Japan Gave Washington D.C. Thousands of Cherry Trees in 1912

In 1912, the Japanese government gave the United States thousands of cherry trees to grace the Tidal Basin in our nation’s capital. While the white-flowering yoshino cherry trees receive most of the attention, Japanese flowering cherries (Prunus serrulata) were also donated and planted. Always prone to disease, this species can grow in the colder winter parts of Louisiana, but don’t expect the trees to live for very long. Among the cultivars of Japanese flowering cherry are Kwanzan and Mt. Fuji.

My Comment: What the Japanese got for thanks was yellow peril black propaganda, about 8 war embargos (acts of war), blockades of oil which they were dependent upon threatening a shut down of the entire Japanese economy and being forced into WW2. Then they got massive discrimination in the United States, forced internment into camps, loss of their property, and more ZIONIST Black Propaganda spread about them being the ENEMY. America: Know your real enemy; Your Lying Media!

Asians are still being beaten and murdered in the U.S. in High Schools, Grade Schools, bars, etc. primarily by blacks but also by whites. The discrimination is massive almost akin to post Civil War Hatred of the Blacks. The worst discrimination is in Philly, PA and in rural small towns across the United States of America. Most countries do not feel America is their friend, honest or reliable. In fact America is now the most hated country in the world. This is the way we treat our ‘allies.’ As of now, I believe America doesn’t have any allies at all-ONLY ENEMIES! No one likes America on the International Level. They all like Putin.

Furthermore, the U.S. Base in Japan is privy to kidnappings and murders of women and schoolgirls as young as 12 as well as gang rapes. The U.S. brass could give a shit less about this just as they don’t give a shit about their own enlisted women being gang raped. And I personally know of one who was gang raped by two drill sergeants and another Brass. The commander told her if you make a complaint I will give you an undesirable discharge which means you will be handicapped for life when seeking work.

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