Trump’s “Deal of a Century” is a Great Deal for Jews

As expected, Donald Trump’s so-called “Deal of a Century” is a terrific deal for Jews and a raw deal for the Palestinians.

By infostormer -January 29, 2020

Jerusalem Post:

US President Donald Trump unveiled his “Deal of the Century” together with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House on Tuesday.

“We are not here to lecture—we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership – based on shared interests and values – to pursue a better future for us all,” the president said, as he unveiled a vision that the White House said is the “most serious, realistic and detailed plan ever presented, one that could make Israelis, Palestinians and the region safer and more prosperous.”

The peace plan, which Trump said was already supported by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main rival Blue and White head Benny Gantz, would give Israel full control of the settlements and its undivided capital in Jerusalem.

“If they are genuinely prepared to make peace with the Jewish state,” Netanyahu said, “Israel will be there. Israel will be prepared to negotiate peace right away.”

Trump said that the United States will recognize Israeli sovereignty over any land that “my vision provides to to be part of the State of Israel” and will require the Palestinians to recognize Israel as the Jewish state and to agree to solve the refugee problem outside of Israel.

The plan also establishes a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem.

The plan gives the Palestinians a small fraction of the land that has been stolen from them by the invading Jewish terrorists. Yet Trump and the Zionist Israeli regime are boasting about how great of a deal it supposedly is.

Just look at how much land these Jews have stolen since the 1940s. This plan barely gives them a small fraction of what was once considered Palestine.

The Palestinians have already said that the deal is dead on arrival and it is easy to see why. The plan was devised with no input from them. It is just a propaganda ploy by Trump and Israel to make the Israelis seem reasonable. The whole plan was written by and approved by Jews.

Palestine PLO-NAD@nadplo

Achieving peace requires first and foremost respect and adherence to the fundamental principals of international law. The U.S. plan recognizes Israel’s illegal colonization and annexation of occupied lands belonging to the State of Palestine. #PeaceNotApartheid

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There’s already been all sorts of Palestinian protests against the plan.

Daily Caller@DailyCaller

Palestinians in Gaza City burn a picture of President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu in reaction to their unveiled Middle East peace plan46212:47 PM – Jan 28, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy631 people are talking about this

The plan is so obviously Jewish that an Israeli named Mairav Zonszein felt compelled to write an op-ed for the Washington Post blaming Trump’s overt pro-Israel shilling on Christian Zionism. Never mind the fact that Christian Zionism itself is a phenomenon that was created by Jews to undermine Christianity. Historically, Christianity was a force against Jews largely due to the fact that Jews were responsible for killing Jesus Christ.

It’s comical to blame Christians for Jews but that’s exactly what this Israeli skank was shilling in her op-ed. It’s like blaming a murder victim for their own murder.

This entire situation reveals once again how America is totally controlled by Jews and Israel. The only silver lining to all this is that Trump’s over the top shilling for Jews and Israel is making this fact so obvious and transparent to even the most dumb and low IQ of individuals. This is making some Jews nervous with a number of them freaking out about a possible goyim uprising against them.

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