How They Manipulate Us & Hate US!

How They Do It–‘Subpoena the Interpreter’by TUT editor

There are real costs to such a move—but the public needs to know what was said between Trump and Putin.

ed note–and, here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men…

The author of this piece, David Frum–

Is a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster and who is closely aligned with this guy–

Eliot Cohen, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–

Bill Kristol, also a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster who is aligned with this guy–

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Paul Wolfowitz, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–

Robert Kagan, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, 

…As well as his portly brother, who are both aligned with this guy–

Max Boot, a lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster who is aligned with this gal, Jennifer Rubin

A lying, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangstress and NeoCon Israel firster, and who is aligned with this guy–

Eli Lake, a lying, seditious, warmongering, Jewish supremacist gangster and NeoCon Israel firster, who is aligned with this guy–

…That is, before he recently died and went to hell…

And who are all deeply, DEEPLY plugged into Israel’s Likud party, Israel’s intelligence apparatus and who were all in some way intimately involved not only with the events of 9/11, but as well, the disastrous ‘clash of civilizations’ that followed, better known as the ‘war on terror’.

In addition to this, they are all deeply, DEEPLY committed to seeing Trump impeached, and for the singular reason that he stands opposed to any new military adventures for Israel’s benefit and is dedicated to reigning in this Judaic mad dog before it blows up the entire world.

Also keep in mind, that an entire gaggle of geniuses, experts, and prophets, some of the ‘brightest luminaries’ in fact within the ‘9/11 truth movement’, find themselves in the peculiar and perplexing circumstance of standing alongside these aforementioned warmongering, Neocon Zionist Jews by lending their voices and their support in causing Trump as much discomfort as possible, thus assisting Israel in her drive to see this guy–

Mike Pence, a died-in-the-wool Christian Zionist, take over as the new occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Just try doing the math on that one…

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again and for the simple reason that there are still quite a few out there who just don’t seem to ‘get it’ yet–

Gangsters don’t shoot the horses they have bet all their money on to win in a race they have fixed. They give them an open road to 1st place and only a political dolt who has as much business performing brain surgery as they do rendering commentary and analysis on complex and oftentimes convoluted political drama can’t see this.

Now as it pertains this particular piece by Frum…

Frum, a hardcore NeoCon Jew who was instrumental not only in helping get George W. Bush elected, but as well, in helping engineer the invasion/destruction of Iraq per Israel’s demands, is not writing this piece to ‘help’ Trump. He is not doing this because Trump is the ‘favored son’ of Judea who was put into office by Jewish interests to start WWIII as so many ‘experts’ within the 9/11 ‘trooth mooovemnt’ claim.

He is doing this for no other reason than as a concerted effort/conspiracy in trying to get Trump removed before he can get too far with his ‘ultimate peace deal’ that will end the United States’ involvement in the wars in the Middle East, thus requiring Israel to go to the great risk of pulling off YET ANOTHER 9/11 that this time might not work out so favorably for her.

Furthermore, and to the great angst of those who are die-hard Trump supporters who might not like the implications associated with the following statement, it is entirely possible that indeed during the 2016 elections–without Trump’s knowledge–Russia DID supplant AIPAC and the sprawling tentacles of the Judaic octopus that has had a total lock on the political/electoral process in America in order to prevent the ascension of one Hillary Rodham Clinton who would have done anything and everything required of her, including not only more war in the Middle East, but indeed, war with Russia as well.

Would a country run by a practical/tactical-thinking leader such as Putin have engaged in their own brand of ‘influence’ peddling in order to prevent what could have/would have been WWIII?

Borrowing a phrase made popular by a certain Alaskan governor airhead running for the Vice Presidency a few years back, ‘you betcha’.

Once again, it is all about WAR folks, and for those out there who consider themselves political experts by virtue of their facebook profile featuring all sorts of pro-Palestinian memes and slogans who are/have been joining their own efforts to those of the aforementioned NeoCons listed above, there are no greater friends that Israel has in the US than those ‘troothers’ who have been adding their voices to the organized screeching campaign taking place on a daily basis in trying to get a war-reluctant president impeached and replaced with his Christian Zionist opposite. Read more of this post

TUT editor | 01/16/2019 at 9:34 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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