Palestinians Today, Americans Tomorrow? Congresswoman Drafts Bill to Protect Palestinian Children
Shocking, Gruesome Details Emerge of Israeli and US Torture of Palestinian Prisoners – Much Worse than Falluja
Gruesome details have recently emerged of Israel’s torture of Palestinian prisoners, with the US standing by as complicit partners in these shocking atrocities.
One prisoner was hospitalized for kidney failure and 11 broken ribs. Another had his genitals bitten by a security dog while a third man was left wheelchair-bound and unrecognizable.Whitney Webb(Mint Press) Tue, Feb 25, 2020 | 1100 words 3,128 53THE JEWISH QUESTION
New allegations have surfaced claiming that Israel’s domestic intelligence agency, Shin Bet or Shabak, is engaged in the brutal torture of Palestinian detainees, despite the practice being against both Israeli and international law. The new accusations, deemed “very credible” by both Israeli and Palestinian rights groups, come amid a recorded spike in the use of torture on Palestinian detainees by Israeli authorities.An actor is seen demonstrating the “banana” method, one of several standard torture techniques reportedly used by the Shin Bet during interrogations of Palestinian prisoners. (AP Photo)
The latest cases involve three Palestinian men who were detained as part of the extensive manhunt that followed an August 23 bombing that killed an Israeli settler and teenager Rina Shnerb. The three men, living in the occupied West Bank, were detained per Israel’s controversial practice of “administrative detention,” whereby Israel may detain an individual for months or even years without charging them with a crime.
The lawyers and family members of the three main suspects have asserted that all three men suspected of links to the bombing had been tortured to the point of needing hospitalization, with one of them being admitted for kidney failure and 11 broken ribs before subsequently being returned to the custody of Israeli interrogators. Another of the men had his genitals bitten by a security dog while the third man was wheelchair-bound and unrecognizable to his wife when he appeared in a courtroom.
While these three Palestinian men’s experiences are extreme cases, the same Shin Bet investigation also tortured several other detainees in less severe ways but nonetheless left them traumatized. Those detainees were released after weeks in detention and were never charged. Shin Bet also arrested family members of detainees and, in some cases, paraded them in front of detainees in order to create the impression that their wives and children would also undergo the same harsh treatment.
Though the manhunt and resulting torture of Palestinian suspects took place months ago, reporting on the incidents was delayed due to an Israeli court-mandated gag order that was renewed multiple times since it was first issued last September. That gag order, in effect for well over three months, also made court proceedings of the three main suspects in the case closed to the public and prevented family members from attending court, with few exceptions.
A spike in torture
The alleged torturing of prisoners in connection to the August 23 bombing occurred during a period when the use of torture of West Bank Palestinians by Shin Bet spiked dramatically, according to the Palestinian prisoner rights organization Adameer, which issued a report last month that contained hard evidence of “the systematic use of torture and ill-treatment” against Palestinian detainees at the Al-Mascobiyya interrogation center.
The torture of detainees, though often denied by Israeli officials, is technically illegal.
Yet, a loophole provided in the same 1999 Israeli Supreme Court ruling that made the practice illegal has allowed it to continue, as the ruling only prohibited torture of detainees unless there was suspicion of an imminent attack. This loophole has routinely been used by Shin Bet, especially given that Shin Bet officials who engage in the practice have done so for decades with impunity. Indeed, while over one thousand official complaints against the Shin Bet related to its use of torture have been filed since 2001, only one has ever gone to court — a 2017 case which is still open.
In addition, the use of torture has been supported by a cadre of doctors who work with Shin Bet by approving brutal interrogation tactics, falsifying medical reports and engaging in other activities that provide justifications for the use of extreme and internationally-condemned interrogation methods.A fierce dog bares its fangs at an Iraqi prisoner at Abu Ghraib camp in Iraq
[LD] One of the three Palestinian suspects, illegally detained by Shin Bet, “had his genitals bitten by a security dog”. (See above). Israeli doctors were no doubt close at hand, monitoring the situation and attempting to provide medical assistance to make sure the detainee in question managed to survive in order to face brutal interrogation again. We learn from widely publicised reports that American doctors, as well as Israeli “advisers” in “enhanced interrogation techniques”, were in full use at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib torture camps. We now learn that Israel has developed sophisticated new torture techniques and is utilising them against detainees in Occupied Palestine. [LD]
The doctors’ support would also likely help to protect Shin Bet officials in the event that more of these torture cases ever went to court.
One likely reason for the culture of the impunity is the tacit approval of a large portion of the Israeli populace regarding the use of torture on those deemed “enemy combatants.”
