal counsel, the public and diplomatic human rights observers. | March 29, 2021 | Info… | |
When Theresa met Bonnie. A Romantic Comedy by Kevin Annett – To Be Broadcast soon | December 17, 2020 | Info… | |
Upcoming TV interview with Kevin on That Channel in Toronto | August 10, 2020 | Info… | |
Take Back the Nation Rally – August 5, 2020 on Parliament Hill, Ottawa | July 11, 2020 | Info… | |
Excerpt from my upcoming book Unbroken | April 27, 2020 | Info… | |
It’s happened. The police state is unfolded in Canada, starting in Alberta. NOW will we act. | April 20, 2020 | Info… |
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Hello, I just wanted to say one day in 2010, I was asking God about the city of Kamloops.I live in Kamloops at present. What was the mystery about this city .. Then I started typing Queen abducted children for no reason, that is when your name came up. I bought the book Unrepentant and listen to all your videos about the First Nations people. I even went to the Kamloops Residential School after reading your book. That day was the day I discovered truth about Canada. I just wanted to let you know how I listen to your show. Thank you for speaking the truth. I always wondered about the residential children, as my brother would invite some boys to his birthday party when we lived in Brandon Manitoba. Keep revealing the truth.
~ Phyllis CorriveauPath: New CommentFeedback:
The Kevin Annett I know
How does one describe a bright valiant soul like Kevin? I want to try. After all these years, I owe it to him.
I first saw Kevin at a riot. He was seventeen and holding a megaphone. The cops were shoving people around but Kevin was standing there unafraid and unbending, keeping his cool.
The scene looked kind of funny to me, an uninformed bystander. Here were all these long haired freaks going crazy outside the U.S. consulate, fighting with Vancouver’s finest, and there was Kevin, speaking calmly, trying to get the cops to stop what they were doing and arrest the real criminals, the visiting Chilean dictators who’d just murdered 30,000 people. A strong, brave, passionate voice of good will and reason right in the eye of the storm. That was Kevin.
I’m one of those, I guess we’re the majority, who love bright souls like Kevin from the sidelines because we’re too afraid to risk what he does and face what he’s endured through his life just for being who he is. Just because we lack his valor doesn’t make us love him any the less. But for a long time my cowardice made me afraid to approach him. When I did I was even more impressed. My admiration for him has only increased over the years.
I was a mousy girl in the high school I went to with Kevin, University Hill. I showed up there in grade eleven and I never mixed much, especially after one of the teachers there raped me and I got threatened to shut up about it. That made me burn inside with anger and a gut feeling for anyone who gets screwed over and shut down to protect some asshole. The same kind of righteous outrage that won’t look away that Kevin has always carried.
We only spent a year together at U Hill before Kevin and I went our own separate ways. But it was hard for me to lose contact with Kevin. He’s not the kind of guy to stay unnoticed, as you may have noticed.
Some ignoramus in our grad class said Kevin was the one most likely to become Prime Minister. The funny thing about that statement is Kevin is a born revolutionary. I mean that in a good way. He can’t tolerate any wrong, no matter who’s doing it. And he dreams of a world without somebody screwing or exploiting somebody else. From what I can see, he’s never let go of that dream.
In 2004 I reconnected with Kev face to face after he’d been thrown out of the United Church for exposing their residential school house of horrors. I came to one of the information pickets he and a few Indians were holding outside one of the downtown Vancouver churches. There was that same smiling, fearless Kevin. He was happy to see me there. He didn’t judge me like I judged myself, for being too chicken shit to do anything about all the bullshit in the world for so long. It was enough for him that I was there.
I think Kev is the only man I’ve ever trusted. He is gentle to his core but as hard as iron. He has an other worldly quality about him that lets him be present with anyone. He really is able to love his enemies to their face, not just as a nice idea. Like on the day we picketed that church together, the United Church minister came out and started screaming at Kevin and heckling him, taunting him, hitting him low blows about not being a good father and husband. Kev’s wife had left him by then and he’d had his daughters taken from him. But in all his pain and personal loss, and with all that hatred thrown in his face, Kev didn’t strike back. The hate and vile shit didn’t faze him. He stared his attacker down and kept trying to reason with him and reach his heart. I’ve never seen anything like it.
I don’t think a sick world like ours will ever understand or honor a man like Kevin. That’s why I had to write this. At least someone sees him and maybe if there is a God that’s enough for Him. I know Kev’s always been there for people like me, the silenced and messed up victims who never get their say or day in court. Fighting for us is enough for him. Knowing that there’s even one like Kevin Annett in our world is enough for me.
I didn’t think I could write this because of all my demons and my shame for wasting my life. But at least part of me is inspired by Kevin’s light, knowing that it will never go out. My love and respect for him has no words. He is still walking his lonely road and I wish him all the hope and love and happiness that he has brought me and so many others.
AnnaPath: New CommentFeedback:
BBS, thankyou for taking on Kevin’s show, “Radio Free Kanata”!! I have renewed my membership and look forward to hearing his show!Path: New Comment