Monthly Archive: March 2019

The Palestinian Genocide Courtesy of ZIONIST Israel

Commemorating Land Day 2019   STEPHEN LENDMAN13 hours ago  War and Terror  Middle East News  Guest Content  Share Tweet by Stephen Lendman  Since last weekend, Israeli warplanes preemptively terror-bombed Gaza and Aleppo’s Sheikh Najar region overnight,...

SANHEDRIN Prepare to Build Third Temple

Siouxsi SiouxThe Lamb was sacrificed 2000 years ago. This is done in rejection of Christ. Pure evil.Tracey BeeThe “COURT” of Sanhedrin….. The Noahide court. The Noahide laws for all the gentiles. The 70 seats....

China’s Ghost Cities Soon to Have Residents

My Comment: First it will be 5G all over the United States. Then a dollar collapse. Then an EMP attack. Then WW3 amid natural disasters with Russia & China. Then the United States people...

The Coming Eurasian World

The Coming Eurasian World

The Coming Eurasian World of Lyndon LaRouche Join us LIVE Saturday at 2pm eastern featuring Jacques Cheminade, president of the French party, Solidarité & Progrès. Lyndon LaRouche’s 2005 book “Earth’s Next Fifty Years,” contains an...