For instance, one poll of youth between the ages of 20 and 35 conducted in 16 countries last month found that Israeli youths were by far the most supportive of the use of torture, with only 23 percent of Israeli respondents opposing the practice, compared to the international average of 55 percent. ISRAELI SETTLERS attacking a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. It is obviously out-of-control Jewish bullies like this who back the torture of Palestinian prisoners. [LD]
As to why the last few months have seen a spike in reports of the torture of Palestinian prisoners, the answer is not entirely clear.
One possible explanation could be related to the U.S.-Israeli push to enact the so-called “Deal of the Century” as well as the current political upheaval in Israeli that has seen the country awaiting its third election in less than a year, as embattled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sought to promote his tough-on-crime and security-focused stances during the prolonged election season.
LD: What the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians today, they will arguably be more than capable of doing to the American people tomorrow in Zionist Occupied America. Just give them time.
Remember the chilling words of Jewish intellectual Yossi Gurvitz (pictured here) who revealed the grim truth behind the Jewish trick of pretending to be being nice and friendly as long as Jews are in a relatively weak position, but of being mercilessly cruel “when Israel is mighty.” (See here for full details).
Note that Israel has already deemed itself powerful enough to kill and torture American citizens with impunity. If you doubt this, read this recent article by Philip Giraldi giving the gory details.
We are all Palestinians now.
Source: Mint Press

Zaphod Braden Billo • 15 days ago
The greatest betrayal of Christ Jesus since “The KISS” of Judas Iscariot.
Trump’s “SUPER SUPERIORITY” Executive Order for Jews. The order will effectively interpret Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion, to trigger a federal law penalizing colleges and universities, and soon (((lawyers))) will expand it to cover Worshiping CHRIST since Judaism has hated and attacked Christ for 2,000 years.
For the first time since Emperor Constantine recognized Christianity in the 300th Year of Our Lord, Christians are relegated to SECOND CLASS CITIZENSHIP. 1700 years and JUDAS trump ISCARIOT again betrays CHRIST.
The first step in legalizing State sponsored Christian Persecution.
Trump has set the legal precedent for the subjugation of Christianity.
Trump just set the legal foundation for the TRIBULATION so many fret about.
Crosses on Churches ALREADY “offend” Jews . … so do Nativities, Carols, Trees …. Where do you think the “War on CHRISTmas” originates? Jews refuse to acknowledge Jesus or the NEW Testament and Trump just handed them the weapon to attack.
Talk about “War on Christmas” … Like King Herod attempting to murder the Baby Jesus, King Trump has launched an attack on CHRISTianity by Officially Legalizing the elevation of Judaism ABOVE Christ, just 13 DAYS before CHRISTmas.
The USA has a “National Menorah” but NOT a “National Nativity
There is a “christmas tree” but that is nothing but a DECORATION .
Passing an executive order that prohibits First Amendment freedom of speech and religion on college campuses, elevates Zionistic Judaism to de facto state religion status, makes every Christian and non-Jew in America second-class citizens and prohibits any criticism of all things Israel on college campuses—which by implication prohibits the reading of the New Testament.
It gets biblical because he is establishing the Legal Precedent which will become “anchored in Law” and lasts forever————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
And witness the fate of Congresswoman Betty McCollum from Minnesota, who fell afoul of the Israel Lobby when she introduced H.R.2407, legislation that prohibits American taxpayer money from being used by Israel to arrest and detain Palestinian children. She stated that “Israel’s system of military juvenile detention is state-sponsored child abuse designed to intimidate and terrorize Palestinian children and their families. It must be condemned, but it is equally outrageous that U.S. tax dollars in the form of military aid to Israel are permitted to sustain what is clearly a gross human rights violation against children.” She might have added that the estimated 10,000 Arab children who have been detained since 2000 are frequently tortured by the Israeli authorities. The bill currently has 23 cosponsors and is unlikely to attract more due to fear of the Lobby. It will never reach the House floor for a vote and will never become law.
McCollum’s courage was on display when she was viciously attacked by AIPAC, which posted Facebook ads that referenced “radicals in the Democratic party,” including a photo of McCollum, with the text stating that “It’s critical that we protect our Israeli allies especially as they face threats from Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah ISIS and — maybe more sinister — right here in the U.S. Congress.” McCollum stood her ground against being called “more sinister” than ISIS and released a statement that describes AIPAC as a “hate group,” which of course it is, but she will find few in the Democratic party brave enough to defend her.
Pro Palestinian Legislation Stalled in Congress:
Sponsor: | Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] (Introduced 04/30/2019) |
Committees: | House – Foreign Affairs |
Latest Action: | House – 04/30/2019 Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. (All Actions) |
This bill has the status Introduced
Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:
- Introduced
- Passed House
- Passed Senate
- To President
- Became Law